Saturday, August 3, 2019

Francis the Protestant: What is Better Catholic Or Protestant?

TRADCATKNIGHT: Francis the Protestant: What is Better Catholic Or Protestant?

By: Eric Gajewski (VIDEO INCLUDED)

Yes, I hate to do this once again my friends but we must point out yet another formal heresy of AntiPope Francis. The Catholic Church has been quite clear in Her infallible teaching on the Catholic Faith being the only Faith which will save your soul. Heretics are not in the Body of Christ nor do they have “faith”. God is repulsed by obstinate heretics so much so that it is considered a worse sin than even sodomy. Having said that Does Francis know Catholic teaching on heresy or not? Can he be that obtuse? I mean this is such a fundamental teaching that how can a supposed “Pope” get this wrong? Ah, I can hear the modernist’s and pseudo trads trying to make all kinds of excuses for this latest debacle of “Francis the humble”