Friday, June 8, 2018

POEM: “It Was I Who Made Thee Cry”

POEM:  “It Was I Who Made Thee Cry”
By:  Eric Gajewski
"There shall they cry, and he will not hear, because of the pride of evil men."
[Job 35:12

Please enjoy my latest poem from the work, Fortress of the Soul... 
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Not every battle is won
In this restless war of the soul
Walking over self’s causalities’
On this bloody shoreline
Where our true selves emerge and are shown
Truth be known
Nay, for every day, we are soldiers on the front lines
Hearts, “locked and loaded” but often no apparent place to go
But if I would just heareth You speak, O’ Lord
From this cluttered bunker of my heart
Your Fire would light up this chaotic dark night, I know
Let the Seed of Wisdom in my soul be sown
Yet how many times have I lanced Thee?
How many times have my own bullets penetrated Thy Body?
Must I be so blunt?
And yet a Soldier moves forward confessing in Your mercy
Reflecting further an eagle sees
How many now are compromising?  How many hiding the Truth silently?
O’ how few do “cross over” nobly against the enemies front
But like a good Soldier we must leave all things behind
In this war “where what we lose only helps us to find…”
How often was I taught without word in the silence and solitude of the night
How often didst pride come between the question of me asking “Why?”
Yea, this life is our proving ground
It is no place of “just trying to get by”
Or just trying to fit in ….is it not as eagles that we seek the freedom to fly?
Your Love is not lax as my heart contracts
Retreating, as I see so many conspire
Lord, just grant me an eagles last prayer
The grace alone in Your arms to die
To make these eternal blue skies, this place where You reside
My only hearts care…
And may Your holy Name only be glorified
For how often have I failed Thee
How often did I choose to remain blind
How often did I wear the enemies clothes out in public
For it was I all along as a sinner who made Thee cry”

 John 11:35: And Jesus wept

"To whom he said: I say to you, that if these shall hold their peace, the stones will cry out."
[Luke 19:40]

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