Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving Reflection: Love Is Not Satisfied With Sharing

Thanksgiving Reflection: Love Is Not Satisfied With Sharing
By:  Eric Gajewski

Some say Love is a sharing of the heart with another but this is inaccurate for this implies a “portion” still retained for its own by the owner himself.  No, true Love has no concern for itself and is a complete giving of the heart to another.  Nay, in the process of moving away from self- love we are met with challenges but we must move from “sharing” to total surrender and abandonment to His good pleasure.  Therefore, once we recognize that we are already in the Heart of the Beloved, then, only then, can we fully live in it.  For I cannot be that which my heart does not desire to attain.  That which we seek to attain has already been given to us freely.  No?  Perhaps, to some, His Words, never touched their hearts but assuredly this total act of self- giving on the Cross brings our own hearts into His mysteriously without ever hearing Him speak.  The silence upon the Cross, is, in my estimation, the greatest sermon every preached.  It is here I did not hear Words but rather His Heart thumping and pounding for my sins.  It pounded loudly against the eardrums of this sinner telling me to change my course.  It pounded and eventually broke down my erroring ways.  Therefore, how can I say I just want to share? Is this enough?

No, I do not want to just share I want to be found without for He alone is my provider.  I have nothing to give and yet in this nothingness He still works Love miracle’s.  It is He who first acts it is I who must concede.  Thus the more I reflect the more it is clear.  His mission was not just to share but to give Himself wholly.  

Therefore, how can I do anything less myself?  

What more could I be thankful for today outside of this Sacred Heart?  Yea, I do not want to change how things presently are for what God allows is perfect and pleasing to Him.  It is I who must wholly conform unto Him.  It is my own heart which needs to change.  I do not belong to another; therefore, I am content and sharing just isn’t enough.  He asks you just as He asks me.  Do you love Me?  Thrice He spoke the same to Peter.  For Love must penetrate deeply unto the heart because upon first knock the heart is alerted, the second knock an awakening and upon the third asking we finally realize what He is trying to communicate to us and thus in tears we say yes and finally mean it. 

Do you Love Him just enough to give Him an hour of your evening or is your heart already ticking on the divine time wherein you are investing every second of the day for God’s glory.  Selfish creatures we are when we resist this Love which seeks to transform us.  For true happiness is not found in just sharing a portion.  

It is never too late for change.  

It is never too early to rise and give thanks for all that He is.  No, I am not satisfied with just sharing for what is there of me that is not already Thine outside of my sins?  He makes, He knocks, He whispers and then occupies for nothing is mine.  We all must better learn to appreciate and give Him thanksgiving everyday.  For if I believed I was totally His than nothing the day could bring would affect my whole giving of self unto Him.  

I would be fully dispositioned to resignation to His holy Will every second.  

Now, it is true that in every marriage there are trials.  There are ups and downs but in this case, it is no fault of God’s but our own.  For as loving as an earthy spouse may be he or she cannot see with all encompassing eyes.  There are disappointments in our own spiritual life only because we love our own selves and wills too much.  If I am to move away from this demon of self-love wherein “sharing” is still an option I must learn to totally abandon myself to God and learn that all things work out for my soul’s advantage.

We are sinners, we all need more than just “second chances”.  Thus, I am sustained by Love, I am encouraged by Love, I live for Love and hope to die therein.  Love melts the harshest ice of winter.  No, I am not satisfied with just sharing.  We come from different worlds but according to His Heart He wants to enter into mine.   Each day is another day to give thanks and renews our “vows’ to the Beloved that we might further distance ourselves from ourselves.  Yea, my heart does not want to just Love; it needs to Love; it is what it was made for and therefore in accordance with reason it is what I seek.  In this scene of the Cross I do not see a Lover just sharing, no.
I see a Lover so utterly mad and consumed in Love that He was willing to shed every last drop of Blood for my sake.  

We will share a table this Thanksgiving with our friends and family but our hearts must always be upon God’s table, His altar, wherein His food is ready 24/7 for us to be consumed.  That is not sharing that is perpetual giving without reserve.  Lord, I am not worthy to have Thee enter under my roof for I am leaky house and you deserve much better.  My residence is in need of perpetual cleaning.  I am not satisfied with just a portion.

The science of the Cross has schooled the most hardened of heart.  It is a cruel yet gentle course of the Teacher who seeks to mold disciples of Love.  These new “educators” take with them Love’s lesson where ever they go.  This lesson is free but the majority refuse.  Th majority refuse to climb Love’s Mountain for they are fearful of their legs "giving out".  They only want to share in just a portion of the journey.  

Nay, those who seek to go only so far in sharing will look back as if there were something of value to return to.  

Our future resides in the adversity of this climb against our own nature and against our inclination to get what we want and when we want it.  Should would be thankful for God “bending to our own good pleasure” if it were possible?  Today, I am thankful and not for just the obvious.  Yea, I am thankful for the tears just as much as the smiles.  In the end, if you found, that, in your giving, “you are somehow missing out on something” then it is because you are not wholly dead unto yourself.  For what was Christ lacking that is not already truly ours due to being heirs of Him?


  1. Prayers for you daily, my friend.

  2. Great article...well said!

  3. John Douglas (MacArthur) Michael(Archangel) TuttleNovember 23, 2017 at 10:26 AM

    What does it mean to truly understand the true love of God which is perfect Righteousness? Committing oneself to doing the Father's Will - in all things. Great article - God bless you and Happy Thanksgiving. Let us have Masses offered for atonement of the blood shed of the innocent victims of the abortion holocaust so that legal abortion will end in our country and let us pray for the conversion of the USA to the true Catholic Faith!

  4. Absolutely wonderful Eric. Thank you for all you do

  5. In the end we are judged by charity.

  6. Eucharist is the Greek means Thanksgiving! Enjoy your day everyone

  7. I pray daily for an increase in patience. May God grant this and may you all have a great day

  8. Well said, God is our provider and He alone will take care of us in the days ahead. Mark

  9. May God have mercy upon us all. May we all grow in grace and holiness. May we all get closer to the Sacred Heart through the Immaculate Heart.

  10. Let us pray for all those who don’t have family this day or who feel lonely, lost and without a way

  11. Happy Thanksgiving from Canada, everyone!

  12. "But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”" Matthew 19:26

    Amen Eric. In lumine Christi a gladio, et

  13. Happy Thanksgiving ! Thanks for putting in the hours probably sometimes when you may not be up to it ! It is appreciated and as for myself , well you are helping to bring me closer to Christ ! God Bless you Eric ! I sent an email to one of my parish Priests to have him over for dinner as well as blessing my home and asking him some questions. I also am going to give him your blog/website etc as well ! I believe he will be most interested .

    Nancy Wilkinson/ Maureen O'Hara

  14. Thank you, Eric!
    Happy Thanksgiving from the Third Order of Penance of St. Dominic: Traditional Catholic Community

    "Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and let them that hate Him flee from before His Face. As smoke vanisheth, so let them vanish away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God. And let the just feast, and rejoice before God: and be delighted with gladness."
    Psalm 67:2-4
