Monday, July 16, 2018

PLANET X INCOMING UPDATE: Signs 26 – The Rat in the Snake

Signs 26 – The Rat in the Snake

In June 2018, we published Signs 25 – The Pressure Points are Popping.  In that article, we asked, “We can no longer wonder what the next month will show us statistically.  Rather, we need to begin thinking about different numbers…”
At that time, we saw a disturbing trend with the ongoing eruption of the Kilauea volcano on Hawaii’s big island in the earthquake dataset for May 2018.  Then something odd happened.  Just as the news cycle passed and USA mainstream media (MSM) reporting essentially evaporated, although there is a lot of coverage with international and independent sources.

In this installment in the Signs series, we will take a closer look at what is happening in Hawaii now, because it is simply astounding.  As you’ll see in our earthquake analysis below, June 2018 was the most seismically active month on record for our dataset which dates back to January 1997.  June 2018 was a statically anomaly, so much so, we call it “the rat in the snake.”
Snake Eating a Rat
As the term implies, when a snake swallows a rat, a large bulge forms in the snake’s body as its victim slowly passes through its digestive system.  Given that the USA mainstream media is more interested in political quagmires the question is, how will they play this once events on the ground demand a renewed effort to cover the ongoing eruption.
Express UK, Jul 6, 2018
Hawaii volcano eruption: New video shows terrifying BLUE FIRE billowing from Fissure 8
HAWAII’s Mount Kilauea volcano is shown spouting eerie blue flames from cracks in the ground as molten rock and ash continue to spew across Big Island, threatening new residential areas.
The Hawaii volcano Mount Kilauea continues to threaten life on Big Island as floods of lava relentlessly spew from Fissure 8.
Kilauea Lava Flow
New video footage shows eerie blue flames billowing from the ground in an area ravaged by volcanic activity just days after a ‘lava whirlwind’ was spotted in the same area.
The latest explosion at Kilauea’s summit caused a 5.4 magnitude earthquake on Wednesday morning.
There were 500 quakes in the summit area of Kilauea in a 24-hour period over the weekend.
Will the USA mainstream media downplay the ongoing Kilauea eruption as an anomalous statistical one trick pony that should be discounted?  This will likely be the case unless there is a complementary rise in the number of dead that matches the current eruption statistics.
With this in mind, let’s see how fireball and earthquake trends for June 2018 stack up.
June 2018 Fireballs
Fireballs are reported worldwide, and the American Meteor Society which is the primary source for North America, for this dataset.
AMS Multistate / Country Fireballs
Multistate/country fireballs cross the borders of multiple states and countries. For this reason, this is a critical category in the dataset because of the distance these fireballs must travel to receive reports from across large geographic areas.
AMS Multistate / Country Fireballs as of June 2018
The month of June for 2015 through 2018 has consistently been a threshold event where the spring downturn ends, and the number of multistate / country fireballs increases through November, making June 2018 a statistical push.  However, there is something of interest happening with huge event fireballs.
AMS Huge Event Fireballs
It is a commonplace occurrence for Multistate / Country Fireballs to be reported as huge events because a huge event occurs when 100 or more eyewitness observers report a huge fireball event.
AMS Huge Event Fireballs as of June 2018
Both April and May 2018 there was an absence of huge event fireballs. However, in June 2018, we see a sudden return that is also twice as high as April 2018.
AMS Monthly Total Fireballs
The monthly total fireballs are the most critical category in this dataset. When we look at the monthly total of fireballs for June 2018, we see a clear increase over April and May of 2018
AMS Monthly Total Fireballs as of June 2018
Is Earth is passing through part of the sky dominated by a large field of smaller objects? The statistics for June 2018 indicate that this is the case which is also consistent with the total yearly fireballs dataset.
AMS Total Yearly Fireballs
The total number of reported fireballs of all sizes is where the big picture moves from monthly to yearly, and here the news is unsettling.
Yearly AMS Fireballs - June 2018
As of June 2018, the total yearly fireballs for the first six months of this year exceed that of the entire year of 2012.  Assuming that we use 2012 as the fulcrum of our statistical tipping point, we’re no longer approaching the tipping point.  Rather, we’re there, and the question is, what comes next?
The current statistics for overall earthquakes of all magnitudes as of June 2018 shows that potential impactors are not our only concern.
Earthquakes Since 1997
At the outset of our Signs series, J. P. Jones created a dataset spreadsheet that tracks the total number of earthquakes each month beginning with 1997. The updated spreadsheet below has been updated with the June 2018 results and the numbers for last month are breathtaking.
Earthquakes - Jan-2997 to June-2018
The number of earthquakes of all magnitudes for June 2018 has set a startling record. At 23,908 events, June 2018 is the second month in a row that is the highest month on record since January 1997 and here comes the rub.
According to J.P. Jones, during June 2018, Hawaii accounted for 15,534 earthquakes, and the rest of the world was 8,374.  Given that the USGS consistently downgrades virtually every earthquake, how will this play out?  It’s an anomaly.
Before January 2013, this kind of dismissive approach was a slam dunk win for obfuscation.  However, beginning in February 2013, the data is clear.  For the last 64 months, seismic activity on our planet has been in the red.  In fact, whether we’re talking about earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or land tears the data is in the red.
Global Earthquakes of all Magnitudes 1/2015 to 6/2018
When we look at annual global earthquakes for all magnitudes, we saw an uptick in the May 2018 figures that was the highest on record since January 2015.  However, in June 2018, the numbers are, for the lack of a better word, ballistic
Total Earthquakes 1/2015 to 6/2018
The total number of earthquakes in May 2018 was 13,187, and in June the figure comes in at 23,908 for an increase over 180%.  Given the number of currently active volcanoes and the noticeable increase in eruptions that are spewing ash thousands of miles up into the atmosphere, we are faced with a simple question.  What will it take for folks in the mainstream to wake up from their Pollyannaish slumbers?
But more to the point, what will those of you in awareness do?

Economic Displacement

If you’re in awareness, let’s be frank.  You’re staying on top of Earth changes through social media and alternative sources, and you know what is happening.  Yet, what does your circle of friends and family see on the news?  They see political rage, active shooters and every other kind of Hollywoodesque distraction imaginable.
The result is that you’re still a fear-mongering idiot and this no longer applies solely to Earth changes, weather weirding and the other issues we all track.  There is a new one popping up – relocations due to the cost of living.
Fox News, June 4, 2018
Bay Area exodus? Nearly 50 percent of Californians say they want to move out soon, poll finds
A whopping 46 percent of California Bay Area residents fed up with the region’s high cost of living and soaring home prices are planning to pack their bags and move out in the next few years, a poll has found.
Economic Displacement from the Bay Area
The poll, conducted by the Bay Area Council, which describes itself as a business-sponsored, public policy advocacy organization, also found that homelessness and heavy traffic are among the things that most irk residents who live there.
Forty-five percent of those who say they are planning to leave the cited cost of living as the driving factor, while 27 percent said housing and rent costs are becoming too much to bear.
Sixteen percent of that group said they plan to move somewhere else in California, while Texas, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona topped the most sought-after states outside of California for relocation.
Even young people who work for the tech giants in the Silicon Valley are moving out because even with their high wages, they cannot afford to buy a home.  The result is that the Bay Area now as a negative growth trend and companies like U-Haul are adding a premium to their moving truck rentals to cover the cost of bringing empty trucks to the Bay Area for rental.
What is used with these types of stories is that we can use them to track areas where people are most likely to relocate to and not.  This is important because whether folks are thinking about catastrophic events or jobs, the need to support them will still be the driving factor.
Keep in mind, there are 7 million inhabitants in the Bay Area, and all it will take is one major event of any kind to trigger a sudden and massive relocation from coastal areas. Therefore, those of us in awareness need to add a new criterion to our checklists – economic displacement.
Start looking for articles about economic displacement, because they offer a wealth of predictive information.  Obviously, you want to avoid or move away from areas where economic displacement is causing a negative net growth in the local populace.  Likewise, you do not want to relocate to areas where those seeking to remain in the profession while reducing their cost of living.  These areas will be hardest hit when things begin to go sidewise so be smart; be somewhere else when that happens.