Saturday, December 23, 2017

VIDEO: MASON TRUMP Invites Occult Demon Goddess Into White House

VIDEO: MASON TRUMP Invites Occult Demon Goddess Into White House
Trump, "We must unite people of all faiths around a common vision" (spoken like a true Mason). 
You wont see this on the neo-Catholic/false trad websites


  1. The statue of liberty is your greatest threat
    my fellow Catholics in america
    She is a roman pagan goddess a demon known as
    the lady of liberty

    The french adopted her after the revolution
    They called her the woman of reason

    She teaches you to seek your own will and desires
    and not the will of the Father

    The father is using this demon to destroy
    the non believers

    She is the whore who rides the beast
    with the seven heads

    France america italy germany japan canada england
