Monday, December 4, 2017

Will My Diocese Enforce the “Mark of the Beast?”

Will My Diocese Enforce the “Mark of the Beast?”
By:  Eric Gajewski

This a serious question now being asked by the faithful few. What was once an absolutely absurd question to ask publicly is now being asked globally.  Will my own diocese demand I take the “mark” and by who?  This is more than a fair topic to tackle today considering the local dioceses are now holding “interreligious” events for Luther and even pagans.  We live in frightening times when the majority do not see the heresy they hold to and try to persecute those actually still clinging to the Faith.  What can a faithful Catholic do in these times where heresy largely occupies the “mainstream” buildings?  Furthermore, what did Fr. Malachi mean when he said the “churches” will become “null and void”.  Without further delay let us jump right into answering these questions.

The push toward a global apostate religion.  Recently, Antipope Francis made another “interfaith” appearance and said all religions must have their share in this coexisting new world. For those awake it is quite clear what the modernist’s are trying to do.  There is a strong push towards the false unification of man on the natural level alone.  The goal of the enemy is to end dogmatism and Christianity in general altogether.  

They need mankind to be prepped for the arrival of the False Prophet and Antichrist and thus, this is why we are seeing so many interfaith events around the world and perhaps even in your own diocese.   

A diocese, which, by the way, you ought be avoiding in this apostasy.  People from all “religions” must be first grouped together in order for the arrival of the man of sin to commence.  The mark will be a counterfeit baptism which will demonstrate publicly a denouncing of the true Christ.  David Spangler, of the United Nations, said, "No man shall enter into the New Age" without taking this allegiance to Lucifer and sadly the majority will (even Catholics!) under "peer pressure".

Mark of the Beast: New Age Luciferian Initiation  

The Transition: Vatican II NewChurch to the Apostate Church.  Under Antipope Bergoglio there is a transition taking place.  There are “conservative” Cardinals being asked to resign and/or simply being reassigned.  Bergoglio must get his ilk in place before the False Prophet arrives.  He is the eight inning “setup” man who will aide the False Prophet to come.  I am glad to see so many now recognizing that he is not the true Pope however we should not get complacent in our fight against Vatican II and modernism.

The New Age is very open about their plans to “takeover” Rome.   

They are even more open when they say Bergoglio aides them in the process.  He is simply a puppet of theirs they say.  Who your bishop follows/recognize as Pope is an important question to ask now considering what is about to happen. So, who will enforce the mark?  It seems it will be a joint effort between the State and those apostates (religious) at the time.  Assuredly, we know the plot to exterminate Christians already.  The FEMA camps are in place and the time of the great persecution draws close.

Fr. Malachi Martin, “unless we accept there is a current ongoing apostasy the Third Secret of Fatima makes no sense.  Fr. Martin went on to say that those buildings which now housed material heresy would be home to the Apostate Religion when he said the churches will become “null and void”. Those are interesting yet precise words coming from a priest who read the real third secret of Fatima.  

It shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to see where this is going.  

 The apostasy starts at the top as most will follow the unholy trio of Bergoglio, the False Prophet and Antichrist.  And if its not Bergoglio it will simply be another antipope puppet.  The majority will apostatize and formally join the New World Order.  Apostate priests and puppets are already being installed at the local level as Fr. Martin said even during the 80’s and 90’s.   

The final nail in the coffin they say is soon.  We currently have an apostate as a “supposed head” and it will only get worse.

Fr. Martin: 3rd Secret of Fatima, "Apostasy & Chastisement" 

So, in short, to answer, the original question, yes, in general, your local diocese will enforce the taking of the mark of the beast along with your local masonic lodges.  We cannot know who will apostasize at this point.  Again, you shouldn't be in the Novus ordo to begin with.  When this will all actually take place is also open for debate.  

It could be in the next 5 years or so as I have been mentioning.   

Antichrist Maitreya’s image (abomination of desolation) will be setup in the churches and lodges to be worshipped.  This is clear from his own writings.  They are not shy about telling us this in advance.  Pope Benedict XVI said the Church would have to essentially “start over” all again and this is what he was implying.  The faithful few will be underground as the Global Apostate Religion will now occupy once Catholic Churches.   

Talk about a test of faith.   

The third secret of Fatima unveils this plot and the hijacked Vatican doesn’t want you to know about it. 

 TradCatKnight Exclusive: The Faithful FEW... 


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  1. It boggles my mind that the majority of the Catholics I know are unaware, of what is occurring in Rome. Unaware of Francis's statements, the political maneuverings of the Vatican, or the true repercussions that are coming. It has been my experience much to my chagrin most do not want to know, and will become angry if you share this info with them. So I breath, and pray. God Bless
    Maureen Kenny-Palamara

  2. Will this counterfeit baptism mock the true baptism? Where and how Will it be done? There is only one baptism.You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all the people all the time.Enough is enough.Lets get ready to rumble! AVE Maria.

    1. yes like st hildegard said. will be enforced form the top spreading throughout the apostate dioceses...

      keep the fighting spirit

  3. yes like st hildegard said. will be enforced form the top spreading throughout the apostate dioceses...

    keep the fighting spirit

  4. One-World Mark of the $
    "We are legion,"

    Pastors (of all denominations/faiths)
    on FEMA Payroll:
    Pastors Training With Military/FirstResponders for a while now, for what?

    "Clergy Response Teams - See how the Spirit of Antichrist, Your Local Church, and our American Government are teaming up to handle Christians for the Last Days!"

    1. Clergy are in on this plot with FEMA to eliminate Christians who refuse to take that evil disgusting mark?

  5. Almost if not all of my former Novus Ordo friends are still attending the Novus Ordo. People don't seem to realize that we are getting down to the wire, where we will be called to suffer a lot in order to stand up for Christ and our true Faith. We have to be willing to starve to death and be hunted like animals, and possibly martyred in a most hideous way. I pray every day for the courage to do whatever will be required of me by God.

  6. Replies
    1. What you're saying is that even if it gets really bad, and it is getting really bad, and we have nowhere else to go, we should remain in our church? All the churches in my area belong to the same diocese. What about reconciliation? Communion? I no longer feel comfortable in my church and find the priest changed, but cannot travel more than an hour to a Traditional Latin mass. You tell us what's going to happen but you never tell us what to do.

    2. not true i have always said stay home and sanctify the sunday

  7. I think what happened in Mexico in the 1920's with the judeomasons control of that government is a glimpse of the future but worlwide. Except instead of shutting down the Catholic churches , they will supplement them with the apostate churches. Either way we must fight like the cristeros. Great analysis Eric!! The convergence of church and state to enforce the mark. Frightening!!!

  8. I'm sending one tomorrow Eric.

  9. Well can't get a resistance priest to come to Boise. So I've been attending a CMRI Mass. I'm not a sedevecantist. But I need the sacraments. But it's been 3 months now and Father hasn't come this way. There is an sspx mass here but I've been avoiding going there and you know the reasons why.

  10. But the weather's been great so far. Lol.

  11. Spiro, I was a member of CMRI for 18 years, until the widespread news of the religious molesting children and seminarians and destroying families. They will tell you that's all in the past, but remember these priests were trained by the same leaders, and every sermon you hear is to brainwash you.

  12. John S- My diocese already has the aforementioned “Lutheran commemoration” events occurring. No way am I partaking in the destruction of the Church with these heretics. The US Bishops have especially lost their minds.

  13. What will the mark look like? Any early indications? Is it just the chip itself?

  14. I left the Novus ordo a long time ago. I read books on this subject back in the 70’s but didn’t think it pertained to Vatican 2 at the time. Boy, was I blind. Keep exposing the new religion tradcatknight. I look forward to your blogs daily.

  15. If this truly happens I am sure a good number of people will then profess it is the end of the world or, at least, getting closer to it. The writing is on the wall but it is in another language and most cant decipher it. Susan

  16. I have tried to talk with my family several times about this apostasy in the Church and they simply do not want to hear it, any advice?

    1. pray the rosary not much else you can do, maybe add some humor into the mix

  17. Great videos included Eric. I hope everyone watches them all.

  18. It is getting more and more difficult for those following the second Vatican council to actually defend it. The ill fruits are there for even those most blind. Let us all pray for conversions out of the Novus ordo and into the true Catholic Faith.

  19. You say the New Age is about to take over Rome but haven’t they already? Joseph P

  20. Thank you for all you do Eric. I see so many hating on your work still calling you a fraud. They are blinded by hatred obviously. It is really sad to see these people so angry. I have defriended a good number of them this week on social media. Their hatred consumes them. Your work obviously is valuable. Do not let the detractors sway you from the mission.

  21. Craig K: Fr. Malachi Martin has been dearly missed. He would have been a great guest to have on your show. I am sure you two could have talked for hours on all these subjects. Try to post more of his videos in the future as they are most timely.

  22. I agree with you. Most will cave into accepting the mark of the beast. Most have a hard time resisting getting drunk or the pleasures of the flesh. So many are already on the path to hell. It is truly sobering to think about. We have to keep close to Our Lady and the Rosary.

  23. It is so sad to see so many in the novus ordo think that Francis is the problem and not Vatican II. We can never get with these heretics. We must resist. Thank God for Archbishop Lefebvre.

  24. "For there shall be then great tribulation, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, neither shall be."
    [Matthew 24:21]

  25. The further a soul is from holy Eucharist. The further. They are away from Christ and his promise. To his church. Eucharist is the key. ~ Myra k

  26. since the diocese I reside is Conciliar N/O, of which I avoid I will not be forced by it as it will probably enforce it on those who follow. Reginald T

  27. The argument that “we have left the church” because we refuse to attend heretical churches is a long-outdated argument by anyone taking theology and the faith seriously. What is going on in Rome and our local churches is prrof we need to avoid them like the plague.

  28. Didn’t Akita mention those surviving the tribulation ahead would wish they were dead? How is the Church ever going to rebuild itself? It seems exhausting to even think about

    1. If I may. Our Blessed Lord will by Divine Providence straighten Holy Mother Church out. Do not lose faith. This is a chastisement we are going through. Have Faith and Pray and Always stay close to our Mother. Remember the time we are going through right now is what Our Lord said to his apostles in the storm at sea. Have Faith. Our Lord will calm the storm but He Is Always With Us! We that are true and faithful WIN in the end!

  29. Your apostolate is needed. Faith over fear as you say. This is what we will be reduced to. Keep pressing on toward the prize Eric.

  30. Do you honestly think they will try to canonize Luther? I used to joke about that but it seems it may be a possibility now. When will those in the novus ordo realize they are a part of another religion? We need Archbishop Lefebvre back badly.

  31. Padre Pio warned about the bishops! We see his warnings come to fruition these days. You cannot trust the Bishops any longer. Head for the hills and prepare for God’s Justice. God will not accept false doctrine and compromise.

  32. Thank you for this Eric. I was just talking about the same subject last week with some friends at work who are Catholic. Even they are starting to believe this is the end.

  33. When do you think they will shut down all Christian websites, Eric? It seems we are getting closer with all the censorship going on.


  35. Your website does cover it all. You will never hear this on the semi-traditionalist sites. I love your radio shows as well. They are always so informative.

  36. Sad to think most will never leave the diocese even after they are “worshipping” with other heretics and perhaps pagans. It is crazy to think that we are at the end but the evidence is there. It is really falling apart out here in California. I am trying to leave as quickly as I can, please pray for me

  37. It amazes me how the Novus Ordo Catholics have and are persecuting Traditional Catholics simply because they do not recognize what is before them. I have felt an umwelcoming eye when I see them among activities or places I run into them. It's like they're suspicious of me yet I have not said a word to them unless they're open to hear. I have thought about this and do believe that they will go along with the mark. The night before Bergoglio became "pope", I dreamt of him being on stage waving his hand wanting glory and he had strings attached to his hands from the top. Then, the next night, i believe, the Vatican was struck with lightening. I tried to tell them God was not happy but no one listened.

    1. objectively speaking there are no novus ordo catholics its another religion

  38. Yes if I can’t make it to the Traditional Mass at 3pm on Sunday I will watch a mass on you tube even if it is 1or 2 months old better than going to the pretend “NEW “ Catholic mass if you can call it Catholic lol however the mass is still valid and I do spiritual communion. I can say at least you tube is useful for something not much these days but sometimes.

  39. It seems that the mark of the beast is here; nobody can do anything without a card of some sort. Neli B


  40. I saw on an Israeli website that they are trying to have the 3rd temple rebuilt over the next few years. That is certainly a sign of the end.

  41. At the hour of my death, when Our Lord asks me, “What have you done with your episcopate, what have you done with your episcopal and priestly grace?” I do not want to hear from His lips the terrible words, “You have helped to destroy the Church along with the rest of them.” (Archbishop Lefebvre, “Open Letter to Confused Catholics”, chapter 23)

  42. Shared this one Eric. This is very important for Catholics to understand.

  43. Will Pope Benedict be killed in Europe? Outside of Rome or where?

  44. More and more are waking up to this Antipope. You were the first Eric to say he was an Antipope and you said others would follow along. Keep warning us!

  45. TCK, if only others were so forward in telling it like it is. The truth does not want to be heard. My question is this. Is there an updated timeline on the economic collapse? Will you have on special guests covering this area?

  46. We all need to have the spirit of fight within us today. We need more St. Joan’s to stand up. We cannot continue to be so silent in the ugly face of apostasy and try to play nice.

  47. In these days nice leads you to hell!

  48. Freemasonry is the lower rung Beast System interfacing with us, the folks. They defraud and deceive and try to pass them-selves and their god-of-self, lucifer, off as true Christians and God, respectively.

    Along with the planned (they love plans) World War system they have devised their "babtism" their sacrament/ritual that confers ANYthing but baptism into the Death/Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This blogger gives a good summary on cultural history of baptismal "cleansing" and also Albert Pike's Online MASONIC BAPTISM for CHILDREN into the "protection" of the Luciferian brotherhood.

    "...the Masonic Baptism (remember when "IMMERSION" became the thing @ N.O.?) is focused on entering the child into the protection of the brothers..." the Luciferian BLOOD-THER-HOOD, that is.

    Read ONLINE:

    US General Albert Pike's (author of 3 World Wars) Version of the Masonic Ritual/ Ceremonial Mark of the Beast

    "Masonic Baptism for Children"

  49. The Church needs to go the way of the Dodo, like the royal families, the Freemasons et all. The world needs to be freed from this superstitious babble ,secret societies and self appointed rulers.
    Humanity is being held back, enslaved and disabled. People are treated as nothing more than cattle, to be led to the slaughter house.
    The human race is doomed to extinction before it can even drag itself away from all this nonsense.

  50. I have seen this before. The mark of the beast 666 forced upon people. Overnight on January 12, 2010 at Port au Prince. And the Lord God Almighty said in the vision remove that mark from your flesh before the sunrises or be punished. By the 13th of January 2010 the great earthquake at Port au Prince was reported in the news. God punishes wickedness away. Pray The Lord's Prayer and God the Father in Heaven will bring His power to earth and save you from the Beast.
