Thursday, January 25, 2018

TradCatKnight Radio, James Perloff, "Trump: America or Israel First?"

TradCatKnight Radio, James Perloff, "Trump: America or Israel First?"
Talk given 1-25-18    (aprx. 45 minutes)

Special guest James Perloff stops by to discuss:  is Trump the real deal? his affiliation with a Jewish endtime death cult, latest sex scandals, 9-11, Rothschild ownership of Jerusalem and puppet state of Israel, zionist heresy, will Trump be the "fall guy",  has America always been a Masonic blueprint for the NWO?, role of social media, latest liberal/feminist madness, forced vaccinations coming and MUCH more!

James Perloff is author of The Shadows of Power, an exposé of the Council on Foreign Relations that has sold over 100,000 copies, and two books about the evidence against Darwin's theory of evolution, including Tornado in a Junkyard.   He wrote for The New American magazine for nearly three decades. His newest book, Truth Is a Lonely Warrior, is a comprehensive look at the satanic drive for world government. He also wrote the script for Free Mind Films’ latest documentary ShadowRing, released last year, and was the leadoff speaker at the 2015 New York City LibertyFest. 

His website is

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  1. A MUST READ....

  2. That 5G stuff is really scary!!

  3. I think Pope Benedict XVI never intended to fully resign the papacy. He probably thought that splitting the duties of the office would be a nice compromise to placate the St. Gallen mafia. Unfortunately, the opportunistic luggers seized the opportunity to muscle him into a corner and force a false conclave. After that, I'm sure it was easy to convince Benedict he couldn't go back. His health might have taken a drastic turn for the worse if he made a scene and opposed the"new pontiff"

    1. Sorry for the off-topic comment but that was on my mind for a bit. James Perloff mentioned the reason freemasons use demoncracy as their weapon of choice for overthrowing nations is because all they have to do is control the newspapers and they instantly can get their guy into office with the 51 percent.
      Terrific observation by Mr. Perloff
