Saturday, February 21, 2015

"Fast and the Furious"

"Fast and the Furious"
True Story of Catholic mystic Marie Julie Jahenny

To provide the readers of TradCatKnight with some extra motivation (as if we should need any) I provide an excerpt from the autobiography of esteemed Catholic mystic Marie Julie. She frequently battled the devil, spoke with the angels and Jesus and Mary. She is approved. Let us try our very best in accordance with the graces God gives us to "go above and beyond" what the Church requires of us this lent in regards to abstinence and fasting. The world will soon be plunged into utter darkness therefore do your part in trying to help make reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus thru the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
 From the " Autobiography of Marie Julie"
"Like many other great mystics Marie-Julie underwent starvation or 
miraculous abstinence. This total abstinence began for the first time on 
12th of april 1874 and lasted ninety four days. She had announced it 
beforehand as she also did for the second period which lasted five 
years, one month and twenty two days from 28th of December 1875. As 
she had predicted, during these periods holy Communion was enough 
to sustain her and as Doctor Imbert-Gourbeyre recorded - during the 
whole of this period there were no liquid or solid excretions..."

Indeed Marie Julie offered herself up in union with the Sacred Heart of
Christ to help make reparation for sin during her dark hour
(period of war). She FASTED and the DEVIL was FURIOUS....


Prayer, Fasting, & Almsgiving During Lent


The Virtue of Fasting 


Lent: Fasting & Abstinence in the Tradition of the Church