Saturday, July 14, 2018

FR. VOIGT: Sunday Reflection: Just Compromise a little

FR. VOIGT: Sunday Reflection: Just Compromise a little

Why don't you take the United Way money?  Simple answer:  they have compromised and begun to fund abortion.
This was and is the way the Catholic must react when they are offered "polluted pennies".  We know that we cannot associate ourselves with the ways of the world to advance in political correctness and neglect the veracity of our Lord.  Consider that Lucifer was given all the talent in the universe and was the brightest of the brightest.  He could not humble himself and praise the God Who created him.  Instead he sought to grasp at equality with God and hence he lost Divine Love forever.  What a disaster that was for him and for us.  Now the grasping serpent is bent on one thing alone:  our compromise.  "You cannot serve both God and mammon."

Compromise comes in three shades.  In the first aspect there is the dialogue = rationalization.  The serpent said to the woman: "Did God say you cannot eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil."  Recall the principle:  we are not to discuss with the devil.  I must simply hold to the truth of God's word to me.  Once the devil enticed and deceived the woman into dialogue.  Remember the Church does not dialogue.  The Church teaches, rules and sanctifies.  Today we are experiencing the Conciliar leadership dialoguing with the world of false doctrines (Lutheran dialogue, Anglican discussion, etc).  The faithful at large are being feed the simplest rationalization known to man:  just trust us.

The second aspect of the compromise when we are asked to simply "have confidence in your superiors."  But did not our Lady tell us (warned us) that all leadership is corrupt to the very top.  Has not the faithful even in the Novus Ordo reacted to the Pope's battle against the very Creed which we profess week after week.  Is there not a "Catholic God" which we know as the Holy Trinity.  Do we not sign ourselves with the Cross?  I know of only one God Who would lay down His life for the sheep.  Yes, let us have confidence in the traditional teaching of the Popes before Vatican II.
Consider Vatican II as a betrayal of all that the Church had taught and we are supposed to have confidence in our superiors after that continuing fiasco.  Are we naive? 

The third aspect of the compromise is the action itself.  The woman saw that the tree was delightful and the fruit appealing.  So she took and ate.  If you drink a little poisoned wine, will it hurt you?  If you drink in the words of the new order of leadership will you not become a modernist?  How much poison do you offer your children each week?  None, then why attend a worship service, a new order mess, when that poison is bundled up and handed to you in the words of the new order presider?
It doesn't make sense if we give analogies to get the point across.  Yes, these are confusing times because are times for the great compromise.  We will accept the world, the flesh and the devil's deceit but keep a little foot in tradition.  Sorry, our Lord's love for us is exclusive and He told us clearly:  You cannot serve both God and mammon.  Seek first the kingdom of God and all else will be given you besides. 

Today the issue is compromise.  Compromising is a poison to the soul which was created for the fullness of truth which is ours in the Holy Mass.  It is so simple to give in just 50% or 80% but to give ourselves over to God 100% as He gives Himself to us.  Why Satan says not a hundred but sit down and write down that you owe God 80% that should be enough for Him.
Examine yourself on the rationalizations you have concocted to do just what you want with a clear conscience.  Why we can write off lust, pride, greed with a simple excuse that satisfies our conscience.  Let us not fool ourselves but the very fact that we accepted the Novus Ordo then and now means that we have compromised the faith that our Lord gave us.
Look at the compromise that the Fraternity of St. Peter offered Rome and now they cannot preach the fullness of Truth about the evils of Vatican II.  Reflect upon the compromises of Bishop Fellay in the SSPX relationship with Rome.  They, too, have become simply sounding gongs without the backbone to challenge the powers that be.  Yes, compromise is all around us and in us.  Let us implore our holy Mother to grant her children a faith that is 100% for our Lord.

May God grant us an eternal life with Him.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Voigt