Monday, February 26, 2018

Sad Fact: Francis Is An Ally Of the Devil

Sad Fact: Francis Is An Ally Of the Devil

The British Guardian (February 26) writes that the Italian politician Emma Bonino, an Italian mass-murderer and militant propagandist for abortion, can, in contrast to her fight against the Church forty years ago, "count on at least one ally: Francis”.

The article features Bonino’s present militance in favour of mass-immigration, after she successfully campaigned for the introduction of euthanasia in Italy. Although she is no medical professional, Bonino performed according to her own witness over 10.000 illegal abortions. She is one of the most sinister figures in the history of Italy.

Bonino told the Guardian “with a grin” that she is in touch with Francis, “We have some connections, so we pass messages quite often, through friends.”