Tuesday, November 14, 2017

7 Ways the New World Order Deceives

7 Ways the New World Order Deceives
By: Eric Gajewski

Christ said to expose the darkness and this is one of the things that I try to do at TradCatKnight.  Make no mistake, there is a conspiracy to deceive not only Catholics but humanity as a whole.  These agents of Antichrist have long been impregnated into our society and have working within the ranks of the Church and State to prepare the way for their new false messiah.  It seems as of late they are not even trying to hide their agendas but nevertheless it is helpful to further unmask certain areas so important to understand in this endtimes deception.  In this article I will cover 7 different ways the New World Order deceives and how we must continue to resist this revolutionary process and pitfall into the arms of the Antichrist himself.

Government is here to help!  In general, from a Catholic perspective, this could be a good thing, if our leaders were Catholics and followed the teachings of the Church.  As Catholics we profess the Social Kingship of Christ not Masonic religious liberty in which this country was founded upon.  They say they are here to help us but those awake know their endgame.  It will be either accept the Socialism/Communism they profess or it is off with your head at the local FEMA camp.  The Socialists want your kids, they want your homes they literally want your body so that they can totally control you.  They say it is best for you.  However, resistant minded folk will have nothing to do with this Luciferian regime now coming into the Light.  More police state, more surveillance state and more personal freedoms taken from the masses.  Globalism is the only solution they will rant as if the Church hasn’t already said what would work for a properly ordered Christian society.  The problem is, the Masons and Marxists are inside the Church teaching their false doctrines trying to get others to falsely obey.  Yes, the government is here to help you (cough, cough).  They are here to help you get to your grave earlier.

You can choose!  Imagine a world where the stage is set and the actors are in place yet the viewing audience actually believe what is taking place is not already rehearsed?  That is the world in which we live.  Elections at the presidential level do not give you any choice.  Trump is apart of the same “club” as Hillary.  He was in the swamp long before talking about it.  He is a 33-degree Scottish Freemason whose dirty money has come from the Jewish mob.  He is an ardent Zionist who is helping to prepare the way for the Antichrist.  He now is preparing the middle east for peace which will not be long lived.  Furthermore, you get to go into your grocery and choose.  Choose as many GMO’s as you want.  Choose what health problems you want by taking a vaccine and so on and so forth.  In the end, several Catholic seers had said that the liberty of conscience granted to people will be abused and what sound mind can argue against that in our times.  You can now choose to be a girl if you are a boy.  You can choose to be called whatever you like.  It is truly a mad world we live in.

Fake news.  This has been contrived by those behind the New World Order in order to paint clear thinking people as loon birds.  The same type of thing is going on inside the Church with such phrases as “Pharisee” or “rigorist” coming for the mouth of the Masonic puppets installed in Rome.  The reality is mainstream media news doesn’t correspond to reality.  They have agendas and they need to sell them through the puppet newscaster you are watching.  I have recently even been attacked by the heretics following the illicit and heretical teachings of Vatican II.  They say what you report is “fake news”.  Francis would never support a global one world government as if John Paul II or Benedict XVI didn’t either.  The ones eating the garbage THE mainstream news are FEEDING ARE the ones en route to taking the mark.  This world is a lie didn’t Jesus not say His kingdom was not of this world?  And yet you believe the mainstream media? Talk about delusional.  The other buzz word is “conspiracy”.  As if the enemies of God would never conspire against Him both on the Church and State level?  Ever hear of Lucifer and his fall from heaven?  Nah...that is fake news Eric.

Economy is good.  I am no economist but have had on my show some of the top economic minds the world has to offer and none of them say this ponzi scheme called “the economy” can make it much longer.  The question is why would the New World Order have you to believe everything is quite alright?  Well, I believe that is open for debate feel free to comment below on the website but perhaps they want to lull the masses to sleep so they are not so urgent in prepping?  They truly don’t want clear thinking citizens.  Assuredly, they don’t want these same citizens armed and self-sufficient.  In order for the mark of the beast to come about there must first be a collapse on all levels.  They must have cash outlawed so they can get everyone “chipped”.  It is only logical if you are paying attention to the news and seeing the progression from a paper economy to a digital one.

Materialism.  More wealth the better you are off.  From a catholic perspective this is completely false.  We are having this propaganda shoved down our throats with all of the commercials that we see on TV.  One of the reasons why, perhaps, we should not have them.  How about the celebrity tools of the elite especially in the rap industry shoving this down our throats?  You can be cool and have a lot of things but absolutely no morals.  I don’t think this is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is from the devil who turns men away from Christ and toward the world and all its pleasures.  You are deceived man of ambition.  I have been both rich and poor and never been closer to Christ than when I was “without”.  The New World Order sure does manipulate minds into thinking we can abolish poverty. Apparently, they never read Scripture where Our Lord said the “poor ye shall always have”.

Protect the earth.  On the surface level this looks noble but their endgame is not.  The early Church Fathers warned that Rome would return to ancient paganism and we are en-route to that.  Save the seals, unplug your microwave and carpool when you can.  This is all apart of the Agenda 21 deception in which the impotent humanitarianism becomes all but obvious to clear thinking minds.  Mother Gaia worship and paganism in general is on the rise as many are abandoning Holy Religion due to their inability to abide by the basic doctrines of Christ and the Church.  It means we have a generation full of themselves.  This is a perfect setup for the Man of Lawlessness and His Religion of Self coming.  This new “religion” is purely crass and void of any Divine origin.  In the end it amounts to “obey your conscience” and you will be okay with God.  “Be a pagan and protect the earth and you will have everlasting life” said no true believer ever.  We are not offending Mother Earth but God Almighty who created the earth.

Aliens and “ascended masters” are here to help us evolve.  Yea, sure they are.  This is another pysop to get people to believe aliens are not actually demons and the ascended masters are actually not fallen angels amongst us.  We should all see how society is “progressing”.  To the liberal this is good they argue.  They want a Communist, New Age, lawless Republic. To the Christian we want a return to Truth.  A truth left behind to Christ and His Catholic Church.  Surprisingly, I still meet resistance from those professed Catholics in this area.  I am afraid a good number will fall for this deception as they think the Vatican is running a “tight ship” these days (no pun intended).  Through the alien agenda they can build there greater united humanity wherein people of all religions will seem to be okay but God has other designs which involve a vast elimination of humanity in the future.

U.N is the model for peace?  How could a Christian ever think this?  The same U.N. forcing Agenda 21 on us?  The same U.N. which will have the Antichrist as its leader?  Our Lady at Fatima came in 1917 to clear the air concerning the role of Communism in these endtimes and very few listened.  The hijacked Vatican does not want you to know the real third secret of Fatima for good reason lest you think there was an ongoing apostasy in the Church.  Through the intercession of Our Lady the world be able to transition into the post-apocalyptic Planet X world.  It is through our Lady, Christ and the Catholic Church that this world can once again have any semblance of peace.  One Baptism, One Faith and One Heart through Mary and coming from our Source and End Jesus Himself.  When they shall say peace and safety …well you know the rest.  Furthermore, the whole social justice movement serves the Antichrist.  Everybody has to have rights and equality while the moral code decays away.  My opinion on “faith” is just as good as yours”. We all get together and eat jelly donuts together and talk about how war should be outlawed.  A true pacifist dream and yet it is these types who are perfect candidates for the New Age.

What else comes to mind on your end?  I would like to hear from you in the comments.

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Questions, comments and suggestions? Email me at apostleofmary@hotmail.com

Donations: Please get behind TradCatKnight financially if you feel you have benefited from the material I present.  I appreciate all your prayers and support!  I also appreciate the letters coming in as well!  For CASH contributions please email me at apostleofmary@hotmail.com for the mailing address.


  1. Yes, indeed we are Eric! That is why we have to stay INFORMED and stay true to the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church; and PRAY! My belief is that Our Heavenly Father will not continue to allow His Children to be destroyed...He will send and is sending His chastisements and then His Warning, then, Jesus will come with His Mercy and those who persevere to the end with God and His TRUTH..will be rewarded in Heaven. Going through these troubling times will be hard and suffering is one of the ways we Catholics believe helps us get to the Beatific Vision, so we must endure. But, we must be SMART and not put our heads in the sand. Thank you Eric for keeping us in the know and in the now! :)

    1. Pretty good I think. I'm trying to get people to come to this site and comment by commenting myself and then making a response on FB for them to check it out. We'll see how that works...:)

  2. I agree with you the New World Order runs the political establishment and Trump is in on the game. I didn’t believe you at first but the evidence is there. How many times will he make the 666 hand sign?

    1. It is amazing to me that certain Catholics praise Melania Trump because she professes to be Catholic. But she did not marry in the Catholic Church which the Vatican II lovefest people don't understand is a mortal sin for a Catholic.

    2. Hi Eric, I was never like Trump to begin with but I believe he was still a better choice then Hillary. I don't believe in everything he says. And I do agree with you that his just another puppet like Hillary and Obama. I'm just curious how you knew him to be a 33rd degree scottish mason. I'm a Devout Catholic and I will always stand for and defend for the truth.

    3. yes karen...its all a front for these masons...
      to anonymous have u listened to my talk on youtube with dave dionisi?

  3. Very important to come here and be informed.Avoid the mainstream media,like the plague.All you will get from them are lies and more lies.

    1. Hard to inform those with closed minds and ears. Try so hard to remove the blinders but most won't hear or see it no matter what proof you supply.

    2. good to see u tom stop in daily get used to commenting here

  4. (Sandy A) Lord deliver us from the hands of our enemies!

  5. Good article Eric and love the pictures

  6. Everyday we sink further into the New World Order’s deception but why are so many so complacent? That is my question.

    1. modern man is bred like this...wait till the collpase


  8. The New World Order promotes Socialism as if it is gold. Ever taken a look at Venezue lately? People eating zoo animals and have gone crazy. Socialists are insane.

  9. I blame this article on Russia. Blame everything on Russia, LOL

    1. I blame russia on my computer freezing this morning:)

  10. This owo has been planned for a hundred years and mi=ost people do not really understand the whole picture and do not research . their scales on the eyes must come off before it is a done deal They don't want to upset their little fantasy material worlds

  11. What comes out of the Vatican ought be ignored these days. The enemy has captured it.

  12. Its a hard world we live in, just keep praying & saying the rosary, God bless everyone

  13. Be aware that every Presidential election the Illuminati has hand picked both candidates. Clinton and Obama were so horrible,they made Trump look like a Godsend. He isn't, I believe his role is to start WW3 . Like the men before him who each had a role to play. Say The Holy Rosary as often as possible.

  14. From the time the secret societies (controlled by the Judaic Supremacy) overthrew all Catholic nation states and revolutionized them into republics the people have been conned with this democracy farce.

    Real self government existed under Catholic monarchy in nation states founded upon the social order of the Church (Kingship of Christ).

    One such example would have been the House of Commons under Magna Charta (ratified by the pope) or the Bretton Parliament guaranteed by the French Monarchy for the self government of the Bretton people (outlawed by the Revolution 1789).

    There is a very famous painting of St Thomas Moore debating with Cardinal Woolsey entitled: "Sir Thomas Moore defends the Liberty of the House of Commons" painted by Vivian Forbes which hangs in St Stephen's Hall of the English Parliament. The painting captures the great Chancellor's defence of the Commons in the matter of the King's attack against the Magna Charta itself by demanding that his subjects swear an oath that the king is supreme in church and state. ( The Oath of the Supremacy). St Thomas Moore knew, of course, that such an Oath was an overthrow of Magna Charta.

    In the protestant states founded upon Reformation (revolution) and the republics founded upon the overthrow of the Catholic nation states - there is no separation between Synagogue and state. The government is owned by a Jew central Bank. And Masonry is the basis of social order. And the culture is Satanism.

    Nations will not enjoy political rights again under Catholic social order is restored or attained under the Kingship of Christ.

    1. hope you check in daily, good comment

    2. Of SIN-O-GOG and State:


      On 9/20/17, Denise Lingvall wrote:
      > Permission to lie, SIR!
      > “The form of the 'prayer'
      >  ...back in the ancient and modern
      > Talmud is the
      > (SELF-)authorization of the practice:
      > “He who wishes that his vows and oaths shall have no value, stand up
      > at the beginning of the year and say:
      > ‘All vows (to the gentiles) which I shall make during the year shall
      > be of no value.'”
      > Bilderberg/Bohemian Grove/Vatican Coup Unmasked!
      > In the Kol Nidre they (absurdly)
      > absolve themselves of
      > breaking any/all
      > vows/promises
      >  as "manifested" in, say,
      > The Jewish “Kol Nidre” Explained by Henry Ford – Sodalitium Pianum
      > "Its origin is not from the Bible but from
      > Babylon, and the mark of Babylon is more strongly impressed on the Jew
      > than is the mark of the Bible.
      >  “Kol Nidre” is
      > Talmudic
      > and finds its place among many other dark things in that many-volumed
      > and burdensom invention.
      > If the “Kol Nidre” ever was a backward look over the failures of the
      > previous year, it very early became a forward look to the
      > "IS-LAM"
      > UNMASKED!
      > http://sodalitium-pianum.com/the-jewish-kol-nidre-explained-by-henry-ford/

  15. Eric, question: if Benedict XVI dies while the antipope is in office, then what?

    1. cardinals will just have to elect another, wont happen though, they are waiting for certain moves by francis so i have been told

    2. Then, would the church temporarily be without a pope?

  16. The youth have been brainwashed into being a part of this satanic cult.

  17. Great memes and great article Eric.

  18. Forget about interplanetary “aliens” we have illegal aliens coming across the border daily!

  19. Our Hope is in God and the message of Fatima. We know how this story ends. I pray I live to see the day now if I could only wake up my family members.

  20. John Lennon would have loved the progress of the pacifism we see today. Imagine if people really thought they were being deceived?

  21. TradCatKnight, I appreciate all that you do and looking forward to your next radio show.

  22. It is simple. They seek to end Christianity as we know it.

  23. When do we take action, Eric? What can we do outside of just exposing them?


  24. I would rather live in a garbage dumpster for a year than watch one night of mainstream media news.

  25. Glad to see you opened comments back up! I will be leaving my two cents daily.


  26. Please cover these topics more. I really enjoyed this article, Joey B

  27. In the alien deception, they will try to show how the aliens have always been following, and maybe even created, humanity though out history. They'll demonstrate how all the gods and myths of the past, were actually the aliens interacting with man in the past. This will be done to build credibility, "everything they're saying make sense! Clearly they're the REAL 'gods', we can ditch the old beliefs! We'll buy everything they tell us to do!" People will say. The demon aliens will then tell us of a great war between them and other bad aliens, and the bad aliens are trying to destroy us.... But it's ok! The good aliens will save us! We just need to obey them... It'll probably mean taking sone vaccine the "good" demon aliens made for us to thwart the bad demon alien plan to destroy us with a virus....
    Anyway, they'll deceive many by connecting all the dots of history, on how they've always been with us.

  28. "The coming of the lawless one by the activity of Satan will be with all power and with pretended signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are to perish, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved." 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 https://www.facebook.com/salesfeed.pro/videos/1475745819213017/

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. Hey Eric, I really like some of your material but I can't get behind "our lady" of Fatima etc, or even worsippimg the virgin Mary or praying the rosary. Reason being: In simple terms, mother worship instead of worshipping the only true God / Jesus Christ is a huge deception that many have fallen right into. Maybe watching a video or 2, perhaps by End Times Productions regarding this subject and the smell of roses. Most important in this is the title of "Queen of Heaven". It strongly indicates the worship of Semiramis / Isis / Ishtar, etc...

    Jesus said "It is finished." He did not say,"Oh and my mom is going to stop by a bunch of times and tell you some stuff." Praying the rosary can also be accurately described as vain repetitions.

    Again I really like your material but it's sad to see people deceived by the Unholy Trinity. A.k.a Nimrod, Semiramis, Tammuz or Osiris / Isis / Horus. ('Evil' deceptive versions of father, mother and son)...


    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. you will be in hell with your other protestant heretical friends better repent, your comments are deleted

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
