Friday, July 26, 2019

3 Reasons Why the Novus Ordo Offends God

TRADCATKNIGHT: 3 Reasons Why the Novus Ordo Offends God

And What Will a Future Pope Do With Vatican II?

By: Eric Gajewski (VIDEO INCLUDED)

As I have been saying here at TradCatKnight there is no such thing as a Novus Ordo Catholic on the objective level. There is no “Catholicism “A” and Catholicism “B”. It either is or it isn’t. On the basis of ONE Heresy Bishop Arius became an “Arian” and fell from the Catholic Ark of Salvation. Too many false “Catholics” are out and about trying to make excuses for something God deems to repugnant in His sight. When the Protestants all get together and “worship” on Sundays and do their “show and dance” how is God truly responding? He looks at these false worshiper’s and is completely turned off and REJECTS their worship. What can we say about the new man centered religion of Vatican II? Is it not the same or even worse? I will give three reasons why God is UTTERLY offended by the Novus Ordo.