Saturday, January 18, 2020

WWLD: What Would Lefebvre Do?

TRADCATKNIGHT: WWLD: What Would Lefebvre Do?

By: Eric Gajewski

We all know that common phrase of WWJD or “what would Jesus do” this thrown around by the modern world but today I ask WWLD or “what would Lefebvre do?” Sadly, there are many resistance priests who seem to think that Francis is the Pope is a clear-cut closed case but the FACTS say otherwise.

As you know I was the first Catholic public figure to tell you Francis was an antipope. The evidence is there from poisoned attempts on his life, to his invalid renunciation of the active portion of the Petrine office to the staging of the conclave to Francis’s formal heresies there are more than one path to arrive at the conclusion that Francis is not Pope so how do well intentioned “Resistance” priests argue it is “absurd” to suggest that Benedict XVI is pope.

Well we will get into this and talk more about what the archbishop would do or say in these times of increasing evil and formal heresy coming form the mouth of the antipope.