Saturday, November 4, 2017

Homosexuals Are 5-8 TIMES More Likely to Molest Children

Homosexuals Are 5-8 TIMES More Likely to Molest Children
(Illuminati satanist Kevin Spacey.) 

Spacey hoped to garner some gay immunity by “coming out” at the same time as
admitting to assaulting a 14-year-old fellow actor in 1985.  However,  gay activists and leftists rebuked him for drawing attention to the connection between pedophilia and homosexuality. 

“Spacey choosing now to come out, in order to spin Rapp’s sexual-assault allegation, is underhanded behavior worthy of his character Frank Underwood on House of Cards.”
As usual, progressives are hypocritical. As the excerpt below documents, homosexuals commit up to thirty times more acts of pedophilia than heterosexual males. Homosexuality is especially common in show business. 
Hate Crime Legislation  (contains footnotes) 
by Judith Reisman
(excerpt by henrymakow.,com) 
A major study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) concluded “Sexual abuse of boys appears to be common, underreported, underrecognized, and undertreated,” citing to other “large-scale studies” in which 34% of 1001 men who had sex with men attending a sexually transmitted clinic….reported histories of sexual abuse.”
The same study of underreported boy sexual abuse–stressed that males are much more reticent to report homosexual child abuse, as an insult to their manliness perhaps, than are females.
As noted much child sexual abuse goes unreported and some unsubstantiated. Hence, the following statistics, sources in each endnote, are to be viewed with caution as reflecting the best available current data.
Of 90 million adult males:
~9% of heterosexual men (~86-88 million) victimize 8 million (25%) girls.
~100%+ homosexual men (~2 million) victimize 6 to 8 million (17% to 24%) boys.
~3 to 4.5 boys are victimized per homosexual male. 28
~1 girl is victimized per 11 heterosexual males. 29
~50% of white gays had 500 plus, sexual partners, the rest averaged 100-500.30
~25% white homosexuals admitted sex with boys, “sixteen years old or younger.” 31
~50%+ of AIDS victims (n=279) had oral or anal sex with an adult male by age 16.32
~20% of AIDS victims (n=279) had sex with an adult male by age 10 (1981-82).33
~21% Advocate respondents (n=2,500) “were sexually abused by an adult by age 15.”34
The Reisman & Johnson study found 15% homosexual boy partner solicitation versus 0.45% heterosexual girl partner solicitations as seen below. 3 5
Boy vs. girl partner solicitation chart: 150 Boy Versus 20 Girl Victims Per Child Molester
Sexual abuse of a male child by an adult male is defined as a homosexual assault. Homosexual males molest boy victims far more often than heterosexual males molest girl victims. Psychologist Eugene Abel reported homosexuals, “sexually molest young boys with an incidence that is occurring from five times greater than the molestation of girls.”
The rate of homosexual versus heterosexual child sexual abuse is staggering. Abel’s data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal (yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls. 36
“Nonincarcerated child molesters admitted to from 23.4 to 281.7 acts per offender….whose targets were males” (Abel et. al., at 32-50. 44, 48).”37
The 1991, US Population, Statistical Abstracts data are compared to the accepted child sex abuse data (1 in 4 girl victims and 1 in 6-8 boy victims) and accepted estimates of the homosexual and heterosexual populations.
The data above show that 1-2 million homosexual men, who comprise a very small percentage of the male population, managed to sexually abuse 6 to 8 million boys under the age of 18. Approximately the same number of girls were abused during the same time frame. However, it took 86-88 million heterosexual men to prey on that number of girls. Again, the data demonstrate that the rate of homosexual molestation of boys greatly outstrips the rate of heterosexual molest of girls.
Since 100% of homosexual males do not sexually assault boys, a vast subset of this highly cohesive population commits multiple, repeated child sex offenses. The homosexual population has been internationally identified in France, England and the USA as between 1% and 3% (in a range of 1.5% to 2%).38 Hard data confirm international research and law enforcement reports. The 2% homosexual population harbors a vast pederast boy abuse subculture, a public health problem of immense proportions.
This subculture has resulted in tragic consequences for children. As noted above, the rates of anxiety, depression and general psychopathology as well as venereal and general disease, child pornography and child and adult prostitution and pornography claim the lives of children who are sexually abused.

Fifty Shades of McFly: Pedophilia, Incest & Sodomy Programming 


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