Tuesday, July 24, 2018

MULTICULTURALISM: “She Is 14 But Looks Older”: Sweden Launches “Migrant Sex Courses” To Teach Newcomers How To Behave

MULTICULTURALISM: “She Is 14 But Looks Older”: Sweden Launches “Migrant Sex Courses” To Teach Newcomers How To Behave
The Swedish government will pump 5 million Swedish crowns ($564,000 USD) into migrant sex courses according to news outlet Fria Tider.

A portion of the funding will support the government’s sex-awareness website, “Youmo,” which provides translation in Arabic, Somali and Dari. The goal of the website is to “simply inform immigrants about what is in Sweden,” reports Tider.
The program aims to stem rampant reports of sexual assault in the last several years, while rape was up 10% across the country in 2017 with 7,230 reported cases. Meanwhile reports of sexual molestation, coercion and exploitation up between three and seven percent across 12,130 reports.
Now, the Swedish Ministry of Youth and Civil Affairs (MUCF) will work with the youth reception network (UMO) to further the educational efforts.
“The mission includes expanding the information on Youmo, expanding skills-enhancing efforts for professionals who meet young new arrivals, as well as providing long-term skills training for professionals through the development of web-based education,” state Swedish authorities.
Youmo provides a convenient slideshow FAQ for migrants and Swedish citizens alike to delicately traverse the intricacies of relationships.
In this scenario, a young man appears excited at the prospect of receiving naked photographs from a 14-year-old child, only to be disappointed to find out it’s illegal.
In another infographic, a heavyset woman is wrought with guilt over naughty thoughts about a migrant and wonders “Is that okay?”
“Continue fantasizing!” the website exclaims, adding “You can fantasize about whatever you want if it makes you feel good.”
In this scenario, a young man is perplexed after discovering that women aren’t interested in photos of his penis.
And in another vignette, an 18-year-old blonde woman is frustrated at her unsuccessful attempts to pressure a black woman to take off her top, only to learn that it’s “not okay to nag people.”
The website also has tips to stop oppressing women, such as the article “Farman stopped controlling his sisters,” about an Iraqi immigrant who realized after meeting a “victim of honour-based oppression” that he should stop forcing his sisters to follow orders.
“I didn’t have a guilty conscience because I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong”, Farman says. “But when I was 17 years old, I began to think about what I was actually doing”.
This was the first time I heard about human rights and the laws that exist to safeguard those rights“. –Youmo.se
Germany rolled out a similar website in 2016, containing information on sex with migrants, contraception, gender issues and human rights laws.
While it’s designed for Germany’s current huge influx of refugees as a tool to be used by professionals when working with the new immigrants, it’s a truly excellent resource, covering everything from having good sex, to dealing with STDs and drugs, to families, abortion, adoption, sexuality and gender, and the rights of everyone involved. –Fast Company
Also in 2016, Germany handed out “swimming pool etiquette guides” following reports that dozens of women were groped by migrants – leading to the banning of men from at least one public swimming pool, and the closure of others.
A western German town barred adult male asylum seekers from its public indoor swimming pool after receiving complaints that some women were sexually harassed there.
Markus Schnapka, head of the social affairs department in Bornheim, a town 20 miles south of Cologne, said pool users had complained of sexual harassment by men living in a nearby asylum seeker shelter. –Telegraph
We can just imagine randy migrants clicking through Sweden’s new website, only to find themselves significantly disadvantaged in terms of sexual conquest they’re afforded back home.