Monday, August 28, 2017

Illuminati Bankers Plan Race War- Jews versus Goyim

Illuminati Bankers Plan Race War- Jews versus Goyim

This Huffington Post caption made alot of Jews cringe because it acknowledged there indeed is a race war in America not between Blacks and Whites, but between Jews (and their minions) vs. Goyim. 

Jews and Gentiles are both in denial. The globalist Jewish Conspiracy is real but so is nationalist resistance to it. The Illuminati bankers sponsor both. 
They’re setting up a race war. Both sides had better recognize the trap before things gets very ugly.

Latest Sunday: Anarchy in Berkeley.  Masked Antifa Swarm ‘No to Marxism’ Rally . There are more than 300 millions guns in the USA. Think these confrontations won’t escalate? 

by Henry Makow Ph. D. 

The Huffington Post was back-pedalling almost as soon as the “Bye-Goy” headline appeared August 18 in response to Stephen Bannon’s banishment from the Trump White House.  

Many Jews “thought it was offensive and played into age-old anti-Semitic tropes about Jewish control,” wrote the Jewish

“I love your work, but wish you hadn’t gone with this headline,” journalist Julia Ioffe wrote.

“Yes, this is disgusting, on so many levels,” Joel Berkowitz, founder of the Digital Yiddish Theatre Project responded on Twitter.

The Anti-Defamation League even weighed in. “Not sure your intent, but strikes me as poor taste at best, very offensive at worst,” ADL head Jonathan Greenblatt wrote in a tweet.

The headline was removed, replaced instead with the (also provocative) “White Flight.” Lydia Polgreen, HuffPo’s editor in chief tweeted an an explanation.

“HuffPost splash headlines have always been edgy and playful,” she wrote. “Today’s splash was intended to be a mashup tribute to Yiddish and Beyoncé. Any other interpretation was completely unintended.”

The change to “White Flight” in  fact emphasizes the racial implications of Bannon’s dismissal. He is considered responsible for all the dog whistles in the Trump campaign promising to liberate the Gentiles from Masonic Jewish domination. 

“The central base of world political power is right here in America, and it is our corrupt political establishment that is the greatest power behind the efforts at radical globalization and the disenfranchisement of working people,” Trump said on the campaign trail.  ”Their financial resources are virtually unlimited, their political resources are unlimited, their media resources are unmatched, and most importantly, the depths of their immorality is absolutely unlimited.”

By firing Stephen Bannon, and later Seb Gorka, Trump was breaking part of his “Contract with America.”  Jews celebrated. 


The incident inspired a debate among Jews as to whether the term goyim is actually derogatory.  In an article entitled, Why I Won’t Stop using the Term Goy,  Forward Executive Editor Dan Friedman disingenuously argues that the term simply refers to “the nations.” 

But “goy” is neither at heart offensive nor has it become offensive through usage. For those Jews who believe that being the Chosen people makes us better than others, it’s easy to see how the term could easily slip to insult. 

Friedman’s remarks were in response to an earlier, more realistic article by Rebecca Einstein Schorr: Stop Using the Word Goy: You’re Empowering White Supremacists 

While the origin of the word is benign, the pejorative overtone of the word goy is not new. Take, for example, the phrase, goyisher kop — a gentile head. Not a term for any non-Jew, goyishe kop refers to an “idiot.” Or the observation that “the goyishe groomsmen were all drunk and bawdy; of course, you’d never see that at a Jewish wedding.” The moral implication could not be clearer.

In other words, to say that the word goy historically has not been a slur is simply incorrect. It has long been used by Jews in a negative sense when talking about non-Jews who cannot be trusted and whose values writ large are lacking…
Ultimately, however, it is our word. One with a historical use that is neutral, at best, and extremely offensive, at worst. And if we are to be allies with our non-Jewish friends, neighbors, and family members, it is time to eliminate it and other racially and culturally derogatory words from our parlance. Not because, as some have suggested, we want to be “politically-correct,” but because it is how we maintain God’s demand that we be goy kadosh — a holy nation.

Both Friedman and Schorr’s remarks reflect the state of self-delusion many Jews inhabit. Jews simply do not realize the true nature of their religious affiliation and the danger it places them in. Most have never read the Talmud which is founded on the principle that non-Jews are animals put on earth to serve Jews. The term “Goyim” refers to these animals i.e. cattle. 

There is an incredible cognitive dissonance taking place when Jews hurl the aspersion “hate” at people who are simply resisting the hatred which is central to one of their most important religious texts, the Talmud

The essence of their other central text, the Kabbalah is that Jews channel God’s will. They will redefine reality to serve their interests and perversions, and the goyim will be re-engineered and exploited accordingly. This is the true meaning of the New World Order.  Many Jews are warm, brilliant and industrious people. But they are not “a holy nation.” Their leaders dupe them to champion “the underdog” to undermine their rivals.   

Organized Jewry are the only people who have a licence to hate. They “hate” Nazis and anyone else who resists their dispensation.  Their enemy is anyone who wants to be master in his own house. They hate Trump because he seems to offer a lifeline for the people they wish to subjugate. 

Ordinary Jews have a choice. Ignore the truth, and hope to benefit, or dissociate themselves from organized Jewry, as I have done and champion a genuine diversity where various nations, races and religions retain their identity, and are masters of their own domain. 


There is another more pressing reason Jews must awake from their self-delusion. The Right as well as the Left are sponsored by the Illuminati (Masonic) bankers. They sponsored Hitler as well as Stalin. They are using Left and Right to keep us in permanent gridlock. They appear to be planning a race war. We have seen signs of this in Charlottesville where the “Unite the Right” rally was organized by a leftist Jason Kessler.  An eye witness said Antifa and KKK arrived on the same buses!

The Illuminati bankers are using Jews and goyim to start a bloody race war in Weimarica. It will be disguised as a “Left-Right” civil war.  They have already sacrificed Jews once for their own ends, and will do so again. I say to both sides. Don’t be their pawns.