Saturday, December 16, 2017

The 12 Days of Francis: New Traditionalist Carol!

The 12 Days of Francis: New Traditionalist Carol!
By:  Eric Gajewski
Warning: Sense of Humor needed

Rome Reports is indicating that Francis has recently sent out Christmas cards (see here for the holiday season.  Admittingly, there is not much to expose, in the card itself, but one can only wonder what Francis might have had in mind beforehand.  Given all of his novelty this past year or so I decided to bring to you the new traditionalist carol the 12 days of Francis.  It is perfect for the season wherein you can go door to door caroling for your Novus ordo neighbors. Many might object, however, these heretics, are destroying the Church and we are left to cry or only make fun of as Archbishop Lefebvre once did with John Paul II.  Keep in prayer and make reparation but let us face reality.  They have no intention of changing or converting thus we will stand from a distance in hopes that with such humor they might see the folly of their errors.

Francis wishes everyone a Happy “whatever you celebrate” this season  (As the holiday hit "Obey your conscience" is playing in the background). We cant be too rigid now and just limit this season to Christ lest we sin against ecumenism.

For those unaware, he has added, two new reindeer, into the stable, “Impiety and Heresy’. There is buzz around the Vatican that he will be handing out free annulments for everyone this upcoming year that follows Vatican II! Be of good cheer!  Think this is fake news?  Do not be so sure because you never know what the “Antipope of surprises” might do this upcoming year!

You wont follow Vatican II, the new religion you say!   NAUGHTY!!! 

He is checking his list and checking it twice He is going to find out who was too fundamentalist or Pharisaical this year.  Who knows maybe you will be the proud recipient (via re-gift) of that "Christian Communist" symbol he was given this year! After all, Communists make the best Christians according to FrancisDoctrine.

And now I present to you the 12 Days of Francis!   
Be sure to gather up your fellow traditionalist friends and sing along….

Press play and listen as you read along

12 Days of Francis (Christmas Carol)

On the first day of Christmas the false Pope gave to me,
A questionable Nativity scene,

On the second day of Christmas the false Pope gave to me,
An “unrigid love” and a questionable Nativity scene

On the 3rd day of Christmas the false Pope gave to me,
A new Popemobile Benz, an “unrigid love and a questionable Nativity scene

On the 4th day of Christmas the false Pope gave to me,
More Modernist words, a new Popemobile Benz, an “unrigid love” and a questionable Nativity scene…

On the 5th day of Christmas the false Pope gave to me,
Five Islamic Kings, more modernist words, a new Popemobile Benz, an “unrigid love” and a questionable Nativity scene…

On the 6th day of Christmas the false Pope gave to me,
Vatican II interfaith “praying”, Five Islamic Kings, more modernist words, a new Popemobile Benz, an “unrigid love” and a questionable Nativity scene...

On the 7th day of Christmas the false Pope gave to me,
Seven Sodomites sinning, Vatican II interfaith “praying, Five Islamic Kings, more modernist words, a new PopeMobile Benz, an “unrigid love” and a questionable Nativity scene...

On the 8th day of Christmas the false Pope gave to me,
A Pope “resigning” unwilling, seven sodomites sinning, Vatican II interfaith “praying”, Five Islamic kings, more modernist words, a new Popemobile Benz, an “unrigid love” and a questionable Nativity scene….

On the 9th day of Christmas the False Pope gave to me,
Pagan Immodest Dancing, a Pope “resigning” unwilling, seven sodomites sinning, Vatican II interfaith “praying”, Five Islamic kings, more modernist words, a new Popemobile Benz, an “unrigid love” and a questionable Nativity scene…

On the 10th day of Christmas the false Pope gave to me,
Conservative Cardinals weeping, pagan immodest dancing, a Pope “resigning” unwilling, seven sodomites sinning, Vatican II interfaith “praying”, Five Islamic kings, more modernist words, a new Popemobile Benz, an “unrigid love” and a questionable Nativity scene…

On the 11th day of Christmas the false Pope gave to me,
Mainstream media hyping, conservative cardinals weeping, pagan immodest dancing, a Pope “resigning” unwilling, seven sodomites sinning, Vatican II interfaith “praying”, Five Islamic Kings, more modernist words, a new Popemobile Benz, an “unrigid love” and a questionable Nativity scene…

On the 12 the day of Christmas the false Pope gave to me,
An ecumenical rite forthcoming, mainstream media hyping, conservative cardinals weeping, pagan immodest dancing, a Pope “resigning” unwilling, seven sodomites sinning, Vatican II interfaith “praying”, Five Islamic Kings, more modernist words, a new Popemobile Benz, an “unrigid love” and a final “blessing” from FreeMasonry!

Hey Pagans, Atheists, Satanists and New Agers....
 I wish it was Christmas Today!  
Christ and His Faith is here to stay!


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I dont know whether to laugh or cry with Francis but this truly made my day

  3. They deserve far worse than being souls are going to hell because of their false doctrines

  4. I have a question. I personally believe that Benedict is the actual Pope but we have Pope Francis now in the chair. So, I worry that making fun of him is not good in the Eyes of God. Just not sure. I believe he is saying and doing a lot of harm in our church at this time. My question .. if I freely make fun of him and I going to be judged on that before Jesus one day ? Confused regarding this and if you could give your thoughts it would be appreciated.

    1. No, modernists deserve far worse as Pope St. Pius X said, they deserved to be knocked out...heretics in the old days were burned....archbishop lefebvre even mocked I indicated pray and make reparation but perhaps this little piece will wake up some modernists

    2. I agree that we can withdraw reverence at the same time it becomes justified to withdraw obedience from heretics. No one can ridicule the TLM without committing blasphemy. But because the dogma of Trent and the doctrine of Constance render the Novus Ordo illicit and schismatic, we can ridicule the N.O. with being blasphemous. But prudence demands that we withdraw from even legitimate things if it scandalizes the faithful. Under the circumstance we find ourselves in, its a good idea to refrain from being irreverent and from ridicule in front of liberal and conservative Catholics who don’t understand these things and are scandalized.

  5. Evil in his eyes... hes destroying our Church... even the cross he wears is not a crucifix... Francis the destroyer...Sabrina C

  6. As in " the eyes are the window to your soul francis" and they lpok pretty dark to me, Cynthia K

  7. Aurora B: I pray for him everyday just as Jesus said pray for sinners specially priests who are lost long as hes alive he still has a chance to be saved just like all of us.Even if hes saying many things contrary to d teachings of Jesus that i dont like the more i shd pray for him.God hv mercy on him

  8. Poor santa! He must be feeling awkward many-a-time that's why he commits errors. He was not prepared to sit on the throne of St. Peter, I suspect. He was 'thrown' there by force,,,or else?...


  9. I can believe anyone would accept this man as the Pope. What "Pope" says Communists make the best Christians when the Church has infallibly said otherwise?

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Aurora given the amount of info. Promulgated on pope francis and your use of the internet, it is a clear testimony of willfully ignoring facts and reality. There simply is to much info. By many different sources over 60 year span to be ignored. Either you are an aristocratic isolated from the rest of society or your a servant of Lucifer. Who runs the church. Birds of a feather flock togeather, or Your one of them. Perhaps a freemanson yourself.

    1. Aurora is a heretical troll her comments wont be seen

  12. That poem was funny but true... Loved the singers I would have liked Silent Night better

  13. Where is the dignity of the papal office??

  14. The grinch who stole Catholicism. Karen H

  15. He really has demonic eyes.
    Cynthia M

  16. Ken,
    Look closely at the cross around his neck.

  17. This is too much Eric, LOL

  18. The picture says it all...he is a joker

  19. Perfect for the Holidays! Somebody remove him from the Vatican please
