Thursday, December 7, 2017

TradCatKnight Radio, "Will My Diocese Enforce the Mark of the Beast?"

TradCatKnight Radio, "Will My Diocese Enforce the Mark of the Beast?"
Talk given 12-8-17    (aprx 1hr. 15 minutes)


Join me for the next hour and fifteen minutes as I cover the latest church and endtime news.



  1. Replies
    1. Just curious, you never mention your own church or diocese in your area. Do you have a good Traditional Latin Mass to attend Eric? Have a great and blessed day! :)

  2. You're a trooper.Way to hang in there and get the show up.

  3. Another late night, another radio show! Can't wait to listen in!

  4. If we have the same Bishop I don't think he'll enforce it because he wants all the priests to learn the Traditional Latin Mass...but if we get another Bishop I don't know what would happen

  5. When the time comes to take the mark of the beast is it something that we have to do of our own free will ? Because I have heard that it is being forced on some who are in a hospital and are not aware of it. Can't remember where I read this though. I was thinking if it is something we don't have to do with our free will , well maybe they could put it in the host at Holy Communion ? Just a thought I have had. What are your thoughts Erik ? Thanks again for your ministry !

    1. would have to be against our free will yes

    2. Thank you for answering. I am finding now that I have found my way to a true traditional church , which says the Holy Mass in Latin. Following pre VII , well now I am being shunned by friends and some family members. I pray for them of course and the sadness and hurt I feel I join it together with Jesus's sufferings on the cross even though it is quite small compared to His suffering. It makes me feel that I am on the right path too because it is the Truth and is the Right way. If those that want to be negative about it or shun me than it only validates I am at least on the right path now. Thank you Erik for guiding me to the Truth in this perilous time we are living in !

    3. there are far too many blind souls...

  6. Seems to me, the best thing is to not belong to a diocese. So far I have found the True Traditional Latin Mass churches are independent or do not follow a diocese or the Vatican. I can't see why they would enforce the Mark of the Beast. I pray that many of these priests would be martyred before they submit to the One World Religion or any of the changes that are coming. We also need to pray that these priests can go underground and be protected so they can continue giving the mass to those who persevere in TRUTH and need to be fed spiritually and sacramentally. The faithful few in scripture I believe are called the REMNANT CHURCH and along with faithful priests will restart the Catholic Church. I embrace the coming of the Antichrist because it will also bring about the Second Coming of Jesus...we should rejoice and be glad. However, they key is to stay TRUE to the FAITH and not be swept away by the allure of the False Prophet and the Antichrist and we will be rewarded with the Beatific Vision. GOD BLESS US ALL! Thank you Eric, another great talk! Love ya brother! :)


    2. Well, the one Seminary and church that I called where the priest actually stated that they do not believe Francis is a pope and I even believe they are Sedevacantists, they have a Bishop and are teaching other priests about everything pre-Vatican II...they may be a saving grace. For reference it's Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, FL 34602. I plan to attend my first mass there next Sunday and check it out. I also believe that God is preparing priests, and may already have for just these times we are in and have yet to experience. God will not let His children suffer any longer than they have to and He knows what the world is up against with the coming of the Antichrist and False Prophet...all has been foreseen, right?

    3. i personally wouldnt go to a sedevacantist chapel but thats me....

  7. Another great talk Eric. I think it was a bit rushed though. Do not worry about all the complaints saying these talks are too long. Keep the same format

  8. I heard Pope Francis just tried to change the words of the Our Father. Can anyone elaborate on this development?

    1. Yes, I heard it on Fox News last night and posted it on Facebook. He wants to change the words "lead us not into temptation"...saying that God doesn't lead us to temptation we lead ourselves, which may sound plausible, but I don't trust his intentions! Just one more of his little baby steps to continue to make changes. Any thoughts, Eric?

  9. Great talk, timely subject matter as always. We must all keep to Tradition as best we can, but we must remember that Our Lady said "One day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, I will save the world". Which probably means most of us won't have a Traditional Mass to go to when the going gets rough and we are all underground, so to speak.

    1. sadly yes karen most wont have the sacraments as Jesus revealed to Marie Julie...

  10. I am afraid to admit but you are right Eric. It is obvious where things are headed. The priests these days are mere presidors over a celebrations rather than the offering of a Sacrifice.

  11. I would rather die than to betray Jesus. I pray my heart stays true unto the end. It is scary to think how most will apostasize from the faith. Thank you for this talk I will be sharing it with family and friends who will probably just laugh at me, oh well

  12. The Church is going through a Passion just like Jesus. We have to remain at His die like Mary and those few who were brave enough to witness all of the scourging s/sufferings. Just as He rose so will the Church once again. Let us never lose this focus. Devin

  13. Get your guns now and prepare to defend yourselves

    1. you have a right to defend yourself and your family

    2. Scapular is our armor and rosary is our weapon !


    4. We must remember the words of The Holy Ghost, spoken through St Paul

      Ephesians 6:11. Put you on the armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil. 6:12. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places. High places, or heavenly places. . .That is to say, in the air, the lowest of the celestial regions; in which God permits these wicked spirits or fallen angels to wander. 6:13. Therefore, take unto you the armour of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day and to stand in all things perfect. 6:14. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth and having on the breastplate of justice: 6:15. And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. 6:16. In all things taking the shield of faith, wherewith you may be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the most wicked one. 6:17. And take unto you the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit (which is the word of God). 6:18. By all prayer and supplication praying at all times in the spirit: and in the same watching with all instance and supplication for all the saints:

    March 25,1858

    Our Hope!
    The New Eve
    Our Lady Immaculately Conceived Without Original Sin!
    Free to LOVE!

    There is good reason the Reading for today is the "Annunciation" ... Either Christ was born in December (which we know He was not) OR he was conceived! Either way the Church celebrates it all today!

    Remember! "Demons are powerless...they do nothing but threaten; they grow weak when we pray and speak against them and will NEVER elimination Christ-ianity" -St. Anthony the Great of the Desert

    Her Heel crushes the Head of the Snake, the demonic world-ly powers now seeming SO powerful today. We look at all through the Eyes of Faith!

    "The Reward of Faith is to see what we believe." -St. Augustine

  15. Yes!

    Our Lady @ LOURDES:

    March 25, 1858 - -Dec. 8, 2017

    Feast of the Immaculate Conception: "O Mary conceived without original (the propensity to) sin, pray(s) for us."

    "Bernadette joyfully rejoined the lady in the grotto. It had been 3 weeks since she saw Aquero and had not known whether she would ever appear again. This time she was determined to obtain the lady's name, so that she could finally tell the priest. Bernadette was characteristically stubborn, and she repeated four times the question she had practiced so often,

    "Would you be so kind as to tell me who you are?" The answer finally came:

    "I am the Immaculate Conception."

    "I went every day for a fortnight, and each day I asked her who she was–and this petition always made her smile.

    After the fortnight I asked her three times consecutively. She always smiled. At last I tried for the fourth time. She stopped smiling.

    With her arms down, she raised her eyes to heaven and then, folding her hands over her breast she said,

    'I am the Immaculate Conception.'

    Then I went back to M. le Curé to tell him that she had said she was the Immaculate Conception, and he asked was I absolutely certain. I said yes, and so as not to forget the words, I had repeated them all the way home."

    Bernadette planted a candle between two rocks as a gift, a sign of her prayer and the revelation, and then ran home.

    Running all the way, she repeated these strange words over and over so that she would not forget them..."

    Let us never forget these words from She who bore for us the Savior of the World, Christ the Infant-King!

  16. If not in range of Holy Mass today, here you go for spiritual Communion, today and all days. Live in Christ beyond time and space, from Long Island, the first Catholic Chapel, where the exiled Fr. Gomar DePauw settled and maintained Catholic Tradition, speaking out @ conferences to all who would listen: Mass of the Immaculate Conception: "Salve Sancta Parens/ Hail Holy Mother!" "Youtube Fr. Gommar A. DePauw Traditional Catholic Mass
    Archangel's Archive"

  17. Keep up the good work, Eric. Another great talk!

  18. With all of the changes we are seeing at the local level for the worse this would not surprise me if it happens over the next decade. They say progress is good. If you are a communist perhaps. We are in trouble and need to implore God for His mercy.

  19. Ever read the number 666 as it is written in the original greek? it's literally a sideways version of the ISIS flag script…~WWM

  20. Did you say the Catechism says the Jews do not need conversion? If so... do you recall where? Thanks. Greg S


  21. I will get you my list of suggested special guests for the show to you later today. Great talks last year. I am looking forward to this year

  22. Thank you for these talks. I always enjoy listening to them with my family. I typically learn something new each time. We all have to stay courageous in these times and not be swallowed up by the liberalism prevailing.

  23. Where would you say is the safest place to be in the world? I am trying not to overthink the situation but I am contemplating a move.

  24. Hope you all had a wonderful Feast Day today everyone! Let us stat close to the Blessed Virgin Mary. We have no problems if we are truly doing God’s Will. God’s grace will supply. Janice

  25. What is your favorite interior book, Eric?

  26. Francis now wants to change the Lord’s prayer? Is this true everyone? This impostor never ceases to amaze me.

  27. Keep calling it like it is TCK. They will either love you or hate you. Speak the truth always. Enjoy your weekend everybody.

  28. Noel, It is so bad in the Church these days as I know a few people who have left the Faith because of just how bad it is. I hope I can remain strong unto the end and will be praying for you all. Thank you for this website and opportunity to give feedback.

  29. What a time we live in when even the Cardinals can’t figure out the errors they follow. This is truly the end. Never before have we seen such a mess in the Church. We should have hope though! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

  30. I tried a few times to make a comment and it froze on me. Weird? Anyways, I agree with most of what you said however I don’t believe this is as close as most think.

  31. Liberalism is everywhere these days. Catholics now think they can stand along side heretics and pagans and think this pleases Jesus. The “times” are insane. Sometimes I just want to row off on a boat and never come back, lol

  32. How can I get my child baptized and confirmed these days if the Novus ordo is bad? Please help

  33. Just found this site and I love what you have to say so far. Why doesn’t anyone else speak like this?

  34. We need a St. Nicholas to come and " slap" these heretics in the face, like he did before. It seems to have ended the Arianism crisis. Let us invoke him ! Marijito H

  35. I don't know if you are a FAN of Malachi Martin, I am. but he claimed one of the demons he drove out of a person was Judas. Jan

  36. I have just found your site and listened for the first time. Thank you. I feel comforted.

  37. TOM S: I believe a large comet or asteroid will strike earth. Planet x has touted over and over yet nobody I know has seen it. We will get hammered one way or another. God calls us to prep spiritually and materially. Noah was a prepper. So I think the best way to prep is to get on board with the Arc of the New covenant. MARY. then do what you can in a material manner.

  38. Is it really true there is a potential volcano in the New England area? It almost sounds like fake news to me

  39. This is my first stop daily. Where is the podcast available?

  40. Jerusalem about to be made capital of “Israel” Here comes the next major false flag. Watch all the nations war over this declaration. How does Trump have any power to do this? FISHY! What a Zio-puppet he is

  41. Keep up the good work, Eric
