Sunday, May 17, 2015

Bergoglio: Is there a Catholic God?

Bergoglio: Is there a Catholic God?
Fr. Voigt, The Resistance 

Months ago Fr. Bergoglio, as he wishes to be called (alias Pope Francis) remarked that he did not believe in a Catholic God. So now as we prepare for the feast of Pentecost I thought it appropriate to analyze that statement from the perspective of the tradition handed down to all  Catholics from the time of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Is there a Catholic God?
St. Thomas Aquinas as well as St. Bonaventure and others have stated that man by use of his reason can come to the conclusion that there is a God but he cannot by his reasoning come to the conclusion that there are three Persons in one Godhead. Only through the revelation presented by our Lord can we come to know the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In fact our Lord in the Gospel today tells the Church that it is good for us that He go in order that He might send the Holy Ghost. Now this truth is necessary for the salvation of one's soul. We must believe that there is one Godhead and that there are three Persons in God. This is a Catholic God. Unlike Mohammed who claims that Allah is God and unlike the Jews who claim the God of the old testament; the Catholic knows the Triune God because of the revelation of the Son.

Now the uniqueness of this vision plays itself out in the formation of the Mystical Body of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the Mystical Body we
recognize four distinct attributes which give us claim to being the true
Church, the only Church. This brings us to the second truth that must be believed for salvation: Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God born of the Virgin Mary; He is the Word made Flesh. There is no salvation outside of the Mystical Body (the Church) of our Lord. Now the Jews denied Him and the other denominations reconstruct His teachings according to their own fancies. They must come to recognize the only true Church in order to find the salvation they desire. This is the purpose of the descent of the Holy Spirit: to teach us the fullness of Truth. There is a Catholic God and He has formed a Catholic Church.

This Catholic Church possesses One Sacrifice and One Doctrine. Hebrews 9:22
makes very clear the designation of the Father Who clothed our first
parents in the skin of the lamb (Gen. 3:21) that without the
"shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins." Hence the one Sacrifice of the Lamb of God which was truly bloody upon Golgatha is re-presented upon the Catholic altars daily for the forgiveness of sins. Since God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow then His sacrifice must remain the same: it cannot change without the loss of the uniqueness of the Sacrifice. This precious sacrifice is the metaphysical glue which unites the doctrine of our Lord with His ultimate and extreme act of love. Yes, there is a Catholic God
who gave us a Catholic sacrifice to bring all souls back to the Father.
Logically, this sacrifice calls us to holiness, another mark of the true faith and the true Church. Holiness is the separation of the worldly from the
sacred. An act is holy when it is given totally to God for the sanctification of the soul. The Catholic Church is holy for it possesses the sacraments that produce divine life in the souls of its members. The primary means of sanctification are the sacraments of holy confession and holy communion. After our Lord's victory over sin and death He showed His apostles His
hands, His feet and His side. All were opened but no blood came forth; all His blood had been shed on Calvary and now the principle of life would be the Holy Spirit. Contrary to Jewish custom the Catholic Church worships on the
day of the Resurrection (Sunday) and not on the Sabbath (Saturday). In
fact the precepts of the Church require attendance at the holy Mass on
Sundays and Holy days.

Today in the New Church there is a return to the sabbath worship due to the Jewish influence upon the Catholic faith through the Second Vatican Council. Now the new order church is called the Conciliar Church or the Church of the New Advent (their terms). The Mystical Body of Christ is placed in a closet much like the Blessed Sacrament is being placed in a back room in many Churches today. The Saturday night mass has become popular because it is convenient and leave the faithful free for fun on Sunday with no
obligation to attend holy mass. What nonsense these Convenient Catholics use to justify the change. It feels better; I like it better. What about the doctrine of the Church? What about the truth of the Resurrection? Does 1900 years of faith just go up in the smoke of one's feelings?
There is a Catholic God Who will come as Judge when the world is consumed in fire and that may not be so far off with all the apostasies tearing apart the
Catholic Church today. Yes, this is the Catholic Church which was formed
from the wounded side of Our Lord Jesus Christ upon a Cross. It is
Catholic because it is meant to go throughout the whole world and
preach the Good News that God so loved the world that He sent His only
begotten Son that whosoever believed in Him and was baptized in His
Blood receives the potential to be saved. A Catholic God demands a
Catholic Church.
Finally, this Catholic God calls the Catholic Church to be Apostolic. Go forth and preach the good news to all nations and baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Our salvation hinges upon these four truths: 1) that God is one; 2) that there are three Persons in one Godhead; 3) that the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity became Flesh and 4) that He suffered and died for us to receive the forgiveness of our sins.
Support the RESISTANCE!
Now the Spirit is calling us to be bold and hold to the fullness of faith in
these days. Fr. Gruner has past the torch onto to us to persevere till
death in this glorious faith. Reject the apostasy of the worldly and
practice the faith of the saints and pray that the Holy Spirit will once
again transform the world.
In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Father Voigt

1 comment:

  1. Glory to God! Deo Gratias! I thank you Father for clarifying things and standing for the ONE, TRUE, CATHOLIC CHURCH, founded by our LORD JESUS CHRIST! Indeed, JESUS IS GOD, the GOD of CATHOLICS! VIVA KRISTO REY! Francis is a HERETIC! I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY HE BECOME THE POPE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH!
