Saturday, June 17, 2017

Summer Of Hate: The Arrival Of The Crisis & The Second Civil War?

Summer Of Hate: The Arrival Of The Crisis & The Second Civil War?
Warning: Sensitive Material
 Distress of Nations...

In our previous article, we discussed how our analysis of recent events in the US and elsewhere seem to be leading up to some sort of ‘Crisis Event’ that appears to correlate with some of the predictions made in Neil Strauss and William Howe’s 1997 book The Fourth Turning: What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny.
This ‘Crisis Event’ could reach a boiling point this summer as the grassroots Trump movement moves from the arenas and convention halls to the streets, where they will converge with the Soros-backed organized Left in what is already looking like a series of violent confrontations.
In the week since we first speculated about an increase in the frequency and intensity of these violent political protests sweeping the United States, there have been some significant developments that give further credence to our assessment.

Last weekend, activists in cities around the country participated in coordinated protests against the very real threat of Sharia Law in the west. These protests, dubbed March Against Sharia, were organized by a group called ACT For America in what they describe as an attempt to educate and protect Americans from Islamic Law. As expected, these protesters were met by violent counter protesters from Antifa and other violent leftist groups, and things turned ugly really fast in lots of cities.
In Philadelphia, 23-year old counter-protester Lisa Joy Simon was arrested after she allegedly stabbed a police horse in the neck with a nail-studded flagpole. She is being held in lieu of $100,000 bail and has a preliminary hearing scheduled for July 6.

Lisa Joy Simon
The anti-sharia demonstration in Seattle turned violent when masked Antifa members attacked a small group of anti-sharia protesters. Watch the video below (and note the hilarious ‘Queers for Muslims’ sign that is being used as a weapon):

Conservative commentator Lauren Southern was surrounded and assaulted by counter-protesters at the NYC March Against Sharia. During her livestream, one of the masked protesters threw fox urine in her face:
Here's the moment #antifa threw pee at Lauren Southern as I was trying to interview her
— Alex Rubinstein (@RealAlexRubi) June 10, 2017
This isn’t the first time that Southern has been assaulted with urine.
Here’s some footage of Austin’s March Against Sharia where Infowars reporter Owen Shroyer is surrounded by rabid Antifa demonstrators blowing whistles and chanting “F**k racism and F**k the police!

There were also reports of masked, black clad Antifa members with high powered rifles at the event practicing terrible trigger discipline:

And as if this wasn’t enough to convince you that the US is on the cusp of a hot civil war, Wednesday morning’s events, in which a former Bernie Sanders campaign staffer attacked an early morning GOP baseball practice, is all of the confirmation that we need.
This attack came as no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to the constant death threats and assassination references made in the media and by celebrities over the last few months since the election. As the Russian collusion narrative falls apart and the spectre of impeachment becomes more unlikely with each day, this last ditch attempt to seize the power back from the hands of the people is to destabilize the United States by fomenting civil unrest, and if necessary a second civil war. Commentators have noticed an eerie similarity between the Democrat-led anti-Trump movement and other George Soros ‘color revolutions’ around the world.
This wouldn’t be the first time such color revolutions have been implemented in the United States: Black Lives Matter and the Occupy Movement both were funded by Soros front groups.
What’s different this time is that Soros and the Deep State seem to be playing for keeps.
Their goal of electing Hillary Clinton and securing the US as the final lynchpin for globalist control was thwarted by the election of President Trump. Their movement is mortally wounded, but has kicked into survival mode and will stop at nothing to continue its stranglehold on us politically, socially, and economically.
The events of this past week have proved this, and I’m just wondering if this will be the week that historians look back upon as the week when the American Cultural Cold War shifted gears and became the Second American Civil War.

"Lynching Epidemic" Breaks Out In Venezuela


The public-safety infrastructure in Venezuela has been degraded to such a degree that citizens now take justice into their own hands. Agence France Presse reported that lynchings have risen sharply over the last year and a half as political and economic instability in the crumbling socialist republic has worsened. Witnesses who spoke to AFP said a 22-year-old man who was set on fire at an anti-government demonstration in May was actually lynched after being accused of stealing by the crowd - not because he was a government sympathizer, as President Nicolas Maduro had suggested at the time.
As AFP alleges, "it is not just the country's economy and political system that are sick, but society itself, experts say. An epidemic of lynchings is one of the most gruesome symptoms."

The OVCS says some 60 people were recorded as killed in lynchings in the first five months of this year alone. Last year there were 126 such killings -- a surge from the 20 reported in the previous year, coinciding with the worsening of political tensions and economic chaos.
"Their aim is to kill the person before the police arrive," says Marco Ponce, coordinator of the Venezuelan Social Conflict Observatory (OVCS).

"In lynchings, citizens let out their anger in the face of a state that is not defending their right to justice," says Ponce.

"They think they are dispensing justice, and they do so with anger, so they go as far as killing the person."
Residents blame the breakdown in social order that’s resulted from Venezuela’s worsening economic crisis. In the capital Caracas, the army and police are focused on brutally suppressing the street protests that have become a daily occurrence in recent months. Meanwhile, the dire financial straits of the country’s residents, who are struggling with inflation rates as high as 10,000%, have caused crime to skyrocket.
AFP journalists witness one incident on a street in Caracas where a mob attacked a man after passers-by caught him stealing.
Swearing in fury, the crowd strips the man naked and stomps on his head as he sprawls on the ground.
"You want things that come easy? Then take this, you bastard."
A witness says he stopped the man who had tried to rob a woman at gunpoint in a bakery. Then the mob took over.
"You're lucky we didn't burn you," a voice yells, as police lug the man, limp but still breathing, into the back of their car.

The crowd yells in satisfaction -- but not at the man's arrest. They think they are the ones who have done justice here.

One Caracas resident, Damaso Velasquez, described taking part in a lynching. He argued that the mob must dole out street justice because the police don’t do enough to hold criminals accountable.
"I didn't feel pity for that person because I knew he was a criminal," he tells AFP.

"I felt rage and hatred towards that person... I saw him committing a robbery. That makes you feel furious, so whatever happens to him, it's alright," he goes on.

"The government grabs him, puts him in jail and then they let him go again. There is disorder here in Caracas -- starting with the government."

“People feel that the state is not protecting them, so they opt to defend themselves," says Freddy Crespo, a criminologist at the University of the Andes.

"Their fear turns into anger."
Venezuela now has one of the highest annual murder rates in the world -- 70 for every 100,000 inhabitants in 2016. Yet only about six crimes out of every 100 here result in a sentence. Still, at least one Venezuelan felt the need to speak out against the brutality.
"The state is supposed to provide you with civil and judicial security, which we are totally lacking," says one Caracas resident, Maria Hernandez.
"But I don't think it is just for me to come and kill or burn you just because you have robbed," she adds.
"That way I would turn into someone more barbaric than you."
From 'socialist utopia' to Mad Max in a few short years... any thoughts now Bernie?

Massive Government Preparations and Stockpiling Point To One Thing: “An Event Is Going To Happen”

The question is subtly Malthusian in nature: how to deal with the world’s teeming billions in one fell swoop while maintaining the existing social and political orders in all of the countries?  That order needs only to have one facade now: as Draconian an order that can be accomplished without throwing the world into a revolution against every government in existence.  The Draconian nature is as follows: CCTV cameras monitoring and cross-referencing every purchase, every bank withdrawal or deposit, every movement, and every social engagement.  The Draconian nature is one of continuous monitoring, with a rise in prices and a steadily-declining world economy, as natural resources are quietly siphoned off by the politicos and the oligarchs to stockpile for their use when the plug is pulled.
As much Draconian repression and control under a “soft” police state with continuous monitoring…while those in power lay the groundwork to collapse the system and kill off most of the world’s population…while they remain safe, and in power.
The question of the existing social and political order being maintained is being addressed in all of the countries of the world.  In the 1990’s the oligarchs rose to power after the Soviet Union’s collapse: since Putin came to power, the oligarchs who delved in politics against the wishes of the Politburo were crushed.  Those who knuckled under were given a slice of the pie with impunity and the “sign off” of the politicos, and are “big” today, even with partial or complete nationalization of their private industries.
In the United States, we have seen a great deal of stockpiling by the government agencies and the administration under Obama.  Secret warehouses in undisclosed locations have been filled with medical supplies stockpiled across the country in the event of a catastrophe.  Cheyenne Mountain as a fallback command and control center has been reopened once again.  Extensive networks of tunnels and bunkers have been constructed in, around, and leading to Denver, Colorado with secret deliveries night and day for more than eight years.
Billions of rounds of ammunition have been ordered and purchased by the DHS and all of the other alphabet agencies, including the U.S. Postal Service (which does have a role to play in COG and post-war “reconstruction”).  Emergency drills, to include catastrophic plague and nuclear war/terrorism have been gamed extensively over the past several years.  All of these things…the stockpiling of food and supplies, and the preparations for some massive event point to one thing: an event is (eventually) going to happen.
We have the “flash points” around the world, in North Korea, in Syria, in Ukraine, and with the second Cold War that is forming between the U.S. and Russia.  Those flash points are artificially created.  We have some that are artificially created that can be blamed upon nature, such as the Ebola Virus and the looming disaster of Fukushima.  War is the easiest way to bring it all about, plain and simple.  Vladimir Putin just recently announced that a nuclear war between Russia and the United States would leave the world destroyed with no winners.
Not so: The governments and their elites of politics and business win in the end.
The governments of the world have to keep their citizenry under control until they execute the plan that eliminates the majority of the populations.  War is truly the only way to do it in one fell swoop that leaves no one accountable at the end.  We’re going to see a “reset” and the most likely thing to accomplish this is war.  Historically it is the vehicle for which governments beleaguered by their citizens have been able to bypass controls in the open to subvert democratic processes and inculcate martial law and eventually totalitarian control.  We’re halfway through the year, and the situation in the world and domestically has not improved: it has worsened.
Many people have documented and filmed FEMA camps and preparations for martial law, the DUMB (Deep Underground Military Bases) projects and tunnel works filmed and reported on by Jesse Ventura and halted by the government, and the systematic grafting of procedures to be followed after an apocalyptic war or event.  Such procedures include garnering of all human and natural resources under executive order (President Trump didn’t repeal that one yet, now, did he?), the pervasive surveillance system, and the negation of Posse Comitatus and the control of the United States domestically in the event of a war or collapse of the government.
All that is lacking is the crisis.  No government truly allows a crisis to go to waste, and all of the crises are contrived or crafted beforehand to allow them to occur. War has always accomplished the resets of all countries and empires in ages past, and this era will be no different, no matter who is at the helm of the ship: especially when the course is purposefully charted right for the rocks.