Monday, June 25, 2018

ONE WORLD RELIGION WATCH: What in God’s name? Rabbi, imam & pastor share rickshaw to promote tolerance in Berlin

ONE WORLD RELIGION WATCH: What in God’s name? Rabbi, imam & pastor share rickshaw to promote tolerance in Berlin

Jewish rabbis and Muslim imams took part in a tandem bike ride through the streets of Berlin in a show of solidarity against anti-Semitism and Islamophobia on Sunday.
The ‘Meet2Respect’ cycle attracted some 150 people, including 50 religious representatives who shared 25 tandem bicycles. A rabbi, and imam and a Christian pastor rode in a rickshaw together.
The unusual group cycled from Berlin’s Holocaust memorial on a route that saw them pass synagogues and mosques. It ended at Bebelplatz square, the site where Nazi’s burned some 200,000 books in 1933.
“We imams and rabbis want to lead by good example,” Berlin imam Ender Cetin told AFP. He explained that his partnership with Jewish leaders sends a signal “to the Muslim community that we will not tolerate anti-Semitism.”
“We are cycling because our world does not want to believe that we were all created by a god whom we do not argue about, but rather whom we – each in a different way – adore,” Rabbi Andreas Nachama said.