Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Video: The War on Men

Video: The War on Men

Why masculinity is under assault

Warning: Graphic Language



  1. Caution...VERY graphic language.

  2. Words cannot explain how much I want to crush feminism. And I mean CRUSH.

  3. This is war alright.

  4. Feminism makes me sick. These people are tools of the NWO Globalists

  5. Love that guy! Radical feminism is evil. I saw it begin in the sixties; thought it was ridiculous then. And how about all these single women bringing up sons without fathers/uncles/grandfathers as role models. Sadly, the result is homosexual expression due to no masculine role model to teach the boy how to be a man. So much tragedy has resulted from NWO plans to eviscerate the traditional family through radical feminism.

  6. Incidentally, though I'm not a fan of his being a protestant, how about Tim Tebow as a role model? I doubt anyone could call him an effeminate pyjama boy...twice. :)

  7. God HATES "feminism" too.

    Love what He loves.
    Hate what He hates.
    -St. Augustine

  8. What do Feminism and Pedogate have in common?

    PEDOGATE: Women Operatives In Very High Places
    Covert Anglo-American Network of “Crown Agents’ Sisters” Revealed

    Abel Danger Mischief Makers – Mistress of the Revels – ‘Man-In-The-Middle’ Attacks

    "Men-in-the middle?"
    Bill Clinton and Obama, for exmple, answer to a higher suthority: their gender-fluid "wives."

    Check out #20 to get the CIA-connection via, Michelle's "handler."

