Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Home, The Ark & The Three Days of Darkness

TRADCATKNIGHT: The Home, The Ark & The Three Days of Darkness

By: Eric Gajewski

Genesis 7:1, And the Lord said to him: Go in thou and all thy house into the ark: for thee I have seen just before me in this generation…

As you should know we are treading on thin ice as it relates to the coming Chastisement to end all chastisements. The world is getting worse by the day and we must be sure not to go along with it. Mankind’s sins are piling up before a very angry and jealous God who seeks perfect worship from His people. The Novus ordo in general is not from God as you know and it got me to thinking today about the story of the Ark and why Our Lord said to start preparing your homes for the days ahead.
