Wednesday, January 31, 2018

TradcatKnight Radio, Lynette Zang "Something Nasty This Way Cometh"

TradcatKnight Radio, Lynette Zang "Something Nasty This Way Cometh"
 Talk given 1-31-18    (aprx 55 minutes)

Special guest Lynette Zang joins me to discuss: debt bubble about to burst?, what is really going on with the economy, are cryptos the real deal, preparing for the collapse, bartering, deflation, inflation, transition into the digital economy, most Americans are not prepared financially for the collapse, New world order sharing/socialism and MUCH more!

Lynette Zang has held the position of Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading since 2002. She has been in the markets on some level since 1964 as a banker, a stock broker and while studying world currencies since 1987.
She believes strongly that we need to be as independent as possible and at the same time, we need to come together in community in order to survive and thrive through the hyperinflation she sees in the near future. Her motto is food, water, energy, security, community, barter ability, and wealth preservation.  Her goal is to translate financial noise into understandable language.

Twitter: @ITMtrading_zang
FB: @LynetteAZang

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1 comment:

  1. Good talk,

    I like the way she explains the gold standard. A fiat currency would work fairly well if you can keep the inflation rate pegged to the growth rate of the nation. But I still prefer the gold standard. On the other hand, if it is as rumored that the Rothschilds own 50% of the worlds supply of gold, then the fiat currency kept in peg with the nations growth rate may be a good second alternative.
