Thursday, March 29, 2018

TradCatKnight Radio, Dr. David Duke "Six Steps To Communist Slavery"

TradCatKnight Radio, Dr. David Duke "Six Steps To Communist Slavery"
Talk given 3-29-18    (aprx 1hr 10 mins)

Special guest Dr. Duke joins me to discuss: the hand behind the scene manipulating the masses, who was behind the immigration laws in 1965?, mass immigration, gun control, social justice movement, ISIS, rise in censorship, prophecy indicating Christian victory, Fatima and Russia, latest geopolitical moves of Trump, fake news propaganda, Catholic bashing and MUCH more!

Dr. David Duke
Graduate LSU with B.A. History
Doctorate in History largest University in Ukraine
Lectured at over 200 Universities
Political History: Won the Democratic Nomination for Vice-President in New Hampshire same as won by Al Gore in 1992
Won election to the House of Representatives in Louisiana 1989
Won election in general election to the executive committee to the largest Republican Parish (county) in LA and subsequently elected unanimously to Party Chairman

He has given talks worldwide and has been seen all over the Internet exposing the snake's head of this new Luciferian order of the ages.

Youtube: David Duke

Fr Fahey studied the Protocols of the Learned Elders Zion and recognized it as the evil blueprint for a New World Order. Mankind is viewed as livestock rather than possessing the unique soul created in the image and likeness of God. For Fr Fahey a Catholic priest, this enemy must be challenged.
Fahey wrote, “These forces are three in number, one being invisible, the other two visible. The invisible host is that of Satan and the other fallen angels, while the visible forces are those of the Jewish Nation and Freemasonry.”
(The Kingship of Christ and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation, p. 61)

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