Sunday, July 30, 2017

L'Osservatore Romano: "Religion arises from fear and human needs"

L'Osservatore Romano: "Religion arises from fear and human needs"
The heretics dont know when to quit...

With the phrases that give title to this entry was sent last Saturday July 22 the Jesuit - Oh no! - Giulio Cirignano (who appears, camouflage, in the image that opens this entry), no less than in L'Osservatore Romano , national newspaper of the Vatican City, formerly Catholic and that lately serves as media platform to heterodox of all fur.

In a lamentable article that some blogs and websites of religious themes have partially reproduced - since the digital version of L'Osservatore Romano does not reproduce the entire article - entitled "The custom is not fidelity. The conversion requested by Pope Francis "( Abitudine non è fedeltà, La conversione chiesta da Papa Francesco ), reproduced on these lines, the character in question attacks the Catholic clergy, who, among other things, branded" uncultured "and "Little enlightened," stating that many clerics who oppose Pope Francis act from an antiquated theology associated with the Counter-Reformation (to the Council of Trent, let's go). According to him, such a theology has no soul and is responsible for transforming the "passionate and mysterious adventure of believing" into "religion" that does not reach the level of a true "faith."

"Religion arises out of fear and human needs ... However, it has this important limitation: the God of religion is, for the most part, the projection of man from his mind, his fears, his needs. He is a hypothetical god " , the Jesuit has released with all his confidence.
So you already know: most of the cardinals, bishops and priests who accept and preach what the Sacred and Ecumenical Council of Trent (dogmatic) commanded, besides being uneducated and theologically antiquated , have no faith, but Who project the fears of his mind and preach to a nonexistent god. Luckily we have some enlightened Jesuits who will open our eyes and we will reveal - not preach , for that would be sinful proselytism - the true religion. It seems therefore that the anti-Catholic campaign led by the Jesuits through the Vatican media continues, following the recent attack on Catholics "American" fundamentalists who did not vote for pro-choice and anti-Christian Hilaria Clinton and who fight for religious education In schools, against abortion, homomonio or gender ideology, in an article - more like a libel - written by another pro Jesuit: Antonio Spadaro, next to the protestant director of the Argentine edition of L'Osservatore Romano , Named by Francisco (see here ).
Alas, if St. Ignatius of Loyola raised his head!