Sunday, December 24, 2017

Modernist "Negativity" Scene in Fatima

Modernist "Negativity" Scene in Fatima

An especially coarse nativity scene is on display in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, the most prominent building belonging to the sanctuary of Fatima. It is made up of two huge, barely carved trunks, looking like pagan effigies, which are supposed to represent Our Lady and Saint Joseph. Between them is a wood-block which arguably is the crib.

Twitter-User Antonio Carrabino posted a picture of this negativity scene. User describe it as “shameful”, “ugly”, “decadent”, and “modernist”.

User Gina has found a more positive interpretation, “At least they don’t have the naked man from the Vatican.”



  1. Awful Modern Art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. (((Modern art))) just has to rear its ugly head everywhere....

  3. Ugly art is promoted by the Communist party....

  4. They erase the holiness of the nativity scene. 😒
