Wednesday, October 25, 2017

ATTACK ON CATHOLICISM: Disgusting Ex Porn Star Blasphemes Virgin Mary On Social Media

ATTACK ON CATHOLICISM: Disgusting Ex Porn Star Blasphemes Virgin Mary On Social Media
Mia Khalifa is the world’s most popular porn star, and she recently caused a controversy over her superimposing her face over that of the Blessed Virgin:

Porn star Mia Khalifa has caused outrage by posting an image of her face superimposed on the body of the Virgin Mary.
The 24-year-old was joking about how some people mistook a photo of Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai for her last week.
She captioned the Instagram photo: ‘When a news outlet mistakes Malala for Mia Khalifa’.
Many were offended by her comparing herself to the mother of Jesus Christ, calling her a ‘disgrace’ and saying ‘I hope you rot in hell’.
One wrote: ‘Not gonna lie I’m not easily offended but this struck a nerve even if it was a joke I didn’t find it funny.
One person with a strange moral stance commented: ‘After this act I will never look at your videos anymore’.
Another added: ‘She’s a porn star, as if she has morals to begin with?’
One commenter on Instagram said the star was living ‘In an alternate universe,’ and another said: ‘Oh, the narcissism, it’s almost admirable’.
But Khalifa’s fans remained loyal. One wrote: ‘God bless u we love u from Lebanon.’
The post comes after Nobel Prize winner Malala, 20, was trolled online by Muslims offended that she wore skinny jeans, ankle boots and a bomber jacket while in her first week at Oxford University.
But some viewers mistook the photo for Khalifa, a Lebanese American who was once the most popular star on (source)
Who really cares about what some disgusting prostitute thinks anyways? Nobody needs to, but it is what people do in response to her actions that is more telling.
Throughout the world, there is frequently news coming from Muslim nations about how Muslims will attack, murder, and burn if even a mere allegation that somebody said or did something to a Koran or the name of Mohammed, the false prophet. Certainly some of these riots are instigated, and some people are just looking for an excuse to riot and burn cars or just be generally destructive. However, what one cannot underemphasize that that many of the people who participate in making threats, burning images of the accused blasphemers, or going on these destructive rampages do so out of a genuine piety because they are mad that their religion was attacked. This is a consistent pattern throughout the Muslim world, and as anybody who knows about Islam knows that Islam not just gives license to violence, but also must note that people in Muslim countries for the most part actually believe in their religion. Their anger and willingness to fight for Islam and their willingness to die for Islam means that they choose to live for Islam.
A similar pattern can be found in parts of the world where Christianity is growing or practiced by a great number of people, with one of the best examples being in sub-Saharan Africa. While there are many wars in which religion is used as a justification for indulging violence, and while there are many people who practice forms of Christianity as simply and extension of paganism, there are many Christians who are willing to fight and die for Christ because as they universally admit, they want to live for Christ.

Read the rest below ....



  1. Replies
    1. blasphemers are going to get annihilated akita/3daysofdarkness FIRE FROM THE SKY. Completely agree with you Eric.

  2. Could this be a punishment from God for Catholics that look up porn?

  3. In a Catholic monarchy,her ilk would be dealt with,most severely.

    1. In a Catholic monarchy ?!! We had those they didn't work because if they did work it would have lasted up to today and it has not because it is a man made solution not a god made solution. In a Catholic monarchy it is by mans will not God's will there For it will only last as long as the ruling monarchy.All generations must follow the laws of Divine Love and mercy as by way of the cross and the principal's of virtue and dogmas of the tradition catholic church.


  4. First let me say, my heart weeps for the grave Sin of
    Mia Khalifa . And as hard as this is for me to say it must be said." Let you who is Without sin cast the first stone" she needs our prayers and sacrifice to the conversion of her soul. That she may come to know Divine Love and mercy. This is our first task the second task is to overcome our own will and selfishness to pray for her. May Our lord send her holy counsel and advice and even more mercy and love

  5. First let me say, my heart weeps for the grave Sin of
    Mia Khalifa . And as hard as this is for me to say it must be said." Let you who is Without sin cast the first stone" she needs our prayers and sacrifice to the conversion of her soul. That she may come to know Divine Love and mercy. This is our first task the second task is to overcome our own will and selfishness to pray for her. May Our lord send her holy counsel and advice and even more mercy and love

  6. MONARCHY to me is different than freemasons/ communism/ modernism/ new ageism/ liberalism which are all the same. Yes the freemansons have been around a very long time and they are Jews. They have taken over everything we are in the end days. Soon our Lord will return and it won't be to pat them on the back for a job well done.
    The point here is time is short and you/we can no longer play a weak hand against our sin. We must use a hard blow and strike the flesh till we bleed to bring it into submission. As the flesh wages war against the Spirit. This is why the Holy Spirit doesn't dwell in us. Its time to FAST and strike the flesh and smite it unroll it cars not to sin again. This and prayer together are the fast track to holiness. Forget the freemansons you have a job to do and have no time for trivial pursuit you must clean up the heart out of love for our lord and his mother. They will be watching and will give you the grace needed to do battle with great force. Hit hard hit often and don't stop

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