Sunday, June 23, 2019

Francis Paganism, New Pentecost & New “Paths” For the Church?

TRADCATKNIGHT: Francis Paganism, New Pentecost & New “Paths” For the Church?

The only “fire falling” on these modernist’s/charismatics will be the literal fire coming from the heavens shortly….

By: Eric Gajewski

And Why the Amazonian “Sin-nod” Doesn’t Matter….

Over the past week we have seen the “lights go out in Argentina” literally and one has to wonder if there is “anyone home” when it comes to AntiPope Francis? As time goes on the Vatican II program is becoming all the more clear that it is Luciferian (man-centered) in the end. Edward Pentin who in no way represents the Counter-Revolution even points out how nuts Francis doctrine is becoming.