Friday, July 21, 2017

Novus Ordo: Sister Cristina is back and singing about the Kabbalah & Midrash

Novus Ordo: Sister Cristina is back and singing about the Kabbalah & Midrash 
New Apostles with a new evangelization in action
 The song ‘Hallelujah’ was written by Leonard Cohen.  The concepts in the song are portrayed to the unknowing and ignorant public as biblical when in fact, they are Talmudic and Kabbalistic (see, The Midrash and Kabbalah Behind Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”).  ‘Hallelujah’ is a demoralizing song, designed to undermine the listerner’s faith in God, and an anti-Christ one too.  Cohen was a descendant, on both the maternal and fraternal sides of his family, from many celebrated rabbis, including Zionists and foreign agents of B’nai B’rith.  Cohen was an unofficial high-priest of the kabbalistic rabbinical talmudic religion. (In the linked Cohen video, Cohen recites part of the Amidah invocation, see ‘Amidah’ in The symbolism of the gifts Francis received and gave while at the Great Synagogue of Rome for more information.)

The Novus Ordo to Noahide 
— alchemical transmutation
is almost complete!