Saturday, December 28, 2019

St. John Eudes On The Church’s Triumph & The Progression In God’s Wrath

TRADCATKNIGHT: St. John Eudes On The Church’s Triumph & The Progression In God’s Wrath

By: Eric Gajewski

The Triumph of the Church over the Antichrist Is an Infallible Teaching Of the Church According to St. John Eudes.

I have just finished up Fr. Kramer’s book and towards the end Fr. Kramer reiterates what I have been saying for many years now and that is a reference to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart coming AFTER the defeat of the Antichrist and not before. In his argument he uses a general reference to St. John Eudes who was one of those Saints who held the position Fr. Kramer and I teach. Now, it took me sometime but I managed to hunt down the quote from one of his books which I will speak about now amongst other topics.