Thursday, November 2, 2017

ILLUMINATI UNMASKED: Symbolic Pics of the Month (November, 2017)

ILLUMINATI UNMASKED: Symbolic Pics of the Month (November, 2017)
In this edition of SPOTM: Kevin Spacey, Milo Yiannopoulos, Bryan Cranston and the symbolism around the Vegas shooting. And more.
In the past years, several mega-franchises released “character posters” and, unsurprisingly, they’re replete with the one-eye sign. Here are the posters of Star Trek Discovery. Can they be more blatant? Not really.

This poster features the famous Vulcan Salute hand sign, complete with 
a single eye strategically placed between the fingers.
The Vulcan Salute hand sign is symbolic in itself as it is based on the Priestly Blessing 
performed by Jewish Kohanim. The sign represents the Hebrew letter Shin (ש), which 
has three upward strokes similar to the position of the thumb and fingers in the salute. 
The letter Shin here stands for El Shaddai, meaning “Almighty (God)”, as well as for 
Shekinah and Shalom. Therefore, placing an all-seeing eye into that symbol gives this 
movie poster a profound esoteric meaning that most will completely overlook.
Here’s another Star Trek poster. More one-eye focus.
In case you believe that this is all a coincidence, here are 8 more posters from the same series.

In case you still believe this is all a coincidence, here are 3 posters promoting Star Wars The Force Awakens.

Do you see a pattern here?
While we’re looking at movie posters, here’s the official poster of the movie All I See if You.

All I See is the one-eye sign AMIRITE?
The one-eye sign popped up on several famous faces last month, reminding us that showbiz is actually about servitude.

The (elite-owned) magazine The Economist decided to use this 2011 picture of Angelina Jolie on its cover. Why? Because it is the perfect way of subtly divulging that she’s owned by the elite. The headline “When children change gender” also hints to the agenda behind this publication.
Bryan Cranston in Esquire November. His face says: “Sorry, but I need to do 
this to keep making money”.
Milo Yiannopoulos posted this on his Instagram page. In case you never heard of him, 
he was a writer at Breitbart and a supporter of Trump. Although gay, he spoke against 
gay rights, feminism, political correctness and is often associated with the “alt-right”. 
However, his popularity dwindled greatly when someone dug up a 2015 video of him 
downplaying the abuse of minors. Relating to his own abuse experience at the hands of 
an older priest, Milo stated “I’m grateful to Fr. Michael. I wouldn’t give nearly such 
good head if it wasn’t for him.” While he claimed he was using humor to cope with 
his troubled past, the damage was done. During an appearance on the Joe Rogan show, 
Milo talked about attending Hollywood “boat parties” and “house parties” in which 
boys he described as “very young – very young” were sexually abused. He did not
 name names or contact authorities, which wasn’t a good look. Does this one-eye 
picture indicate that Milo is about to take a more “elite-friendly” path? We’ll see.
Speaking of Hollywood weirdness, several people have fallen recently … like a house of cards.

For years, Spacey did what it takes to be famous and relevant. On the left, Spacey 
did the 666 one-eye sign as a “GQ men of the year”. On the right, a promo pic for 
the third season of House of Cards. He recently came out as a homosexual while 
admitting to abusing a teenager. Hours later, Netflix announced that his show 
House of Cards was canceled. Things move fast in Hollywood these days.
Susan Sarandon in the October issue of Elle UK. Her right hand points downward, effectively making the “as above so below” hand sign.
Claire Foy in the September issue of Vogue. A creative way of hiding one eye.
Tomas Kluz is a popular singer in the Czech Republic. This is the pic used for his 
album cover. Yup. No country is exempt from the agenda.
Model Grace Chen in Vogue Singapore.
Angela Lindvall in Harper’s Bazaar Spain.
Same model. Same magazine. Same crap.
I could post one-eyed pics all day but you’ve probably got your fill by now. Although the recurrence of the one-eye is blatant proof of an elite-controlled industry, “they” enjoy making things even more blatant.

Singer That Poppy inside a glass box while her handler Titanic Sinclair holds her chain. That Poppy’s entire act is all about her being an MK slave (read my article about her here).
Now, on to a completely different topic. The Vegas shooting. It occurred over a month ago and the official story is still extremely murky. However, the symbolism that surrounded the tragedy is difficult to ignore.

This is a screenshot from a video of the concert taken one hour before the shooting. Notice the prominent illuminated pyramid, the obelisk, and the Sphinx. Those are some of the occult elite’s favorite symbols of power overlooking the crowd.
This pic was taken from the VIP area of the Route 91 Harvest Festival shortly before the shooting. Notice the ad in the background. Combine these devil horns with the illuminated pyramid and the obelisk seen above and you’ve got a very occult stage for … a blood sacrifice. A full article on the Vegas shooting will be published once more relevant info comes out. Stay tuned.


  1. These freaks who sell their souls to the devil make me sick

  2. Glad you cover this topic via visual representation, SHARING!

  3. Sad to see these “celebrities”handing themselves over to Christ’s enemies

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. These celebs are a bunch of pedophiles who abuse children as an oath to join the higher levels of freemasonry. Illuminati is freemasonry, they are propaganda weapons for the overthrow of The Catholic Church. They all win awards after they sell their soul to Lucifer, what a surprise.. They are the devils weapons to lead people astray.

  6. We have to keep praying for these poor souls, keep up the good work Eric

  7. Las Vegas was definitely a big psyop. We should prepare for more this week


  8. 666 is the number of the beast. Who can doubt given the apostasy in the Church and everything else we see that the Antichrist is not close?

  9. Keep me in prayer Eric. Going through a rough time as of late and Ineed all I can get

  10. You will never see this type of material on another supposed traditionalist sites. This is why you’re website is the best….

  11. The symbology is all around us it is not even just the TV anymore. Cant go a day without being indoctrinated. #poorchildren

  12. Sending you a cash donation this week,Eric. Love the work brother. Although I cant keep up most of the time I try to view as much as I can!
