Lawler’s Magical Novus Ordo Carpet Ride
Eric Gajewski
The “conservative”
Novus ordo apologists, websites and prelates live in their “acid-tripping” Conciliar
world in which they "invent that which they believe to be Catholic when it is
Please help Tradcatknight in this information war...
is seemingly not a day that doesn’t go by that you find some comical article
found on one of the “conservative” Novus ordo” outlets. As I was moving through the news I saw one
that stood out on Neo-Catholic website “Lifesitenews”. It was written by Novus ordite Phil Lawler
and it was entitled. Yes, the Pope is
Catholic but he is confusing others!
Wow, that is deep folks. In this
delusional outtake on Antipope Francis he cites another charismatic novus
ordite Mark Mallet and tries to spin doctor FrancisDoctrine to make it sound
like Francis teaches Catholicism and not the Novus ordo religion. Awake Catholics are obviously not fooled. (article in question is provided at the end)