Saturday, July 22, 2017

False Traditionalist: Does Cardinal Sarah Want the Tridentine Mass to Disappear?

False Traditionalist: Does Cardinal Sarah Want the Tridentine Mass to Disappear?
On the 10th anniversary of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum Cardinal Robert Sarah said to the French magazine La Nef, that he wants to return to one common reformed rite.

The chairman of the British Latin Mass Society Joseph Shaw writes on that Sarah suggests to develop an intermediate state between the two rites. According to him such a compromise would not be a synthesis, but a muddle. He asks Sarah why he wants “to get rid of the ancient Mass”.

Shaw believes that Cardinal Sarah is unhappy with New Rite features like facing the people and therefore wants improvements. But Shaw points out that such problems belong only to the New Rite and have no bearing on the Tridentine Mass.

Fr. Martin discusses why there cant be a hybrid mass