Friday, February 23, 2018

The famous intercommunion between Catholics and Protestants ....

The famous intercommunion between Catholics and Protestants ....

As it is usual to act in the neochiesa, one year after the first draft on intercommunion between Catholics and Protestants, in Germany they have finally started this new "liturgical" practice. Intercommunion between Catholics and Protestants. Obviously, as usual, the thing will have to be studied "case by case". But as we all know, this "case by case", like communion for the divorced and remarried, has already become a new Eucharistic accessibility to everyone.

In fact, at the conclusion of the conference of the German Bishops, Cardinal Marx gave the announcement that you find in this link (
In short, Cardinal Marx says that this practice of intercommunion was something already foreseen in Canon Law. They quote the canon 844 at §4 which reads as follows:
"§4. If there is a danger of death or if, in the judgment of the diocesan Bishop or of the Episcopal Conference, another serious necessity arises, Catholic ministers lawfully administer the same sacraments to other Christians who do not have full communion with the Catholic Church, who can not access the minister of his own community and ask them spontaneously, as long as they show the Catholic faith about these sacraments and are willing ".
But the aforementioned specific canon "in danger of death", or if "a grave necessity loomed", after any profession of Catholic faith by any Protestant.
Instead, the German Episcopal Conference extended "mixed" couples to "all". And without specifying the "grave necessity". What does this mean? Who would these mixed couples be? It's just a trick to launch the new "ecumenical Mass" shortly. Because if now in the Catholic Church, even the Protestants can make communion, what problem would there be soon, see Protestant, Anglican pastors, Catholic priests "concelebrate" all together? Did you understand the deception?

The problem that I pose every day, and that afflicts me tremendously, is that millions of Catholics are not even realizing what is happening, precisely because the "tray" is served slowly. In a "painless" way for those who live this story on the edge ...
I think, for example, my brother and my sister-in-law, that in the few times we happen to be together, because for my many commitments we see very little, (and sometimes I really want to be with my nephews), and maybe we talk about this neochiesa, they, like many others, drink the poison slowly, without even realizing it. And even if Fra Cristoforo raises his voice, I realize ... that "nobody is a prophet in his country". Just to give you a concrete example. But I believe that similar situations happen to you ...
This rainbow church that speaks so much of "union", "hospitality", "ecumenism", actually divides.
Should they get to the communion for the divorced? They managed to do it. Should they get to the intercommunion? They did it! Costs what it costs. All this has surreal. We are rooted in prayer, adoration, mass, and the Holy Rosary. Because the dark times are now coming!