Friday, July 28, 2017

My Heart Grows Hot!

My Heart Grows Hot!
By:  Eric Gajewski
Psalms 38:4  My heart grew hot within me: and in my meditation a fire shall flame out.”

Please keep me in prayer as I am relegated to being on my back the majority of the day again.  There have been such trials, tests and sufferings these past 4 months all in preparation for what is ahead.  I have no doubt.  With each Cross carried; each test passed the Fire grows within me yet when will it consume me whole again never to leave. Ah! God’s Will be done.  I cry out with David for this heart which beats so violently that it seems like death.  The Fire descends and consumes me.  A Flame consumes me.  It is He who touches my most inner eye so that I may see.  Press on in the Fortress of the Soul!  He must “core out” each soul so that He may peacefully rest in it without any self interest of our own being involved.  Press on in your journey and do not despair for you are in His hands and He is molding you as He likes.  I will probably be on my back for awhile.  I shall return to normal operations as soon as its Gods Will.  I sense something big on the horizon....