Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Antipope Bergoglio Intentionally Surrounds Himself With Blackmailable Sycophants

Antipope Bergoglio Intentionally Surrounds Himself With Blackmailable Sycophants

As I have previously explained in my piece of 14 February, ARSH 2017, one of the biggest problems and dynamics in the Church, and really throughout our miserable culture in general, is the fact that damn-near everyone is BLACKMAILABLE.

Now, the totally confirming excerpt from “The Dictator Pope” by the pseudonymous Marcantonio Colonna:
The existence of a homosexual lobby in the Vatican, which was revealed by the cardinals’ report of December 2012, is a scandal which Pope Francis (sic) has taken no steps to correct, and which he has indeed accentuated. One of the most notorious cases is that of Monsignor Battista Ricca, who is Prelate of the Istituto delle Opere di Religione. Monsignor Ricca made his career as a member of the papal diplomatic service. After a posting in Bern, he was sent to Uruguay in 1999 and thoughtfully brought with him his boy-friend, a louche captain in the Swiss Army called Patrick Haari. Taking advantage of an interval between the retirement of the nuncio and the arrival of his successor, when Ricca was chargé d’affaires, he settled Haari in the nunciature itself, with a job, a salary and lodging. The new nuncio, arriving in Montevideo in early 2000, tried to get both Ricca and Haari out, but the former was protected by his friendship with Archbishop (later Cardinal) Re, who was at that time Sostituto in the Secretariat of State. The ménage was an open scandal to the clergy and to the nuns who attended the Montevideo nunciature, but nothing could be done, even after Haari was brought home one night by some priests from a house of homosexual encounters where he had been beaten up by some rough trade. Not until Monsignor Ricca himself was caught in a lift with a youth who was known to the police, in August 2001, was the long-suffering nuncio able to get rid of his subordinate. (Haari’s luggage when he left was found to be crammed with condoms and pornography). After a further posting to Trinidad and Tobago, where he quarrelled with his nuncio, Ricca was finally removed from the active diplomatic service in 2005, when he was given a job in Rome with the status of councillor of a first-rank nunciature. His responsibilities included the management of the cardinals’ guest-house in Via della Scrofa where Cardinal Bergoglio was wont to stay, and where he famously went to pay his bill on the morning after his election. Given that Montevideo faces Buenos Aires across the mouth of the River Plate, it seems unlikely that the then Cardinal Archbishop had been unaware of the goings-on in the nunciature over the water, but that did not prevent him from striking up a close friendship with Monsignor Ricca, which stood the latter in good stead when Bergoglio was elected Pope (sic). Within three months of that event, in June 2013, Monsignor Ricca was appointed Prelate of the IOR, the Vatican Bank. The appointment was the subject of a journalist’s question to the Pope a few weeks later, in one of his signature press conferences on board an aeroplane, when he was quizzed about this promotion of a notorious homosexual, and it drew from the Pope the well-known comment, “Who am I to judge?” I
In fact his patronage of Monsignor Ricca fits the pattern which was well established when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires, whereby he surrounds himself with morally weak people so as to have them under his thumb.   One may say that the average pious Catholic would be scandalised to know that the higher reaches of the Church are occupied by men who violate so blatantly their obligations of chastity as Monsignor Ricca has done, and would find it incredible that they are not only tolerated but protected and promoted. Yet that situation has not only continued unchecked under Pope Francis; it has visibly worsened. In October 2015 we were treated to the spectacle of an official of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Monsignor Krzysztof Charamsa, who ostentatiously resigned his position, announced that he was an active homosexual, and launched, for the benefit of the Press, a tirade against the Church’s moral teaching. He also “revealed” the existence of a homosexual lobby in the Curia, which was indeed well known but thus received confirmation from the inside. The significant facts about this case were that Monsignor Charamsa had been working for years as a bitter opponent of the Church’s teaching of which he was ostensibly a spokesman, and also that, with all the talk of cleaning up the Curia, no attempt has ever been made to disturb such figures; it took a gesture of defiance on his part to remove him from the office he had so plainly betrayed.   Another prelate who received a less voluntary outing was Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, the secretary of Cardinal Coccopalmerio. In June 2017 he was caught by the Vatican’s Gendarmeria hosting a homosexual drugs party in his luxurious apartment in the Palazzo del Sant’ Uffizio, and it was found that he had been using his car with Vatican number-plates to transport drugs without being stopped by the Italian police57. Cardinal Coccopalmerio, who is equally well known for advocating tolerance of homosexuality and for being perhaps the foremost of Pope Francis’s yes-men, had proposed this trusted assistant for a bishopric.   The wider significance of this infiltration is that the homosexual lobby is working to change the Church’s moral teaching in its own interest, and it has come into its own with the liberalising tendency introduced by Pope Francis. For example, Archbishop Bruno Forte wrote for the Synod on the Family in 2014 the text which attempted to relax Catholic teaching on homosexuality. His text was rejected by the Synod, but not for any lack of effort on Pope Francis’s part to advance the liberalising cause. Perhaps an even more scandalous case is that of Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, who, incredibly, is President of the Pontifical Council for the Family and whom Pope Francis has recently made President of the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family, the body which John Paul intended as the watchdog of the Church’s teaching.
And remember folks, the blackmailers are almost always blackmailable themselves too, as with Antipope Bergoglio.  This is one of the key dynamics in homosexuality.  Why do young men engage in sodomitical relationships with gross old men?  The young men do it every bit as much out of a desire to hold power over others.  The young men luxuriate in the fact that they COULD blackmail or bring down older, more powerful men.  The older men enjoy the sense of power that comes from engaging in sodomy with young, physically attractive men, and in watching said young men bow and scrape before them – but make no mistake, BOTH SIDES are playing the power-blackmail dynamic off each other.
As with all tyrants and tyrannies, the factor that determines who is the most powerful is pure, naked aggression.  The reason that Antipope Bergoglio wields the power that he does is not that he is some sort of genius – it is exactly the opposite.  It is the fact that he is utterly ruthless and is willing to “pull the trigger” at the drop of a hat on anyone and anything that crosses him.  That’s it.  Power. Power. Power. Power. Power.  He is in the class of tyrants that are DUMB, but hyper-aggressive, and thus maintain their power with an iron fist.  Think Stalin.  Dumber than a bag of wet mice.  45 million killed.  Think Hillary Clinton. Imbecilic, but totally willing to destroy and murder people purely for the sake of her own personal power. Think Kim Jong Duck Dong in North Korea.  Likely sub-100 I.Q., all power retained through murder and starvation.  Think Mao who said it aloud in no uncertain terms, “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” The examples are seemingly endless.
With Antipope Bergoglio, one is already dealing with a group of hyper-effeminate milksops AT BEST to begin with, and with full-on sex perverts more commonly, precisely because such pathetic and despicable men were actively and specifically recruited and elevated over the past 60+ years.  So, die was cast decades ago.
Please remember the Matthew 17: 20 initiative.  Full fasting two days per week for the intention that Antipope Bergoglio be publicly acknowledged and removed as an Antipope, that the entire Bergoglian antipapacy be nullified, that Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger be publicly acknowledged as the one and only living Pope, that Bergoglio repent, revert to Catholicism, die in a state of grace and someday achieve the Beatific Vision, and that Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, repent, die in a state of grace, and someday achieve the Beatific Vision.
Our Lady, Undoer of Knots, pray for us.
Christ, have mercy on us.


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