Saturday, May 26, 2018

Francis: We must not focus on the words of Christ

Francis: We must not focus on the words of Christ

In his Santa Marta homily given earlier today, the God of Surprises (aka Jorge Bergoglio) once again took the occasion to mangle Sacred Scripture in order to justify his departure from the Catholic faith; in this particular case, as it concerns marriage.

Today’s victim text was the Novus Ordo Gospel reading taken from Mark 10:1-12 – familiar words that bear reconsidering:
Jesus came into the district of Judea and across the Jordan. Again crowds gathered around him and, as was his custom, he again taught them. The Pharisees approached him and asked, “Is it lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?” They were testing him. He said to them in reply, “What did Moses command you?” They replied, “Moses permitted a husband to write a bill of divorce and dismiss her.”
But Jesus told them, “Because of the hardness of your hearts he wrote you this commandment. But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must separate.”
In the house the disciples again questioned Jesus about this. He said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”
As reported by Vatican News:
The Gospel passage for the day, from the Gospel of St Mark, speaks of the intentions of the Pharisees, who asked Jesus a question precisely in order to test Him. Pope Francis described questions of this kind, about what you can or can’t do, as casuistic.
Let’s stop here for a moment to define (in Catholic terms) this word, casuistic.
According to Fr. John Hardon’s Modern Catholic Dictionary:
Although the term [casuistry] has taken on some unsavory meanings, due mainly to critics of Roman Catholic moral practice, casuistry is an integral part of the Church’s moral tradition. Its purpose is to adapt the unchangeable norms of Christian morality to the changing and variable circumstances of human life.
In other words, casuistry is the entirely valid process of justly applying a moral norm to a given situation; e.g., when applying Thou shalt not kill to a case of self-defense, one may reasonably conclude that the taking of an aggressor’s life can at times be justified.
In a situation such as this, it is understood that the Decalogue concerns the taking of innocent human life. We see this reflected in the Church’s traditional teaching on capital punishment.
In the present case, “Francis” (as he has come to be known) is determined to relegate Thou shalt not commit adultery, and the words of Our Lord on marriage as recorded in the Gospel passage under discussion, to a moral norm that can be adapted according to certain “concrete circumstances.”
This, needless to say, is a novelty that has no place in Catholic tradition; indeed, on the contrary, it has been condemned.
Be that as it may, according to Vatican News:
He [Francis] explained: “Not the great ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ with which we are familiar. This is God.” Instead, the Pharisees reduce the Christian life, the way of following God, to a question of “yes, you can,” or “no, you can’t.”
So, in order to accept the Bergoglian exegesis, one must believe that when questioned about the lawfulness of divorce, Our Lord simply shrugged His shoulders and essentially said: Gee, I dunno… I guess it depends on the circumstances!
Clearly, this is a wholesale fabrication from someone who hates the Catholic faith and her Head; one that stems from the Bergoglian Christological heresy that I’ve mentioned in this space many times – Francis doesn’t really believe that when Jesus speaks this is God speaking.
Our Lord’s words are very plain; they are precisely the “no, you can’t” that Francis rejects. If you reread his words above carefully, you will see that, in essence, he is accusing Jesus of being a “Pharisee” in the most pejorative sense!
This is nothing new as his insistence in Amoris Laetita that the Divine Law is too difficult for some persons to keep amounts to turning Our Lord’s admonition of the Pharisees against Him: You shut the Kingdom of Heaven to men and do not lift a finger to help them!
According to Bergoglio, speaking on the Gospel passage (again, as reported):
Jesus “lays aside the problem of separation, and goes to the beauty of the couple,” who ought to be one.
The Pope continued:
We must not focus, like these doctors do, on [the answer] “Yes, you can” divide a marriage, or “No, you can’t.”  At times there is misfortune, when it doesn’t work, and it is better to separate in order to avoid a world war. But this is a misfortune. Let us go and look at the positive.
This guy can spin toe-to-toe with the slimiest of politicians!
Jesus was asked about adultery. He was not addressing “the problem of separation” at all; much less those cases when (for example, for the safety of a woman and her children) physical separation is warranted.
The headline to the Vatican News piece reads, “Pope Francis: Marriage is an image of God.” The one I chose for this post, however, is far more accurate.
It is reported by Vatican News:
Man and woman are created in God’s image and likeness; and for this reason, marriage likewise becomes an image of God. This makes marriage very beautiful, the Pope said. “Matrimony is a silent homily for everyone else, a daily homily.”
Nice try, but don’t be fooled. Bergoglio is a modernist and thus is wont to pervert the meaning and force of things and words (cf Pope Leo XIII, Ut Mysticum, and Pope Pius X, Pascendi Dominici Gregis).
As such, when he speaks of “marriage,” be aware that he is not speaking of such as the Church understands it; rather, he is, in the manner of liberals and liars, citing the word “marriage” while deliberately seeking to impart to it an entirely novel meaning.
Recall his address to the Ecclesial Convention of the Diocese of Rome in 2016 (available in Italian) wherein he spoke of cohabitating couples:
Yet I really say that I saw so much fidelity in these cohabitations, so much loyalty; and I am sure that this is a true marriage, they have the grace of marriage, precisely because of the loyalty they have. But there are local superstitions.
So, you see, Bobby and Susie are shacking up, with one or both of them perhaps presently married to another, and provided only that they stick it out for some undefined period of time, voila, it’s a marriage! And not just a natural marriage, mind you, but one endowed with God’s grace; i.e., it’s a sacrament!
What we’re witnessing in today’s homily is nothing other than a transparent ploy (transparent to those with eyes to see, at any rate) to avoid at all costs the non-negotiable words of Christ.
And why? For the simple reason that Bergoglio disagrees with Our Lord.
Over the last five years, many of us have grown numb to these magnificent attacks against the Faith, but take a step back and consider what Francis is telling the world:
We must not focus on what Jesus actually said, nor on what the Holy Catholic Church has always taught; rather, I am in charge, you must listen to me!
And this is a Catholic speaking?
For those who still insist (in particular, those who fancy themselves defenders of tradition), that Jorge Bergoglio remains a member of the Mystical Body of Christ in good standing (never mind his claim to the papacy), I will ask yet again in the hopes that even one will demonstrate the integrity to answer:
Is there anything this man can do to sever himself from the Church?