Thursday, October 9, 2014

“The Package”...

“The Package”
By: Eric Gajewski
From the Work, "Fortress of the Soul"
A young woman eagerly awaited a birthday package, an item, that she had ordered, which was to arrive at her doorstep at noon. She was excited and therefore waited by the chair next to the door for it to arrive. Each hour passed and soon noon had passed by. Then 3pm passed by, then 5pm and she began to get very upset and agitated. Five hours past the "time frame" from which the sender had acknowledged the "drop off" would be complete. She paced back and forth, eager, anxious and angry. For this was not the agreement! She picked up the phone and called the company and assured her it was sent and should be on its way.

In the middle of her ranting, the doorbell rang, along with a knock as she walked towards the door. She opened the door and there was her package all beautifully wrapped with a card attached in her name. In her curiosity she opened the card first. There was an apology for the package arriving late and and a beautiful poem to match. She was shocked, confused and blushing all at the same time for now she knew that her Husband was somehow involved. Moreover, emotions overran the young lady and the card melted her heart. She immediately tore into her package to receive the ordered item and opened it up but there was nothing but "rolled up newspaper" inside.

Now, in the midst of another confused tirade, from out of  the corner of her eye and around the side of the house her husband came forward. He came with a package in one hand and a rose in his other hand. He handed the package over to her and gave her a kiss. She opened the package and finally received her ordered item that no longer seemed to really matter anymore and faded to the back of her mind. Her husband then pulled out a trinket that he said he had been diligently working on. Yea, on this doorstep of the woman's home she received the trinket with a picture of the two gently embracing. He told her that He loved her and said sorry for the delay yet he explained he knew this would be better.

Verily, it is likewise with Our Lord in which  "planned events" do seemingly go wrong and astray from our perceived timing. Yet in His great Love He is faithful down to the very last second. We must wait upon every last drop of the Blood of His Sacred heart by the doorstep of our own home, our soul. Yet, who will wait in patience for the Giver to arrive? He will seemingly arrive at the last hour to see who is faithful. Yea, He knowest the outcome will be better than our own "limited view" of how we think things ought happen. The Husband shall see to it that not only will the package arrive but that "on His time" it will be better than you could have ever hoped for because it is done so for the benefit of your soul. This package, your prayer answered, doesn’t always arrive as intended, but always arrives as He plans. For it is best that you learn the ways of the Love of the Giver rather than to receive the package itself. For the Sender of the package, the Husband of souls has the highest seat in the balcony that is overlooking life's stage and knows how and when to give.  Let us, therefore, this day, pleaseth the Sacred heart be purifying our intentions and focusing in on the Giver rather than the gift itself, Amen

"Love's Package"
Nay, you await...
And yet it is I Who am never late
For My Heart, I do giveth 
And it is thee who must entereth this narrow gate
Yea, I desireth thy heart...
And for thee to give it to me whole
Therefore, await in Selfless Love's patience 
With eyes not fixated upon the gift
But pray ye always to obtain Me, for My own heart's sake...
For this is "Love's toll"... to entereth the Highway of grace... 
This is the door unto the Fortress of the Soul

Imitation of the Sacred Heart Pt. 8 "Progress in Virtue"

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