Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Mother of God Forewarned About Vatican II False Peace

The Mother of God Forewarned About Vatican II False Peace
By:  Eric Gajewski

We see FrancisTour in full effect these days pushing the false peace program of Vatican II.  This calls to mind the warnings of Our Lady in relation to the slumbering churchmen and leaders of the world as they are preparing the world for the “New World”.  Amidst the many themes from the warnings of the Mother of God (from approved sources) we find this Vatican II apostasy over and over.  Take for example LaSalette, The heads, the leaders of the people of God, have neglected prayer and penance, and the devil has darkened their minds; they have become those wandering stars which the ancient devil will drag with his tail to destruction.”  The sad reality is the enemy had a plan in place to bring about a One World Religion (Self Realization) by “uniting” people of all “religions”.  Recently we had the Vatican using such "self realization" language to show you where this is ending up.  The Vatican was needed by the enemy so that they could prepare men for their false messiah since Catholicism is so large worldwide.   

Vatican II was that platform for the enemy from the religious side of things.  We now have the Conciliarists calling false religions “other religions” lest we be too fundamentalist.  The Mother of God was trying to warn in the real third secret of Fatima of this apostasy and some cardinals (who read it) alluded to this reality.  The Mother of God also said this to Blessed Aiello in the 1960’s before Vatican II.  “‘The rulers of nations make so much ado and speak of peace. But instead, the whole world will soon be at war, and all mankind will he plunged into sorrow, because the justice of God will not be delayed in fulfilling its course, and these events are near. Tremendous will be the upheaval of the whole world, because men — as at the time of the Deluge — have lost God’s way, and are ruled by the spirit of Satan’.”  Vatican II was admittingly a representation of the “cult of man” as Pope Paul 6th said at the close of Vatican II.  The cult of man is not Catholicism folks.  It is only logical that the enemy needed the Vatican to start pushing the false peace program of the world and man so as to get the nations on board with it.  It is all a setup for the coming False Prophet and Antichrist.  

Endtime Prophecy (Sr. Jeanne): Vatican 2 False Religion

If those who profess to be Catholic are deceived now might they be even further in the future?  I have raised this question often enough on this website.  It seems to me that people are so self-absorbed that so long as they are seen as fitting in they will continue to go with the masses.  Unfortunately, “Catholicism” does not reside in the masses today due to Vatican II (Lk 18:8).  So if people cant distinguish between a new man centered religion now mainly composed of FreeMasonry than how in the world can one have confidence they will shew away any further false signs down the road trying to solidify the New Religion?  Jesus sums it up:  "For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect." [Matthew 24:24]   When the whole world falls apart will you be able to resist the mainstream narrative that these false heavenly signs are of God?  Will you be duped into believing there really are good aliens here to save humanity who will further preach the false peace of Antichrist?

 Illuminati Unmasked: The "Peace" Sign

John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth.  Jesus makes it clear that without proper doctrine there can be no true peace.  The false peace the world pretends to have will be exposed.  Ultimately, Vatican II was of the world and of man.  It has led supposed Catholics to believe that there is salvation outside the Church.  It misleads people into thinking we don’t have to convert those in sects or false religions.  It leads one to believe that we must just all come together and dialogue so we don’t blow each other up.  This is not the true Gospel at all.  The new tower of babel is being constructed and will have people from all religions and nations coming together.  This is the new Catholic as Pope St. Pius X warned.  Reread this warning of Pope St. Pius X which exposes the Vatican II “new apostle and religion”  (

Blessed be the peacemakers.  Francis is making his way around the nations teaching his Masonic belief structure.  They are using war and terrorism as an excuse to further solidify a united humanity.  Take a look at our country as of late.  They are using Charlottesville and other racial attacks as a way to further build a united humanity.  This is not Christ’s Gospel.  As Catholics we can tolerate false religions in a certain sense but our goal is to convert them.  Without proper doctrine, that is Faith, one will lose his soul forever.  There is only one Faith which pleases God and that is the Catholic religion which is now being undermined by its enemies from within.  Therefore the true peacemakers these days are traditionalists not fooled by the false version of Catholicism coming from within the Vatican!  Francis is simply another agent of the antichrist knowingly or unknowingly.  It truly doesn’t matter at this point.  Real peace will come when the consecration of Russia is done and ultimately the Antichrist is defeated.  The world will slumber along with the Harlot until God’s wrath wipes out a greater portion of men.

The Godless UN : A False Solution to World Peace

When thy shall say Peace! Then sudden destruction cometh.  Those awake know that World War 3 is close and as I mentioned they will use the threat of nuclear war to get everyone panicked into the new religion.  They are using fear to solidify their false ideologies/theology.  Virtually every public leader is a Mason from the loon bin out in North Korea to Trump and don’t forget about Francis!  My goodness what sad days we live in when the majority of supposed Catholics don’t read through the rubbish.  So what is next?  The timeline for world war 3 is open for debate.  When will the false middle east peace treaty of Maitreya come?  Well, Maitreya hasn’t even arrived on to the world scene yet so we still have time in that regard but let us not fall asleep.  There assuredly will be devastating false flags to come preceding the big show.  Furthermore, I am of the opinion that the Antichrist will show his face on American TV for the first time in the next few years.  Hold on to your rosary and wear the Scapular.  Turn to the Mother of God to open your eyes to the reality behind the garbage we are being fed from our leaders for they are virtually all in on the game.  In the end Our Lady warned about everything we are seeing today and still so few have strong devotion to her?  Why?  There are still too many supposed Catholics living by the law of self who are drunk off the Vatican II wine and cannot see through the deception without a clear mind.  Let us continue to pray and do penance.

"Endtime Revelations Of Blessed Aiello"

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