Sunday, October 29, 2017

Practical Guide To Enduring The Apocalypse

Practical Guide To Enduring The Apocalypse
By:  Eric Gajewksi

So you finally realize that we are living in the endgame forewarned about in Scripture. Now what?  Within this briefer article I hope to cover three main areas for everyone to consider for the times going ahead.  Hopefully this article in the very least can get you to thinking.  What is sad is that so many don’t realize the times we live in and will even suggest how great the Church is doing now!  The reality that so many souls don’t realize that they are apostasy is proof we are in the end times.  How do we endure spiritually, mentally and physically?  What about the children?  So many questions run through the minds of clear thinking Catholics and yet it all comes back to the message of Fatima in keeping ourselves in Faith and Hope.

How do we endure spiritually.  To start with if you don’t have a prayer life you don’t stand a chance in any era let alone ours.  You must become an interior person.  You must turn form the world and embrace silence and solitude and begin to get your purgatory done here and there will be plenty of opportunity to do so in the days ahead.  Stay close to the Sacraments.  This is challenging but you must do your own research and find those faithful priests not deceived by Vatican II and het to those Sacraments as best you can even if it is only once every few months.  Not having proper places of worship  is a part of the spiritual chastisement we are currently enduring but don’t complain it is not God’s fault.  Works or mercy/charity.  We must go out and continually help our neighbor.  We must do all things for the Glory of Christ and to appease Him.  Crosses will be in abundance so there will be plenty of opportunities to help those in your own communities.  Rosary.  The rosary is crucial for the protection and advancement of your soul.  Those who mock Our Lady and the Rosary wont last long.  Those who stay close to Our Lady shall be granted special spiritual graces for the Storm ahead.  Spiritual reading.  Make sure you print out the PreVatican II Councils and encyclicals now.  Now is the time to purchase good spiritual books on the Saints and interior life.  They will be soul savers in the desolate times ahead.

How do we endure mentally?  Good question.  Revert back above to wherein prayer was discussed.  It is true God will allow mental affliction so as to only purify your soul but this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be proactive in trying to keep our sanity.  Take a look at those poor nations battling Socialism.  The mentally ill are in abundance and cannot get proper medication.  This scenario is coming to the USA whether you want to believe it or not.  Therefore, I say start storing up supplements that you know will help you.  There are plenty of products out there that can help the brain.  Get active in the community.  There is a lot that could be done in your own communities that can help occupy some time.  You will need support from your neighbor’s in the time ahead as the world collapses everything will become more localized.  Prepare to even barter.  Get busy and don’t obsess.  Don’t worry.  The goal is to move away from self.  Even mental health will come and go but make sure you stay rooted in God through grace.  Books.  I am talking about regular books whether it’s on homesteading, prepping, ie.  Areas that you know will be of importance as you are trying to adapt to the times.  Faith.  By choosing the path of Faith and Hope you can ward off the devil’s attacks upon the mind which will attempt to bring you down into the pit of despair.  Thus always encourage one another in the tasks we are undertaking for it does no good to constantly be negative even if it doesn’t pan out as we thought initially it might.  Sense of humor.  If you dont have one by now start saving up to buy one because you will need it.

How do we endure physically?  Again, make sure you are storing up supplements for the times ahead.  Vitamins and first aid kits.  This is why I do cover prepping and survivalism for every eagle must learn to adapt and change to what cards we will be dealt.  With the environment changing as it is we must be reminded just how fragile we are and how short this life is.  God is your health in the end but He also told various mystics like Marie Julie that the faithful ought be stocking up on the various herbs He mentioned for these times so that people could survive.  Moderate exercise.  Don’t overdo it but utilize energy properly to get the most out of the day as possible.  Life will be returning to a frightening simplicity to most.  If you care about your soul you wont take the mark of the beast and thus this will put you outside of society.  Have process in place now so that you don’t have to be a part of the system in the future this will ensure you are better off health wise.  Heck, the NWO is trying to kill us through the air, food, water, vaccines etc why would you want to be apart of that controlled system?

What about the Children?  The least they know the better.  In fact we can learn from them in these times.  Keep life simple.  Enjoy each day as if it is your last.  They don’t need to know all the craziness going on in the world.  You need to be aware but not overly worrisome.  In all things God’s Will be done.  Thus, we must realize, more so, than any other times, things, will not be going as we like them.  We are going to have to be heroic and our children need to see this.  Hiding in the corner crying isn’t going to save you nor is it going to help your children out.  Children often provide a much-needed break from this overly complex life.  In the end, there are so many areas to cover as it relates to enduring the Apocalypse but I hope this gets you to at least think about all that is involved.  Simply your life, pray often and stay rooted in Faith God will make the crooked way straight.  Remember, we are told to give ourselves to Christ that He may use us for His good purpose.  Trying to flee from suffering is not the Christian path, however, we must be prudent in beginning to prepare our minds, bodies and souls for the Great Storm approaching!
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  1. leave your comments ill get right back to you

  2. It is important to either purchase books or print out instructions on survival techniques and information. Once the Internet and the electrical grid goes down, you won't be able to look up vital information. Make a three ring binder of all the info you need.


  4. Be Spiritually and temporarily prepared.

  5. Love your blog. Keep up the great work. I attended Saturday mass yesterday. Did 2 of my sacraments.

  6. We need Our Lady of Fatima's Help. Please consecrate Russia by name to avoid 3 days of darkness and punishment.

  7. Agree with your assessment TCK, except for keeping our children in the dark completely. We don't vaccinate for example, and our older boy who asked about it was explained why not. We homeschool; we try not to consume GMOs or feed our chickens and rabbits GMO; we grow a lot of our own food; and again my boy has learned why. I think children should understand as much as they can comprehend for their age level. Even of Catholic prophecy. We are not supposed to fear the future. We have been born for this age. I guess my husband and I aim to raise fighters, resilient survivors, not children that won't be able to cope with what will come. Armed with genuine Catholic cathecism, the Rosary and scapular, love of God, God will not abandon us. Keep up the fight TCK.

    1. thanks for stopping in hope to see you daily

    2. It's important to keep in mind GOD is in control.We don't want to lose sight of that.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. What does TradCatKnight mean?

    1. No doubt,as the collapse unfolds,it's going to be important to be prepared to defend your family.

    2. That is sooooo cool lol
      Bless you Tradcatkight
      May the Father protect you
      You have been call upon by the lord
      you are very very very rare
      I would give you the whitest stone I had
      you are pure and righteous

      Keep slaying the wolves and the demons
      and snatch many souls from satan
      to give to the father

      Gods speed Tradcatknight

  10. Im prepared, got my guns….anyone else?

  11. These are sad times we are living in thank you Eric for the article

  12. Saw this on VeteransToday good stuff. Cant believe so many don’t see what we do…

  13. There are a lot of prophecies coming to pass inour times. What do you think of November4th….think anything will happen?

  14. Where do you think is safe in the USA?


  15. Keep up the good work Eric. You have opened my eyes a lot lately

  16. I love that you said sense of humor. Everyone better have a sense of humor with the calamities coming.

  17. Where do I even begin? My family thinks I am nuts for thinking we live in the end times but what can I do?

  18. You end of the world nutters are getting out of hand, LOL

  19. I think we should just stay focused on the spiritual side of things. I agree we should be prudent but without prayer we will only succumb to despair

  20. When are you going to start doing special guest radio shows again?

  21. Hey Eric, long time follower. What do you make of the recent moves byFrancis? How close to the schism are weyou think

  22. How can I donate to your website? Do you still accept paypal? Couldn’t find it on main page

  23. How can I donate to your website? Do you still accept paypal? Couldn’t find it on main page

  24. Eric ..
    they collided & become a dark hole

    it’s starting ...the sixth seal is broken
    ... Im scared Eric ��

    It was seen on Oct 16 2017 just a week & a couple days ago

    but do you see Eric it’s far far away so it probably happened on the 100th anniversary of Fátima because it takes sometimes days for the light to reach us.

    videos about the two stars colliding

    this was predicted in Garabandal and other appearances of the Holy Mother Mary

    the illumination of souls is coming next.

  25. The New World Order wont win! Don’t worry stay in a state of grace and pray the rosary

  26. Im trying to move as fast as I can off the west coast….any suggestions?


  27. You focus too much on the endtimes Eric. Spend your time more elsewhere

  28. How is Fr. Kramer doing? I miss his talks on your channel. We need more of those type of radio shows.

  29. The message of Fatima is the Apocalypse. Keep promoting it my friend and God Bless!

  30. Thanks for all you do Eric!!! Anyone have suggestions on good resources and books for prepping?

  31. I say bring on the apocalypse. I believe more will wake up hopefully not before its too late

  32. When do you think Russia will begin to “make moves”? It seems we are getting closer to some sort of major attack either in Europe or here


  34. I really havenever understood how one CAN get off the grid. Because even if you own your
    home free and clear you will still have to pay property taxes, which you won't
    be able to do without the mark.

    1. get out of the system in the very self sufficient

    2. Good point regarding the property taxes. I used to know people in the Western USA who were basically just permanently backpacking. I tried it for a while.

  35. Our priest spokea bout martyrdom today

  36. Thank you Eric for this information. Answers many of the questions I had asked you about wanted to know. I have done much prepping. My biggest concern is the prescription meds I am currently taking. I pray everyday that when things get bad and meds will be unavailable that God will give me the strength and graces I will need to survive and persevere till the glorious end!

    1. yes meds will be a tough one try to transition to natural supplements, do research

  37. God gave Anne Catherine Emmerich food when she couldn't get it herself...he brought St. Dominic and his companions good when they gave it all away. He will take care of us the same way if we have faith. Thank you for sharing.

  38. I agree with your assessment regarding keeping children innocent of the nastiness. So many of the current events in the news, for example, are psy-ops. I rarely watch or listen to the news and never watch it when my children are around.

  39. Is this even a good time to start a family?
