Sunday, June 24, 2018

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Christian TV Channel Fined For Speaking Out Against Transgenderism

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Christian TV Channel Fined For Speaking Out Against Transgenderism

The British morning show R-mornings, broadcast in Spain on Revelation TV, was hit with a fine of approximately $7,000 for comments made in 2017 that the Spanish government deemed, “could be considered threatening to the dignity of the homosexual and transgender group.”  Spain’s National Commission of Markets and Competition explicitly admits that there “was no manifest incitation to hate these groups” but instead sanctioned the station for comments which might be construed to impeach the dignity of homosexual and transgendered Spaniards.  In reality, it does no such thing and the Biblical message that was conveyed is no different than any typical Sunday sermon. The comments were centered around the debate over children being removed by their parents from schools that promote and encourage transgender behavior in students as young as five. READ MORE