Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Proof Francis is a Freemason

Proof Francis is a Freemason
By:  Eric Gajewski 
Is obedience owed to potential Masonic clergymen?
A must read article...
The Catholic Church has long forewarned of the influence of the Luciferian sect called FreeMasonry.  However, if, one, were to mention, any sort of conspiracy, against the Church these days, you would be laughed out of the building.  What buildings?  Answer?  Heretical buildings but heretics these days don’t really care what you call them.  Why can’t your everyday professed “Catholic”, believe, that, there may be an ongoing apostasy, especially, given, all that we have seen coming from the Vatican these days?  Luther worship.  There is no Catholic God. Jews no longer in need of conversion.  Real Catholics being labeled fundamentalists and so on and so forth. These are some of the brainless errors coming out of the highest positions in the Church and yet the majority still follow!  How can the laity and churchmen be so blind as to what is truly going on in holy Mother Church?  This is a general topic which I have covered in times past but specifically, in this article, I want to tackle the topic of Francis potentially being a FreeMason.  Furthermore, what did Archbishop Lefebvre have to say about this Masonic “masquerading” going on in the Church?  Let the Novus ordo eye-rolls begin!

Masonic doctrine.  Let us go back to Vatican II.  At and since the “Council” churchmen and laity have been duped into embracing principles of this sect.  Religious liberty, liberty of conscience, false ecumenism, freedom of press and speech, separation of Church and state, the whole human family being counted “as inside” the Church, the Masonic “we all worship” the same true God business and so on and so forth.  On top of this there is good reason to believe some of the Vatican II Popes like John 23rd and Paul 6th may have been members of Masonic lodges themselves.    
So, the idea that Francis might be a high-ranking member of the Lodge is not altogether unreasonable.   

He has picked up where the Vatican II Popes have left off.  Now it is true we have had revolutionary Popes since Vatican II.  But here comes Francis furthering the New Religion agenda.  He seems to be setting things up for the final blow if you will.  With such statements as “Communists make the best Christians” and “it is okay if you don’t believe in God just obey your conscience” (in speaking to an atheist) it is easy to understand why one would consider him a FreeMason. 

Can he be that obtuse?  Or is he purposefully planted by Masonry?
Francis hiding his Cross in front of the Jews.  This is common practice for prelates these days.  Even Cardinal Burke has done this.  We don't want to offend the faithless Jews, right?

Archbishop Lefebvre  several decades ago said that the Conciliar Popes were servants to Jewish Freemasonry & Socialism.  “We must not be afraid to affirm that the current Roman authorities, since John XXIII and Paul VI, have made themselves active collaborators of international Jewish Freemasonry and of world socialism. John Paul II is above all a communist-loving politician at the service of a world communism retaining a hint of religion. He openly attacks all of the anti-communist governments and does not bring, by his travels, any Catholic revival.  Archbishop Lefebvre   Must I remind the faithful, that, on the level of doctrine, alone, Catholics, cannot be in buildings where heresy is being taught.  No need to “dig deep” to find out whether your priest or bishop is a Mason or not.  Thanks, Vatican II!!!!

As traditionalist leader Bishop Williamson has said, “Rome is crammed with FreeMasons!”  In addition, I also had on my program, Leo Zagami, a FreeMason himself, who reports the goings on near and around Rome.  When I asked him specifically what percent of the Catholic Cardinals are actually Masons these days he responded by saying about 33%.  He would know he knows a lot of them.  He added, by saying, that, these days, “most” Cardinals, didn’t even need to become Masons, formally, due to their doctrines being so widespread in Rome.  It is safe to say, that, only the blind want to look away at this point.  What the heretics of Vatican II don’t understand is that true traditionalists are actually defending against heresy (in this case coming from the highest positions of the Church).   

We are not trying to refute Catholicism because what Vatican II and these Popes have been teaching isn’t Catholicism.  That is the point! 

Welcome to the mass endtimes apostasy that the real third secret of Fatima was trying to warn about.  The enemy is on high and in control.  The “position” that Vatican II was actually a “Catholic Council” has been “heading downhill” and it ought be more apparent that there has been a diabolical plot to subvert the Church and enforce secular humanism in Rome.  This is the Jewish/Masonic endgame.

  Baphomet anyone?  Helen Keller was an occultist by the way for those who want to hide behind he is saying "I Love you".  Francis loves the New World Order is what he loves...

Masonic “Gang” Handsigns.  On top of the Masonic doctrine being purported by Francis he has been seen given various Masonic “gang” hand signs.  Those, not trained, in looking for these handsigns, will often, miss, these subtle clues, as to who Francis really belongs to.  As Archbishop Lefebvre once said in refuting the Masonic ecumenism of NewRome, “My dear brethren, this is false, absolutely false! And it is precisely this which changes everything inside the Church. This influence comes from Protestantism and from Freemasonry; one must say it, these are Masonic ideas that the Church must not claim to be the only way of salvation. If the Church wants to be friend with Protestants and Freemasons, She must give up saying that She is the only way of salvation. She must accept to say that all religions are ways of salvation. But this is contrary to what our Lord Jesus Christ Himself said! Our Lord said.  This puts into perspective these hand signs Francis gives as he is speaking before the nations as a supposed “Pope” of the Catholic Church.   

Francis equals the second Vatican Council to some who identify as “Catholic” and this is frightening. 

It is shocking to see so many neo-Catholics applauding that statement.  For Vatican II equals FreeMasonry.  It is the foundation for the Novus Ordo Religion.

 Francis showing his allegiance to the Antichriist, Maitreya.

Nothing to see here.  JP2 was caught making Masonic handsigns himself...

Church teaching.  Avoid anyone suspect of being a Mason or in a secret society. This includes Popes, prelates and priests.  This also means you are not to be obedient to them, something, so many “Catholics” fail to realize.  The Neo-SSPX keeps as a rule, this, “give them the benefit of the doubt”.  I have heard this, in sermons, firsthand, and this runs contrary to Catholic teaching.  Given both the evidences of the Masonic doctrine now in play and also all of these Masonic hand signs now being given by Popes and prelates alike, a Catholic, must avoid, and not listen to such persons, who are highly suspect of being an infiltrator.   

That includes your local diocese.   

Archbishop Lefebvre summarizes this Church teaching well when he says, Well then, we understand. We now know with whom we have to deal. We know perfectly well that we are dealing with a “diabolical hand” which is located at Rome, and which is demanding, by obedience, the destruction of the Church! And this is why we have the right and the duty to refuse this obedience. …I believe that I have the right to ask these gentlemen who present themselves in offices which were occupied by Cardinals…..it seems to me that I would have the right to ask them, “Are you with the Catholic Church?” “Are you the Catholic Church?” “With whom am I dealing?” If I am dealing with someone who has a pact with Masonry, have I the right to speak with such a person?  Have I the duty to listen to them and to obey them?”  Tell me why Bishop Fellay (current head of the SSPX) is acting as if Rome has ever had true intentions?  Do they really think that Francis has the intention of converting out of the New Religion?  Ought we be obedient and make agreements with individuals whose doctrine suits FreeMasonry?  The answer is no to those who seek to retain the principles laid down by holy Mother Church. 

Lefebvre, was also suspect, of, certain prelates, in his time being Masons.  “It’s very difficult to say, “This man is a Freemason,” “This man is a Freemason,” or “This man is a Freemason.” We don’t know. It’s very difficult. It is certain that there are some cardinals, some bishops, cardinals in the Curia, or monsignors or secretaries of congregations in Rome that are Freemasons. That is certain because the Freemasons themselves have said that. They have said that they have in their lodge some priests and bishops. It is certain that there are some cardinals and many monsignors in Rome who do the same work as the Freemasons; they have the same thinking, the same mind. Willebrandt is Prefect of the Secretariat for the Unity of Christians, and Archbishop Silvestrini is the first secretary of Cardinal Casaroli who is Secretary of State – and his right hand is Silvestrini. He is a great power in the Curia. He nominates all the nuncios in the world. He has a very great influence and he is probably a Freemason.” (Archbishop Lefebvre, 1986 interview, St. Michael’s Mission, Atlanta, GA)


Article demonstrating the connections between Francis and Masonry:

Just Remove “Pope” Francis!  I hear this argument a lot in the semi-traditionalist circles these days.  Masons remove one of their own?  Not going to happen.  The “climate” in Rome, is, as such, these days, that, this is not a possibility.  No “petition” is going to make the situation any better.  The “dubia” Cardinals themselves are material heretics themselves (in the very least) and most Cardinals who see what is going on (with the infiltration) are either too frightened to act or are just waiting for an opportune time (formal schism) to finally speak up.  Perhaps WAY too late.  As a layman you would simply do what you would do in regards with any true Antipope.  You simply ignore him he is not true Pope and doesn’t have jurisdiction over the Church.  In one ear and out the other with his false doctrine.  Francis is an imposter Masonic “Pope”. If people still want to be idiotic and say “yes but he is the pope!” then let them follow false doctrine and live in a state of disobedience to Tradition and ultimately Jesus.  That is their choice. 
Must I remind everyone that the real third secret of Fatima foretold of a "Pope" who would be under the influence of Satan himself?  Have those times come?  Well, the False Prophet and Antichrist say Francis is a puppet of their own in their own writings and who (of sound mind) could argue against this...

In the end, although, we don’t have direct proof of Francis, being a member of any Lodge, (at least not yet), a Catholic, these days, must fly by the motto of “if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck”, then, more than likely, it is a duck.  And even if we did offer specific proof, it would only be labeled as “fake news” anyway, right?  The Vatican II “sheeple” will persist in their false obedience for the most part. Very few have woken up in general and only very FEW in the future will wake up.  The Jews and Freemason’s not only praised Vatican II, they have an insane love fest for Antipope Francis.  This should cause alarm to any self-professed Catholic but it does not.  The majority “pitter patter” along in their heretical buildings keeping silent while trying to just fit in.  They roll their eyes and avoid “Resistance” type folk like myself and yet thy cannot prove us wrong.  The “proof is in the pudding” and Francis pudding tastes like a carpenter’s old crusty sock.  It truly is a sad state of affairs but this Crisis will work itself out after Gods Justice gets involved.  Let us all pray for the restoration of holy Mother Church and an eradication to her enemies.  God will end this infestation of FreeMasonry and the world will eventually obtain real world peace as the Fatima message dictates.

Why does Freemasonry Openly Support Pope Francis? 


ADDENDUM (Papal Teaching Against Freemasonry):
"At this period, however, the partisans of evil seem to be combining together, and to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that strongly organized and widespread association called the Freemasons. No longer making any secret of their purposes, they are now boldly rising up against God Himself. They are planning the destruction of holy Church publicly and openly, and this with the set purpose of utterly despoiling the nations of Christendom, if it were possible, of the blessings obtained for us through Jesus Christ our Savior" Encyclical On Freemasonry by Pope Leo XIII, 1884

"If other proofs were wanting, this fact would be sufficiently disclosed by the testimony of men well informed, of whom some at other times, and others again recently, have declared it to be true of the Freemasons that they especially desire to assail the Church with irreconcilable hostility, and that they will never rest until they have destroyed whatever the supreme Pontiffs have established for the sake of religion." Encyclical On Freemasonry by Pope Leo XIII, 1884

"The first warning of the danger was given by Clement XII in the year 1738,[3] and his constitution was confirmed and renewed by Benedict XIV.[4] Pius VII followed the same path;[5] and Leo XII, by his apostolic constitution, Quo Graviora,[6] put together the acts and decrees of former Pontiffs on this subject, and ratified and confirmed them forever. In the same sense spoke Pius VIII,[7] Gregory XVI,[8] and, many times over, Pius IX" Encyclical On Freemasonry by Pope Leo XIII, 1884

Can a Catholic Be a Freemason?  Keep in mind Catholics ought not be following the new code of Canon Law in certain areas (this would be one of them as there has been a “loosening” from proper discipline by the heretics currently occupying our buildings). 

"In view of these several reasons Catholics since 1738 are, under penalty of excommunication, incurred ipso facto, and reserved to the pope, strictly forbidden to enter or promote in any way Masonic societies. The law now in force [214] pronounces excommunication upon "those who enter Masonic or Carbonarian or other sects of the same kind, which, openly or secretly, plot against the Church or lawful authority and those who in any way favour these sects or do not denounce their leaders and principal members." 1917 Catholic Encyclopedia, Masonry (Freemasonry)


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  1. only article of the day...join in the convo

  2. Eric, you need to study the sedevacantist syllogism. These folks are not Catholic, and hence are outside the Church. Bergoglio is not Catholic, ergo he is outside the Church, ergo he is not the pope. All argumentation and documentation can be found at NovusOrdoWatch.org and traditionalmass.org. Since 1958 there has been an interregnum; there has been no pope.

    1. i have studied it and dont accept the position and no the new rites arent invalid as sedes suggest

    2. They changed that matter ; the form ; and the intent of the sacraments. If you change just one of these the sacraments are invalid. Here they have changed all 3 matter form and intent. This is in violation of at least 20 dogmas of the church. The sacraments are invalid.

    3. no they didnt listen to fr hesse

    4. Pope Eugene IV council of Florence 1439. All these sacraments are made up of three elements. Namely things as the MATTER.

      Words as the form. And person the person of the minister who confers the sacraments with the INTENTION of sound what the church does.

    5. the new rites arent invalid watch the video i left
      theya re doubtful not invalid

    6. no, lol that is not church teaching at all...no more comments until you listen to the talk...

      doubtful is not the same as invalid even though we must still refrain form doubtful sacraments

  3. Must I remind everyone that the real third secret of Fatima foretold of a "Pope" who would be under the influence of Satan himself? Eric, as a deep researcher of many years re: Fatima, I have never heard this. Is there some proof? It does seem that Bergolio is a mason, and he's made it his mission to destroy the church, but all I have ever heard was the pope would have much to suffer, but never that the pope was a bad guy.

    1. real third secret of fatima is not released to public for obvious reasons

    2. Donna your right it was released but not by the church. Even the hand writings of the fake Lucia was very much different from the real Sister Lucia. The real Lucia had very powerful friends both in and out of the Vatican. Thank God.


  4. Eric, the comment about the Jesuits being masonic leaves one wondering if the meaning behind the statement is that they were always masonic. Explain please?

  5. I believe the "suffering" pope in the prophesy (Fatima) is Pope Benedict XVI..he is and will continue to suffer greatly at the hands of Bergoglio and others like him in the Vatican.

    1. bxvi taught material heresy and contributed to the destruction of the church but yes they wanted someone to push this over the edge..

  6. Mary M

    Is Francis even a priest considering he was ordained under the Norvos Ordo? That being said...,.

    I grew up very strict pre-V2 Catholic and our church resisted the change that came for as long as it could. Like many families we would invite our priest for dinner. I remember one night the Monsenior was with us in a frustrated state. This frustration came from the changes and the group he blamed as the culprits. The Jesuits. He said the Holy Father erred (a past Pope, didn't catch which one), in rerecognising the order and allowing them to resume. That the order had more than once been banned from the church because of the continued practice of studying the "Illuminated Arts". That his, and many other older priests biggest fear, was a Jesuit being seated on the Throne of St.Peter. That he and others still held to an old doctrine of "never Jesuit" in that Holy authority. That once it occurred, it would be the end of the faith. This was during the mid 60's. My question is, is Francis the first from the Jesuit order to be Pope?

    1. no the new rites arent invalid and no he cant be the first jesuit pope because he is an antipope

    2. Mary M

      Truly, I'm not out to try your patience but listening to Fr. Hesse's on a Pope's position, anti-pope, heretic, etc., that although being these things he has the title and although we may dislike it, we acknowledge THAT title and address him as such but are not in any way obligated to heed him in that authority since he is an apostate and heretic. That we honor the title bestowed, not the actions, dictates, or deference of that title. (paraphrased, during one of his many speaking engagements recorded when speaking on past, present, and possible future Popes during post V2.) So, although he is the anti-Pope, being a Jesuit, he is the first recognised Jesuit Pope. (I know, apples and oranges.) I've actually had this argument.

    3. no hes an antipope no need to call him pope:)

    4. Mary, I've always wondered what it was that caused the Jesuits, so long ago, to be banned. Can you explain more, and what are the "illuminated arts"?

    5. there was a lifting on the excommunication

  7. The indications are there.It makes sense,when you consider his behavior.

  8. Replies
    1. "the new rites arent invalid watch the video i left
      theya re doubtful" = masonic word-play foisted upon us! "Doubt" is their weapon. Catholicism is CLEAR. If doubful then not Cathlolic. Francis was named for "Jacob Frank" the zoharist who conspired with Rothschild/Weisshaupt to form a secret/powerful society based on Jesuit dicipline substituting Lucifer (DO AS THOU WILLT) for Christ. The papally supressed "Jesuits" then came roaring back... We are over 200 years into this!

    2. there is a difference between doubtful sacraments and invalid...you had better learn the difference which is why i left the video, sedevacantist error there

  9. The evidences you suggest seem to point in that direction. We cannot deny his errors and also these various hand signs he puts forth can only lead one to truly believe he is an infiltrator. It seems like Masons around the world don’t care whether they are caught. You see all the celebrities giving these hand signs. How do people not put two and two together? Kyle

  10. Great article, Eric. I only pray my family wakes up to this Apostasy. It seems the more you show them the more resistant they become!


    2. Amazing how speaking up for Catholic Truth translates into being 'hateful' by these Novus Ordites. They have truly bought into the spirit of the world that says there should be no arguing and everyone should just get along.

  11. It doesn't look like he is reaching for something inside his coat as some people have told me about this picture. It
    does appear that he knows he is be photographed on a bus and wants to show the
    hidden hand. Robert M

  12. I have made the rounds in this town of the alphabet of "Trad" Masses/Orders. Even the sedes are infected! The latest is this rogue priest who has wittingly or unwittingly sided with the Masonic enemies of the Devotion to the Holy Face via some unearthed "Bull" under some "valid Pope" which "banned" it! The Holy Face Devotion is THEE Devotion for our time: in reparation for post-French Revolution academic FREEMASONRY (blasphemy of our Blessed Savior and the Blessed Ever- Virgin in elite/educational,business, political circles) by RANK SATANISTS practicing "all the evil they can for their god lucifer). It is insanity on our part to be rationalizing any of this!

    Jacob (Leibowitz) "Frank" was the then-"messiah" of the zoharists which had infected Torah Jusaism... Then on to the Catholics... As "Jesuits:"

    FRANKsis the First
    now at the helm of a fully compromised pyramid of cardinals!

    They did it.
    Question: what do we do.
    Cling to CLEAR Tradition!
    No DOUBT. :)

  13. As someone on this blog suggested, the Freemasonic/Visible V2 "Church" was devised as a "strawman" to be debased, destroyed as IF it can be, gates of hell/heresy not prevailing

    However, what can be said of Catholics participating in the DOUBT-FULL hoax?

    Here's what: if it is DOUBT-FULL it is WRONG.

    1. "What" about what?

      Luciferian Fremasonry's main weapon is doubt, which is why we are exhorted to stay clear/stron on matters of The Faith. All other matters, such as debate on millenarianism" are a distraction and play into the bloody hands of Freemasonry, who blatantly announce what they are up to!

  14. Worse than doubt-full is the manner of ill-treatment of the "Eucharist" @ N.O. "Masses."

    Would that Christ (as promised by St. Louis De Montforte) HAD taken Himselff out of N.O.

    As Christ said to the Carmelite of Tours, Sr. Mary of St Peter, (Holy Face)


  15. Re: "On November 12, in Syracuse, a conference entitled “Church and Freemasonry – So close, So Far?” has taken place. It was

    ORGANIZED by the GRAND ORIENT of Italy..."

    Red flag right there:

    "ORGANIZATION" of Deception should have been boycotted, not given credibility.

    So "close?"
    By what standards?
    NEW/NOVUS standards.


  16. Sorry for such an off-topic post, everyone, but I want to start a poll here to get some insight into an issue that's been bugging me.

    Simple question: do you think the Garabandal apparitions are a demonic hoax or a True Marian apparition? If a hoax, please give at least one reason. If true, you can just say true.
    Thx in advance for the feedback!

    1. I believe they are true because Padre Pio said it was alright to go to a blind man named Joey Lomingo. Not sure if I spelled his name right. So if Padre Pio says its alright that's good enough for me !

  17. I know nothing of "GarAbandal" other than "condemned" since Vtican Coup.

  18. Fremason-captured "ROME" has declared that

    "Dialogue" (which was always Freemasonry's. guided mono-logue) is OVER, if you have been listening.

    Their PRAXIS is "Luciferian" to get us to "DO AS THOU WILLT." First by seduction into the N.O.

    Then by FORCE as say, Maximillian KoLbe's Franciscas of the Imaculata experienced.

    "Let them be a lesson to us."
    OR the Battle Cry!

    And let the REAL dialoge among the scattered flow like the oil on arron's beard. The OIL of GLADNESS among those standing firm in TRUST (no doubt)
    in God's Provide-nce!

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. We must pray for Holy Mother Church! Marie G

  21. The talk you had last year with Fr.Kramer really put me over the edge in terms of believing Francis to be a
    Freemason. Why do those in the Novus or do find that so difficult to believe? I mean Christ had enemies who wanted to kill Him but they think the Church doesn’t have enemies who would want to infiltrate? Please!

  22. Read Albert Pikes book Morals and Dogma:http://www.resist.com/Onlinebooks/...ralsAndDogma.pdf

  23. You need to stop with the conspiracy theories,Eric. This routine gets old.

  24. If you are at a loss for MASS, get and old Missal (EBAY) and follow along!

    The TML Mass with the Dutch/American validly ordained priest who after being dismissed from then-Catholic U and a diocese appointment, ANYwhere, built and prayed Faith-fully at the first Catholic Resistant Chapel Westbury Long, Island, until his death in 2005. The Tradional Catholic Movement was born...

    Search: "Youtube Fr. Gommar A. DePauw Traditional Catholic Mass
    Archangel's Archive 4,283 views"


    Did you know that the Tradition Vestments of the Priesthood are the INSTRUMENTS of the PASSION wherein the priest stands IN for us in HUMILITY and REPENTANCE before GOD.

    Contrast this with the novus ordo

    CAFTAN, signifying

    N.O.thing, except

    Albert PIKE"s Satanic (inverted/perverted)

    "Morals and Dogma"
    (MAN as God)

  25. Wow! God have mercy on your Church. Ivan C

  26. You would think most would bail out on the Novus Or do after the last round of trying paint Luther as a good guy. It only goes to show you how little grace is left…

  27. Yikes! The pictures alone are very telling. There seems to be a Soros connection to the Vatican these days. That is never good

  28. Is Bishop Fellay aware that he might be a Mason?

  29. So many Free Masons have spoken positively in favor of Vatican II. How can any Catholic believe it was actually a “council of the Church”? From dumbfounded…

  30. How can anyone think Francis is Catholic when He says publicly that Communists make the best Christians”? That statement alone proves who he is working for and it isn’t Jesus!

  31. Archbishop Lefebvre was a guiding light for our times. I realize he was not perfect but none of us are. We must continue to Resist.

  32. Why does Leo Zagami think there are good Free Masons? Bizarre…at least from the Catholic perspective

  33. The fallen stars of the apocalypse. They are dragging souls into hell these damn Masons. They need to be exposed and deposed.

  34. Good stuff, Eric. It is hard to imagine why so many will still attempt to refute all the proofs given. I will share this with my family. Keep up the good work.

  35. Where does it say from the New Age that Francis is a pawn of theirs? Did I miss that article?

    1. http://tradcatknight.blogspot.com/2016/01/new-age-francis-playing-his-part.html

  36. As we know the 3 "World Wars" were the brainchild of US Army General Albert Pike who also wrote the Satanic "Morals and Dogma."
    What script was HE following?

    Here is one hypothesis:

    What is the Book of Revelation: its questionable

    "Get Ready for A Grand Deception – Der BRD-Schwindel"


  37. I am glad you stated the obvious. No matter if he is or not you can not follow a “Pope” teaching heresy. The greatest theologians and even one of the Pius’s have said this. Every time I see Bergoglio I cringe.

  38. Thank you for allowing comments. I hope to participate more often. My question is this. “Should we still attend the SSPX” if they keep talking Rome. It seemed like an agreement was close not to long ago and I was worried. Kevin


  39. Those in the Novus ordo need to realize as Eric points out we are refuting the new religion’s principles we are not
    refuting Catholicism. The true Protestants are in Rome these days.

  40. Archbishop Lefebvre, “Rome has lost this Faith! This is true…”

  41. The Masonic subversion of the Church https://archive.org/stream/AltaVen...Vennari_djvu.txt

  42. God is chastising us. Fatima warned us of this. Masons playing pretend. I have n doubt Francis is a Free Mason

  43. Is there an updated list of Masons in the Church? Probably not but thought I would ask.

  44. Padre Pio warned of Ecclesial Masonry coming from the top of the Church. Fr. Villa had done some astounding work on this topic. I encourage you all to get the website, http://padrepioandchiesaviva.com/

  45. This page sounds like just another Protestant cult.

  46. Why don’t you get Francis on your show and then you could ask him? LOL


  47. I didn’t know Helen Keller was an occultist. You learn something new everyday

  48. Never give any suspected Mason benefit of the doubt!Does Salza fit it to this category? Me thinks so!

  49. This conspiracy is nothing new. I am not sure why so many are surprised by this. The Church has been battling with Free Masonry long before Vatican II. Roncalli was a Mason and nearly became Pope at one point. Stephen K

  50. The whole “dubia” vs Francis thing is distracting. The “dubia” follows the same principles of Masonry that Francis
    does. When will the conservative Novus Ordos wake up?

  51. Francis is quacking for sure. Ignore there heretic and pray for his conversion

  52. I “woke up” about a year ago thanks to Francis. I will never step foot inside another Novus ordo church again. The One World Religion is upon us and Francis is leading the way. Appreciate this article, Eric!

  53. Anyone aware of a traditional church in Georgia? So hard finding a church these days.


    2. Re: Anti-Traditional Jorge of the New Order

      "Francis-Bergoglio, once again showing himself to be a Protestant, celebrated the Feast of Christ the King on the wrong day, the last Sunday of November.

      Pope Pius XI had instituted this feast in 1925 to be a public, social, and official declaration of the royal rights of our Lord Jesus Christ as the Word Incarnate and as Redeemer -- as the King of kings and the crown of all the Saints.

      This feast acknowledges Christ's complete dominion over us and our complete dependence upon Him.

      On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther had posted his his 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Palace church, marking the start of the Protestant Revolt in Germany.

      "Reformation" Day is thus placed on the last Sunday in October, so Pope Pius XI in his Apostolic Brief Quas primas of October 11, 1925, set the Feast of Christ the King there to counter Protestantism's heresies. But Newchurch in its New Order calendar of 1969, which was based upon Protestant models, violated this Catholic principle by moving the feast to the last Sunday in November to avoid embarrassing the Protestant heretics.

      By the decree of Pope Pius XI, the Act of Dedication of the Human Race to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is to be recited on this day before the Most Blessed Sacrament exposed, to be followed by the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Arch-heretic Martin Luther detested both of these devotions. He denied the doctrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament and hated the devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus."

  54. The Society has really turned “left” these days. Very disappointed in Bishop Fellay

  55. When will God stop this madness? Why would He allow His Church to be overrun by these wolves? It is sometimes hard to think about. It makes me feel not loved.

  56. Francis masonic handshakes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkuTudP4yhc

  57. I believe direct proof will come out on Francis and others but until then we must continue to keep the Faith and keep
    our distance. It us they who are in “schism”with their new religion.

  58. Why do so many modern “Catholics” think they can be Masons and Catholics at the same time?

  59. This article needs to be shared everywhere and I am not even Catholic

  60. Saw this on VT. Eye opening to say the least. So many masonic pedos lurking everywhere.

  61. Too much benefit of the doubt is being given these days to those in the Conciliar Church. It is not at all prudent to be rubbing your shoulders often with those not keeping the Faith Masons or not. I realize we must educate to convert but one has to be very careful of not
    falling into the enemy’s trap. ~Allison

  62. Keep up the good TradCatKnight!

  63. This year the Jesuits just elected a new socialist/homo loving General Superior too.

  64. Will Bergoglio take the “mark” if he is still alive? I think so…and probably persuade others to do so.

  65. UGH! Those photos are incriminating. I had never seen those before.

  66. Eric, when does the holy Pope arrive?

  67. Look into the history of Bergoglio and you will see why this article makes sense

  68. The Holy Pope arrives, in my opinion, after the consecration of Russia and the triumph of Our Lady

  69. Blessed Anna Maria Taigi (1769-1837)

    "After the three days of darkness, St. Peter and St. Paul, having come down from Heaven, will preach in the whole world and designate a new Pope. A great light will flash from their bodies and will settle upon the cardinal who is to become Pope. Christianity, then, will spread throughout the world. He is the Holy Pontiff, chosen by God to withstand the storm. At the end, he will have the gift of miracles, and his name shall be praised over the whole earth. Whole nations will come back to the Church and the face of the earth will be renewed. Russia, England, and China will come into the Church."

  70. Ancient texts tell us that Noah was from a prominent family. So prominent that Noah got attention for his preparing for what must have been a massive flood, maybe the flood which left ruins under 30 feet of water all along the north coast of Turkey. The upper large body of water called The Caspian Sea had at some time breached the land mass blocking its free flow into the Black Sea. This we know happened. More importantly, Noah's grandfather became famous for disposing of the first violent psychotic bully in recorded history with his shovel in his own back yard. This demonically possessed fool had been terrorizing towns all around the region, and without a police force this monster had wreaked havoc for some time. He finally visited the wrong house. As with Noah's grandfather, we will be the salvation of our own homes. Treasonous freemasonic legal jurisdictions have corrupted that which we as true builders built up. They REJECT candidates for hire because of high IQs. The answer as to why there continues to exist a bad problem with hard drug trafficking is easy for men and women to understand. Kill your television set is #1.
