Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Chileans Physically Attacked Francis-Bergoglio's PEDO BISHOP Appointee

Chileans Physically Attacked Francis-Bergoglio's PEDO BISHOP Appointee

Bishop of Osorno, Chile, Juan Barros Madrid
An Accused Paedophile Who Watched while His Newclergy Sodomized Young Boys
The Chileans Were So Angry that They Stopped His "Installation"
And Pelted Him with Dung and Curses
So that He Had to Be Ushered out a Side Door from the Newcathedral
Now Chile's Revered Former First Lady Has Denounced Bergoglio
As an Accomplice to Paedophile and Demanded that He Call Off
His Proposed Junket to Chile in January 2018


The catalog of countries hurt by Newchurch's subornation of paedophilia among its Newclergy is legion: Ireland, Australia, the United States, Italy, the Philippines, Germany, among them -- and Chile. Now Chile's revered former First Lady Marta Larraechea (1994-2000) has openly railed against Francis-Bergoglio's proposed junket to Chile, January 15-18, 2018. She has denounced his subornation of paedophilia: "He just pays lip service" to stopping it. "I do not want to catch sight of him because I do not like paedophiles," Larraechea added. This is one lady who has Bergoglio's number when so many immoral men pander to him and his New Order!

The First Lady lashed out at Francis-Bergoglio's appointment of a paedophile as Newbishop of Osorno, Juan Barros Madrid, who personally witnessed the sodomy of young boys by his Newclergy. Bergoglio defended his vile Newbishop and bad-mouthed his own Newchurchers in Osorno. So irate were the people of Chile against Barros that they physically stopped his "installation" (since 1968 Novus Ordo bishops have not been validly consecrated under the Sacrament of Holy Orders, but merely "installed" under the New Ordinal of 1968 as Protestantized overseers of their Newdiocese), pelting Barros with dung and curses, so that the police had to be ushered out a side door from the Newcathedral. Chile's National Congress passed a censure of Bergoglio for his failure to eject his paedophile Newbishop.
Speaking in Osorno, First Lady Larraechea expressed her support for the local Lay Organisation, a group that has opposed Barros from the time of Bergoglio's appointment of him and has staged continuous protests in the Newcathedral when he simulates the New Order Mess. Francis-Bergoglio and his Newchurch are under fire in Chile because of their subornation of paedophilia. Larraechea said that she wants Bergoglio to cancel his junket to Chile. The Second Paedophile Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger was forced to cancel his planned junket to Ireland in 2012 when Ireland was rocked by widespread reports of the most vile sex crimes against children there by Newchurch presbyters. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agencia UNO.]

True Catholics, as the United States is rocked by reports of sex crimes in its Congress, its media, and its film industry, the just hand of God -- true Catholics can only hope -- will cross the Atlantic and finally hang a millstone around the neck of the Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio, and drown him in the depth of the sea, which is Christ's stated punishment for paedophiles (Matthew 18:6).