Wednesday, August 7, 2019

USA’s False “Freedom” Leading To Tyranny

TRADCATKNIGHT: USA’s False “Freedom” Leading To Tyranny

By: Eric Gajewski

What is meant by this? And do supposed Christians know Americanism is a heresy? Liberty of Conscience leading us to martial law has been prophesied….

As Julio Lordeo from Tradition, Family and Property explained on my program the other day there is a proper concept of justice, freedom and liberty. America does not espouse the proper Catholic version but rather the Masonic version which stems out of Revolution. America has been duped from the get-go into believing that we have truly “been free” but we have not and it is due to this error and so many others (Protestantism & Zionism to name a few) why America is about to be “judged” by God and it ain’t going to be pretty.