Novus ordo: German Bishop Wants Married Priests and Female Deacons
Liberal Bishop Franz-Josef Bode of Osnabrück, Germany, wants married
priests, “One must ask if priesthood and celibacy need always to be
connected”, he told his diocesan paper “Kirchenbote”. Further he
suggested a "female diaconate” and lay persons who run parishes.
Bode has the money to pay his personnel. Last year his diocese had a budget of 161,5 Million Euro, mostly coming from compulsory church tax. This year the diocese had for the first time in more than 100 years no priestly ordination.
Bode has the money to pay his personnel. Last year his diocese had a budget of 161,5 Million Euro, mostly coming from compulsory church tax. This year the diocese had for the first time in more than 100 years no priestly ordination.