Monday, July 29, 2019

Staying Alive: SURVIVING The Antichrist’s Real Life Hunger Games

TRADCATKNIGHT: Staying Alive: SURVIVING The Antichrist’s Real Life Hunger Games

By: Eric Gajewski

Why would we seek to live through the worst period of human suffering ever?

The Bee Gee’s said it best. Staying alive. Very soon the Antichrist will show and implement his real-life hunger games and in part this is why I am the only real Catholic outlet covering prepper and survivalist topics. If God didn’t want us to get through these times then He wouldn’t have forewarned us and given us such holy mystics like Marie Julie who indicated the various things we can do to get through these times. As a result of this reality, I have had some of the biggest names on my program to discuss their various areas of expertise but many will argue, “you are just trying to self-preserve!”. This is false and I will explain