Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Imminent Chastisement for Not Fulfilling Our Lady’s Request

The Imminent Chastisement for Not Fulfilling Our Lady’s Request

 By Father Paul Kramer, B.Ph., S.T.B., M.Div., S.T.L. (Cand.)

 The following is an edited transcript of a speech given at the Ambassadors of Jesus and Mary Seminar in Glendale, California, September 24, 2004.

How often we hear the questions, in the context of all the confusion in the Church, the troubles in the world, "What is it leading to? Where will it end?" We know exactly where it’s going to end, because Our Lady of Fatima said, "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph ..." What is going to bring about that triumph were the words that followed, "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph, the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, Russia will be converted, and a period of peace will be given to the world."
Unanimously, those who have spoken prophetically, and the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, tell us that there will be a great chastisement of the world. All of the most certain prophecies and apparitions tell us that it will be at the time when wickedness, when evil, seem to be triumphant, when all appears to be lost; as Our Lady said in Quito, Ecuador in 1634.

"My Time Will Come"

Why do you not obey My requests given
to you through My holy Mother at Fatima?
She says "Then My time will come." The Miracle of Grace will break out upon the world. Evil will be destroyed, wickedness will be conquered. And it is all set forth in the Message of Fatima, in the Secret of Fatima, and most importantly in the third part of the Secret that is commonly called the Third Secret of Fatima.
Our Lady said if people are going to continue to sin against God, then the world is going to be chastised. The very first request Our Lady made, was that people stop sinning against God, because God is already too much offended.

"Our Lord is Already Too Much Offended"

People must stop offending God. If they stop offending God, He will have mercy, and He will give peace; but if they don’t stop offending God, if humanity persists in its crimes, then God is going to punish the world: with war, hunger, and persecution against the Church. So the grace that will bring about the Consecration of Russia, and the conversion of Russia, will be given if enough people do penance, and bring about the conversion of sinners.

And if people stop sinning against God, and only then, will the grace be given. But as humanity sinks deeper and deeper into sinfulness, and the rebellion against God becomes general, then God is going to withhold the efficacious grace for the Consecration of Russia to bring about the conversion of Russia, and the world is going to be chastised. The very substance of that chastisement is set forth in the Third Secret of Fatima.

What is the Third Secret of Fatima? Well we know from the text of the first two parts of the Secret, Our Lady said to the children "You have seen hell, where the souls of poor sinners go." And She went on to explain what is God’s plan — to save sinners from going to hell. And the way to bring that about is through the establishment of the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

To Save Sinners

In order for that to be brought about, Our Lady wants the devotion of the Five First Saturdays, and She wants the Consecration of Russia. Let the Pope, together with all the bishops of the world, each one in his own Cathedral, consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She said that by this means Russia will be saved, Russia will be converted, and peace will be given to the world. There is the unanimity of all the prophets and the prophecies of the saints down through the ages.

That wickedness will be crushed, God will triumph in the glory of His Holy Mother and in the glories of the traditions of the Church, which will be fully restored in the splendor such as has never been before in the history of the Church. This will be the time of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As Our Lady said, when things appear to be totally lost, when it appears that wickedness is triumphant, "that will be when My time has come, then My time will come."




The Great Chastisement — Soon!

In the Third Secret we have in some very cut and dry detail, exactly what will be the nature of that Great Chastisement. Like the hurricane before the full force strikes, at first the blue, sunny sky starts to get filled with clouds, and the wind gets stronger and the weather becomes inclement. We must not mistake those very earliest beginnings of the chastisement for what will be the substance of that great disaster, that great tempest in history, foretold by Pope Pius XII in the year 1945.

Pope Pius XII said, and this is just after the world had undergone the horrors of the Second World War, and people were yearning for peace: "The world must soon undergo suffering such as never existed in the history of the world. Soon the human race must undergo the worst suffering that there has ever been." This is the substance of the Third Secret of Fatima.
Pope John Paul II, at the Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia in 1976, when he was not yet Pope — he was still Cardinal Wojtyla — he spoke about that chastisement, that which is the substance of the Third Secret of Fatima. And he said that the Church must undergo a great trial, it will be the struggle between the Church and the anti-Church; the Gospel and the anti-Gospel.
And shortly after he was elected Pope in 1981, he returned to that same theme, and this time he spoke explicitly of this being the substance of the Message of Fatima, the Secret of Fatima. And he reiterated that the Church must soon undergo great trials.

 Bishop Williamson(NEW): God's soon Wrath

Are They Lying to Us?

So what is in the Third Secret of Fatima? On the twenty-sixth of June, 2000, five years ago, the Vatican published a vision which they claimed was the entire Third Secret of Fatima. I was talking with a Brazilian Bishop, and he asked me, "Well if there’s more to the Third Secret than the vision, are they lying to us, because they said that was the whole Third Secret?" I answered, "Cardinal Ratzinger is using a mental reservation. The entire Secret is implicitly contained in that vision. In that sense, in that very restricted sense, it is the whole Secret."
But the Third Secret properly, so called, is not that vision — that pertains to the Secret — it is part of the Secret, but the Secret consists of Our Lady’s words. As Father Valinho, the nephew of Sister Lucy, pointed out, that phrase "in Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved, etc." is where the Third Secret begins.
The Vatican issued an anonymous press release in 1960 concerning the Third Secret, after Pope John XXIII had opened the envelope containing the Secret and read the single page, which contained the words of Our Lady of Fatima. The press release stated that the Secret may never be revealed, and referred to it specifically as "the words which Our Lady confided as a secret to the three little shepherds." This is the key expression, "the words which Our Lady confided." It is a letter of one single page that contains the words of Our Lady.

Proof: "Truly That Was Not All of It"

What was revealed on June 26, 2000, was four pages of Sister Lucy describing a vision. It was not the words of Our Lady. It is such a well known fact that the Secret is divided into three parts, and we have the text of the first two parts. And therefore, where that text ends, in mid-sentence, with the "etc.", that’s where the Third Secret begins. It’s a matter of common sense, one does not have to be a philologist, and get into a great deal of analysis of textual criticism, to reach the conclusion that this is where the Second part of the Secret ends, and the Third part begins.

But there is really no doubt about it. On the 2nd of September, 1952, when Father Schweigl had been sent personally by Pope Pius XII to Coimbra, to interview Sister Lucy on the Third Secret, he spoke personally with Sister Lucy, authorized by the Pope to do so. He returned to Rome and at the Russicum, where he lived, he told his confreres, when they asked him about the Third Secret of Fatima: "I cannot reveal anything of what I learned at Fatima concerning the third secret, but I can say that it has two parts: one concerns the Pope. The other, logically — although I must say nothing — would have to be the continuation of the words: In Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved."
So it is a quite certainly established fact that the words of Our Lady of Fatima continue after that "etc." And in the memoir of Sister Lucy, after that "etc." she puts in parenthesis the words, "Here begins the third part of the Secret".
Those who have studied Fatima know that what was published five years ago, on the 26th of June, is not the whole Secret; it simply is not. The night before, I should say the early morning of the 26th of June, I went to bed; I left the instruction: it doesn’t matter how early it is, as soon as that Secret is published, bring it to me — wake me up if you have to.
The Secret was brought to me, I looked at it, and the first thing I said is, "This is not the Secret!" I was not alone in making that judgment. A seminary professor, who is a close friend of Pope John Paul II, and who also knows personally Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, has the same impression — this is not the Third Secret.
It cannot be.
And so when he went to the Vatican, he visited Cardinal Ratzinger, and he confronted him. He did not mince his words. He said, "This is impossible! This can- not possibly be the entire Third Secret!" And he insisted that Ratzinger answer him yes or no. "Is this the whole thing? Is this the whole thing, or isn’t it? It cannot be; now you tell me!" Ratzinger admitted "Truly, that was not all of it."

The Third Secret is About Vatican II

This professor is a priest that I know personally, and a number of people that I know, know this priest personally. He pressed on further for an answer, he would not back off. And he demanded, "What is in the Secret? If that’s not all of it, well, what is there?" Ratzinger’s answer makes it clear. There’s no longer any mystery why they have kept it hidden for so many years. And why the Vatican officials, during the pontificate of Pope John XXIII, said in their press release that, "It may never be published," it may not ever be released. Ratzinger said that in the Third Secret, Our Lady warns that there will be an evil council. And She warned against the changes: She warned against making changes in the liturgy; changes in the Mass. This is explicitly set forth in the Third Secret.

Cardinal Ratzinger: the liberal...
However, men like Cardinal Ratzinger believe that the word of the Second Vatican Council is equivalent to the word of God. They cannot believe that there was any evil in the Council. And so they choose not to believe the Message of Fatima. And this is why Cardinal Ratzinger made a suggestion that the apparition of the Lady of Fatima is something conjured up in the imagination of Sister Lucy.
The book, The Message of Fatima, published on June 26, 2000, contains that explanation of Cardinal Ratzinger, citing the anti-Fatima modernist Father Edouard Dhanis; the man who had such a bias against Fatima that he refused to go to Portugal and examine the facts, because his mind was already made up against the apparitions. Ratzinger is of that opinion, and he says as much, that these apparitions were something that were conjured up in the imagination of Sister Lucy, based on what she, earlier in her life, had encountered in reading pious books.
My question to Cardinal Ratzinger is, how did the imagination of what she’d read in pious books conjure up the great Miracle of the Sun? How did the release of energy, so great, like the energy equivalent of a nuclear weapon, turn ankle deep mud into dry land in twelve minutes? How could Sister Lucy’s childhood imagination conjure up this miracle?

Vatican II: A Non-Infallible Council

There is so much confusion about the Second Vatican Council. I remember reading in The Wandereran absolutely incredible article which gave an absolutely ludicrous doctrinal explanation that everything in the Second Vatican Council that relates to the Doctrine of the Faith is set forth infallibly. And the authority that they quote is the Catholic Encyclopedia! Of course the quotation of the Catholic Encyclopedia is entirely out of context.

The Catholic Encyclopedia, of course, rightly stated that when Councils teach on dogma, they teach infallibly. But that is because the very purpose of a Council is to define doctrine. All the previous Councils defined doctrine. That is what is infallible about a Council: when it defines doctrine. If the Pope is present, he proclaims the definition infallibly and solemnly, so that there is no doubt. If he is not present, if he ratifies it later on, with that solemn declaration, that makes the Council infallible.
Even the Second Vatican Council itself makes a clear distinction between infallible teaching and non-infallible teaching. And so when an ecumenical Council is convoked and the bishops of the world gather together and make pronouncements on doctrine, if they do not define, then the act itself is not an infallible act. The teaching set forth may be infallible. For example, if it is already the definitive teaching of the universal and ordinary Magisterium of the Church, then the very substance of what it is teaching is already infallible. But it is not an infallible act, in and of itself.
The mere fact that a Council makes a pronouncement on doctrine does not make that statement infallible. The Council must infallibly proclaim dogma with a solemn definition. If it is not defined, it is not an infallible act. It is a very simple matter, and that is the teaching of the Church. There are grave errors in the Second Vatican Council. The teaching on ecumenism, strictly speaking, is heretical.

 Fr Hesse: Vatican II in Two Minutes 

 The Heresy of Ecumenism

Pope St. Pius V teaches in his Catechism, the Roman Catechism — also known as the Catechism of the Council of Trent — that all of the Protestant religions are false religions, they’re inspired by the devil; and therefore their fruits are evil. The Decree on Ecumenism in the Second Vatican Council says that God uses those churches and Ecclesial Communities, that, as such, He uses them as means of salvation.
Now the teaching of the Church, the Catholic Faith, is very clear that the means of salvation are the Sacraments of the Holy Catholic Church. Along with this is the teaching, the Deposit of Faith, that is set forth by the Church, and the Church’s Magisterium, the divine revelation. It is the Catholic faith, it is the practice of the Catholic faith, it is the seven Catholic Sacraments, that are the means of salvation. These alone.

The Protestant religions, as such, are inspired by the devil, as Pope St. Pius V teaches in his catechism. The new religion of Vatican II says that those diabolically inspired sects are used by God as means of salvation. And yet The Wanderer would have you believe that every doctrinal pronouncement of the Second Vatican Council is infallible. The Council of Trent and Vatican II cannot both be right! You have diametrically opposed teachings. Only one can be true, the other is false.

In the Second Vatican Council we see that all of the non-Catholic and non-Christian religions are described as being good. In the Conciliar church (i.e. not the Catholic Church of all time) all religions are considered to be good, and true. According to the Conciliar church, they suffer the misfortune of having some errors, and there are some evils mixed in with the good, but they are good, and they are true.
That’s the false doctrine of the new ecumenical church — the Roman Protestant conciliar ecumenical church. The Roman Catholic Church has always had a different teaching: there is only one true religion. There is only one true Church. There is only one true Faith, and it is Catholic. All other religions are false religions. All other churches are false churches. That has always been the teaching and the Faith of the Catholic Church.
So here we see, already, the beginnings of what is going to become the greatest heresy in the history of the Church — that will bring about the greatest suffering that the world has ever seen, as was told by Pope Pius XII.

A Pope Under the Control of Satan?

Malachi Martin, in his last interview on the Art Bell Show, spoke of an Anti-Pope. There was a caller calling in from Australia, and he said that a Jesuit had revealed to him that in the Third Secret it is revealed that there will be, as it were, a pope who was entirely in the control of the devil. Malachi answered, "that sounds like the verbatim words of the Secret."
Pope St. Pius X said he had a vision, and he saw in the vision his successor fleeing over the dead bodies of his brethren, and that this Pope would have to go into exile. He would go into hiding, he would have to wear a disguise to conceal his identity. He would live in retirement, but then he would be discovered, and he would suffer a cruel death.

I think we can safely conclude that these prophecies may be fulfilled in this Pontificate of Benedict XVI. One reason why I believe this, is because I personally knew the Roman Stigmatist, Antonio Ruffini. I knew him for almost 20 years. He received the visible stigmata in 1955, and he was so highly esteemed by Pope Pius XII, that Pius XII authorized the construction of a chapel on the spot where Ruffini had received the stigmata.
I asked Ruffini point-blank, "What about the Consecration of Russia? Will it be Pope John Paul II who consecrates Russia?" And Ruffini answered, "No, it will not be John Paul II. It will not be the Pope immediately after him. But the one after that, he is the one who will consecrate Russia."

  That leaves between John Paul II and his second successor, only one pontificate in-between. He may be the Pope of the Chastisement, the one that Pope Pius X saw in the vision. As Our Lady, in one of Her apparitions, said, "Rome will undergo a great revolution". That’s when there will be the slaughter, the massacre in the Vatican. And the Pope will flee Rome in disguise.

 Fr Malachi Martin: Satan and an Apostate Pope


"The False Church of Darkness"

This is what Our Lady meant when She said that the Holy Father would be persecuted; the Church would be persecuted. Anne Catherine Emmerich, the stigmatic Augustinian nun, described the counterfeit church, what she called the "False church of darkness". The errors of Orthodoxy and of Protestantism will be embraced by that false church, it will be an ecumenical church because the Anti-Pope will be recognized by the world — not by the faithful, but by the world — by the secular world and the secular governments.
The Anti-Pope will be recognized as the legitimate Pope of the "church," and the legitimate head of the Vatican State. That "church" will be united with all the false religions. They will be united together under the universality of the Masonic umbrella. In that motley ecumenical union will be the established religion of the so-called civilized world. This is how we will get into the time of great persecution such as the world has never seen.

 TradCatKnight Exclusive: Bl. Anne Emmerich & the Apostasy 

 Persecution Like Never Before

In the name of the "civilization of love," in the name of "unity," in the name of Vatican II, the true Faith will be outlawed, only the legally established religion will be tolerated. It doesn’t take a great deal of imagination to see what’s going to happen as a result of this. Just look at the Reformation in England and Ireland. The most horrific, brutal tortures and executions were carried out against Catholics, and especially against the clergy.
The priests, when they were caught, were hanged, drawn and quartered.
The Protestants used the faithful Catholic Irish as an object of amusement. They would tie a piece of linen on the head, and ignite it on fire. And when the Catholic would try to remove the burning piece of linen, he would rip and tear off his own scalp. This was a way of not so gently encouraging Catholics to give it up, and become Protestant.
The terminology, the vocabulary, is already there. As I say, nothing is going to be left to our imagination as to how that persecution is going to take place. The non-conformists, the recusants who don’t accept the established religion; what kind of treatment will they get? Well just look at the penal laws in England and Ireland that were applied against Catholics.
The Irish Catholics were barred from any education; they wanted to keep them in total illiteracy and total ignorance. That way it would be easier in their attempts to brainwash the Catholics with Protestantism.
The Protestants owned all the land, and they had various crops and farm animals and livestock. But the Catholics had nothing but potatoes, and when the blight struck, no effort was made to save them from starvation.
The British Empire sought a legal solution for the citizens of the Empire, so that everyone would have his proper citizenship in the various colonies and lands that became part of the Commonwealth. With one conspicuous exception: the Irish were left stateless. They lost their British status, which made it more difficult for them to emigrate.
Wait until martial law is declared in this country. And wait until a non-Catholic religion becomes the established religion, when our constitutional religious liberty is going to be abolished. When there is an established church, then there is going to be penal laws. And that’s when we’re going to find out what persecution of the Church is all about. Then there is going to be suffering like there has never been in the history of the world.

Russia Will Attack

It is commonly believed that there was the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, and that since then, the Cold War is over. But lately, even the Wall Street Journal pointed out that there is now a new Cold War. Russia is preparing for war against the West.
A year ago, when I visited Russia, I was reading the publications in Russia, and the Russian political analysts themselves admitted that they are planning to make war against the West. What is the reason for this? They’re explaining that the United States is aggressively moving into Central Asia and the Middle East. The Russian leaders are very worried that they are going to be encircled. They say the Americans claim they are only going to be there temporarily, but then they’re going to stay, and we (the Russians) are the ones who are going to be forced out.

American Military Plans

It is commonly stated that the attacks for the conquest of Afghanistan and the conquest of Iraq were a response to the acts of foreign terrorists; yet the conquest of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran had been planned long in advance, long before September 11, 2001.
As the old saying goes, Veribus scriptum manent — the written word is permanent.
There are documents outlining what will be the foreign policy of the immediate and near future, written back in the 1990’s. And these documents call for the conquest of those countries because the Masonic government (which is the secret government within the government) wishes to establish in the world (as Bush the First said, on September 11, 1991, we wish to establish in the world) the New World Order.

 TradCatKnight Exclusive: Deus Vult! 

The New World Order

The New World Order is entirely Masonic, and its religion is Masonic. You look on the one dollar bill, and you see the expression, "In God We Trust". You look to the left of that expression, and you see which god they’re talking about. You see the pyramid, the Egyptian pyramid, the triangle and the eye. And you see, as it were, rays of sunlight emanating from that triangle.
George Bush I referred to a thousand points of light. A thousand points of light, this is Masonic light, the light of the Solar Deity of Masonry, the Pagan Egyptian Solar Deity. As Albert Pike says in his Morals and Dogma of Freemasonry, "Lucifer the Light Bearer. Doubt it not." That’s who they mean when they say, "In God We Trust".
In the name of combating terrorism, they will fully implement martial law, which is coming in stages. In the U.S. Constitution, the liberties of the Constitution have already been greatly nullified. Then, those who are defined as "religious fanatics" will be removed from their homes and will be sent into camps.

I already spoke about this in 1989 — the "Executive Orders", enacted by George Bush I, authorizing the government, in a state of emergency, to confiscate all property, all vehicles, and to round up the civilians and send them into camps. By Executive Order they were given the force of law. This will be the persecution of the Church in North America. And there will be the war.

 Fr. Paul Kramer: New World Order

World War III

Unanimously, in all the prophecies of the saints down through the ages, and in the most secure and certain apparitions of Our Lady, it is revealed that there is going to be a tremendous great World War.
It will break out suddenly, from East to West. Our Lady said to Sister Elena Aiello, "Russia will attack America with secret armies." The Russians already have an army of Special Forces and Arab terrorists that they have trained, along with the Communist Red Chinese. They have a vast army, secret armies, who are waiting for the day when the signal is given, then they will all erupt together and make chaos in the West, and in the United States, and all over North America.

And they will attack Europe. In the morning it will appear that the world is at peace. By the evening, the entire world will be plunged into war. Our Lady said, "If people do not convert (if they do not turn away from their sins), the world is going to be punished with war, hunger, persecution of the Church and persecution of the Holy Father". I think we already have some idea of the scenario that is going to take place in that time of war, hunger, persecution against the Church, and persecution against the Pope.

Our Lady has said, along with the prophecies of many of the saints and other holy individuals who died with the reputation of great sanctity, "It will appear that evil is triumphant". And that is when the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will begin.

Russia, Converted, will Overcome God’s Enemies

Every excuse is made not to consecrate Russia. They’re saying we cannot consecrate Russia because that will provoke persecution of the Church. The Church is already persecuted in Russia. But Our Lady didn’t say that the Consecration is going to bring about persecution of the Church, She said it’s going to bring about the conversion of Russia. When Russia is converted, it will stop persecuting the Church.
Not only that, when Russia is converted (and Russia is still to this very day the greatest military super-power on earth), Catholic Tradition will have the force of the most powerful military super-power that the world has ever seen.

The Russian Orthodox people are very staunchly traditionalist. Today they fear the Roman Church because they have seen the Vatican II Protestant revolution in the Church. They have seen how the Church has been largely destroyed, subverted and corrupted. That they should allow this to happen to their traditions, such a thought is intolerable.
When I was in Russia, a very highly educated Muscovite explained to me: in Russia, if you were to just change the wording of a prayer in the Liturgy, that would be considered tantamount to heresy. The Orthodox faithful would rebel against that, they would reject such changes. But they have seen that in the Roman Church, there was very little resistance to changes, to the protestantizing changes that are leading the Church into the great apostasy foretold in Sacred Scripture, foretold also in the Third Secret of Fatima.
But with the conversion of Russia, traditional Orthodox Russia will become traditional Catholic Russia. And that will be the driving spiritual force that will crush the New World Order.

Fear Not

The world is about to be plunged into a tremendous war, Pius XII said, "The world must soon undergo suffering such as there has never been in the history of the world." The devil is the author of all the evil: the war, the suffering, the hunger, the starvation, the persecution against the Church, that is carried out through his minions, the Masons.
They are the ones who are behind the attacks, so that they could destroy our nation and turn it into a fascist republic, to a fascist dictatorship, to be the center of a world republic, or so they think, with an established Masonic religion spread over the entire world, so that Lucifer will be worshiped, and Jesus Christ will be blasphemed. That is their plan.
But Our Lord Jesus Christ said, "Fear not, I have conquered the world! The prince of this world has been cast from his throne!" Let us remember that Christ is the Eternal King, the Lord of lords, and the King of kings. And the Almighty Father said, "Thou art My Son, this day I have begotten You. It is I who have placed the scepter in Your hand, and You will rule the nations." It is Christ Who is the King, and so Our Lady came to remind us.

It is through Her that He will triumph. "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me. Russia will be converted, and a period of peace will be given to the world." Our Lady said, "When everything appears to be lost and evil is triumphant, then will come My time."
By means of Her triumph, the Catholic Church, the Catholic Faith will triumph throughout the whole world. And the whole world will profess, and sing out, Christus Vincit, Christus Regnat, Christus Imperat. Christ has overcome, Christ rules, Christ reigns.

1 comment:

  1. We must pray for the Holy Father very much. Our Lady of Fatima reminds you to pray the rosary.
