Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Solidifying the Police State Thru "Terrorism": Europe on High Alert in Wake of Paris, London Attacks

Solidifying the Police State Thru "Terrorism": Europe on High Alert in Wake of Paris, London Attacks
The terror threat level remains elevated in France after another attack. An Islamic terrorist set off a fiery blast in Paris Monday when he drove a car packed with explosives into a police convoy.
The attack took place on the famous Champs-Elysees Avenue, a popular tourist destination.
No officers or passersby on the crowded avenue were hurt, but the driver, armed with a handgun, was badly burned in the explosion and died.

Police identified him as a resident of a Paris suburb tagged for extremist links. Four of his family members were taken into custody.
Meanwhile in Britain, a man who tried to run over a group of Muslim men leaving a mosque after Ramadan prayers has been charged with terrorism.
Police say the attacker, a 47-year-old British national named Darren Osborne, is being held on suspected terrorism and attempted murder. Witnesses say he jumped out of the rented van and shouted, "I'm going to kill all Muslims."
Osborne's mother, who recognized her son on TV news, said he was not a terrorist, describing him as "complex" and "disturbed" and saying he'd been on medication for mental health issues, The Sun reported.
According to the report, the suspect lived with his partner and four children ranging in age from five to 16. Neighbors described him as "shouty" and "aggressive."

DEVELOPING: Soldiers ‘neutralize’ suspect after small blast at Brussels Central Station

Belgian police have “neutralized” a person reportedly wearing an explosive belt at Brussels Central Station. The news comes after the station was evacuated following reports of an explosion, according to local media sources.  Belgian police have confirmed the incident is under control. Soldiers guarding the main train station in the Belgian capital “neutralized” the suspect after a small explosion, according to local media. “There was an accident at Central Station. There was an explosion around a person. That person was neutralized by the soldiers that were on the scene,” a police spokesperson told reporters, as cited by Reuters. “At the moment, the police are in numbers at the station and everything is under control.” The spokesperson did not clarify whether the ‘neutralized’ suspect had been killed. READ MORE

Cheryl Chumley "Police State USA: Orwell's Nightmare"