Wednesday, February 21, 2018



It is an invocation that for many centuries believers have directed to the Lord, at the beginning of the liturgical prayer of the Breviary or of the Holy Rosary, so necessary and precious in our time, and that qualifies us as devotees of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and of the Church. It is also the echo of the supplication that the apostles, in panic, directed to Jesus, who was sleeping at the head of the boat, as he crossed the lake of Tiberias in a storm: "Save us, Lord, we are lost!" (Mt. 8, 25; Mc. 4, 35; Lk. 7, 22).

This invocation accompanies the uncertain journey of our earthly life when faith and hope falter to reach the desired goal of the Kingdom of God. We can also consider it as a precious ejaculation for moments of risk or discouragement, which we find perhaps on our way, instead of imprecaring against bad luck. Today, however, such expression assumes a meaning of urgency, in relation to the dramatic times we are living and the unknowns that concern our future, which perhaps prepares apocalyptic events, although we are not fully aware. We run the risk of being unexpectedly involved in serious dangers: catastrophes and natural calamities, terrorism and shootings, attacks, accidents, etc., which can happen anywhere. That does not mean being pessimistic, but only realistic and prudent, as Christian common sense suggests.
It is true, the materialistic world, carefree and hedonistic, governed by people committed to the evil one, favors consumerism and reckless experiences, such as the use of narcotics or gambling, along the path of self-destruction.
Remember that God the Creator and Provider gave us the help of the guardian angel with the precise task of "enlightening, guarding, governing and governing" each of us during this earthly life, full of snares, and to show us the safe path to attain eternal Life, and that our body is destined to reunite with the soul in the resurrection of the flesh at the end of the world; an extraordinary gift for which we are not sufficiently prepared. The pastors of the Church do not insist much on this truth of Faith, which we proclaim, however, in the Creed.
"Pray, pray, pray!"  
The Blessed Virgin Mary invites us insistently to prayer, an important means to communicate with Heaven and maintain good relations with the Trinity and with the Saints, our intercessors in the Kingdom of God, to which we are all destined.
The times of the return to God are prolonged, in spite of the urgent invitations from Heaven, as well as the times of Jesus' return to earth: what seemed imminent at the end of the 20th century, was overcome without great emotions and everything seems "delayed" "... The Blessed Virgin Mary, to whom was given the task of" directing "the latest events and recovering so many souls for God, needs perhaps a further delay to convert so many people still hesitating. A situation in slow evolution, so much that, if there were not a greater number of conversions , we could expect from Heaven corrective maneuvers or more effective strategies to accelerate the times. Only God can judge the situation and act accordingly.
At the beginning of the preaching of the Gospel, there was the clamorous call of Saul of Tarsus, who, as a great persecutor of Christians, became the Apostle of the nations, the evangelist par excellence of the pagan world. Today we would need a character with the charism of Saint Paul to return the world to Christ, but God seems to be on the way to other solutions.
It is also true that the Blessed Virgin is the greatest help that Heaven can give us, but we, skeptics, would need a visible and tangible guide, who would impose itself as an authorized and wise guide, in this world tyrannized by the Evil One. Instead, today, the most painful situation of the Church is in the highest positions of the hierarchy, occupied by their enemies, infiltrated surreptitiously in their interior, blocking their doctrinal and missionary action and forced to great efforts to appear genuine, hiding the truth .
Things quite evident, but difficult to admit or to demonstrate, for being "paradoxical". However, informed and courageous people describe and document them; things similarly "absurd and incredible" - is the hindrance that prevents its diffusion - and, therefore, usually ignored. Some, however, are shouting at them.
A great hypocrisy of "religious matrix" dominates the entire world and invades all sectors of power: politics, finance, diplomacy, culture, hierarchy, media, etc .; a hypocrisy linked to satan, which suggests to the bosses, case by case, the answer that must be given to all demands.
"... Lift up your head, because your release is near" (Luke 21, 28)  
The reign of the Antichrist will be brief - three and a half years - because it will be canceled by Jesus, who "will destroy it with the breath of His mouth and annihilate it when His coming appears" (2 Thess 2, 8).
In 2017, the centennial year of the apparitions of Fatima, in which the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary was promised, believers expected perhaps some sign from Heaven confirming their faith, giving strength to the hesitant and converting the multitude of agnostics For example, shaking the indifference of the religious authorities, who have marginalized Fatima; returning to trust the messages of Fatima in the centenary of the apparitions - May 13, 2017, October 13, 2017 - not only at the level of great religious celebrations, but also in the perspective of possible signs of Heaven , apt for " raise your head " to contemplate the wonders of the Lord that we do not deserve, but that we dare to hope trusting in his infinite Mercy. Wonders that should awaken the faith narcotized by the secularist and relativist ideology, inspired by the dominant Masonic culture, which is preparing the ground favorable to the antichrist.
During the brief reign of this - three and a half years says the Bible - we will need special gifts to overcome all the dangers derived from the decrees of his fierce dictatorship, in which many Christians will be martyred, because they will choose death rather than yield to the decrees of the antichrist, leading to eternal spiritual ruin.
The dominant atheist culture tries to hide as much as possible the signs that refer to the antichrist, not only because they are not part of the "religious sphere", but especially because they are part of that "politics" with its despotic decrees: the current time is not any time, but one of the last tesserae of the mosaic that completes the puzzle of a great chapter of human history, reminding us that the King of History is Christ, the Son of God, while the antichrist is the son of satan.
This attitude of prudence is only a warning that needs further confirmation, although it is true that no credible news will be communicated to us by the institutional authorities.
Mysterium iniquitatis et pietatis  
One thing is certain: for many years, the world power, in every sector of public life, is in the hands of the enemies of God, although nobody admits it. The facts show, the so-called religious freedom, proclaimed as a civil conquest, has proven to be a great deception that subjugates humanity. The responsibility of the "teachers" of the Faith is to have used "religious freedom" to welcome the same level of the One Truth, which is Jesus Christ, appearances of truth and to have equated all religious beliefs, mixing God True with false gods and liars.
Following the television programs one is surprised by the evil that is welcomed and publicized as a "normal" condition and by noting the moral damages that are slowly destroying society, beginning with the family and the Decalogue, which have sustained our society for millennia .
Modern society, born on the basis of Christian civilization, which conquered the world with culture, with the science and example of innumerable Saints, in a few decades has plunged into an abyss of desolation . The Ten Commandments dictated to Moses at Sinai, welcomed by the people elected for millennia, perfected by Jesus Christ, Son of God, with the commandment of Love, venerated and feared for two thousand years, are today ignored, despised and rejected. In the society that is atheist and rebellious to God, human dignity, despite being so acclaimed, is cornered and dismissed as trash: Christianity is on the way to extinction ... by decree of our Freemasons, relativists and atheists governments!
It is legitimate, therefore, to think that important news is manipulated, obscured or disguised to obtain certain objectives that escape the general public. It is evident that the leaders of world politics - or mundialist , according to the booming jargon - are completing a secret program , which all nations must support: certain international meetings are the occasion to discuss and agree on the orders established by the globalist oligarchy. At the appropriate time, all the nations involved must execute without discussing the agreed program: obedience is already pre-fixed, with no possibility of rethinking, on the part of those responsible, who do not admit insubordination.
The Bible also helps us when it says: "Before, in fact, the apostasy must come and the iniquitous man must be revealed, the son of perdition, the one who opposes and rises above every being who is called God or is object of worship, to sit in the temple of God, calling himself God " (2 Thess 2, 3-4). The word of God is clear and certainly it was more so for the Thessalonians, who had listened to the oral teaching of St. Paul.
The nations at risk in the world are those that would like to be independent from the political and ideological point of view, appealing to the principles of freedom and the autonomy of international masonic slavery and the secret anti-Christian sects that want to subjugate all nations. The governments led by the oligarchy or by a dictatorship that does not want to cede power to these secret sects are the ones that are most at risk of "revolution" or "coup d'état", by the forces that have power in the democracies added to the One World Government and the adherents of the antichrist.
A unique position in the world today is that of experts in politics and journalists who know the background of the situation, but can not speak without risking their personal safety. The bravest rebel, but can not go beyond certain limits.
It is evident that, faced with a very serious and apparently irreversible world situation, like the current one, dominated by the evil spirits that create the bad climate in the world , the only remedy is to "awaken" Our Lord Jesus Christ, who apparently sleep in the boat of Peter, so that once again save the Church and humanity from the serious danger of shipwreck.